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Shubi's Flying Murloc Circus (Legendary Variant)

  • Last updated Dec 16, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Murloc Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 12920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/13/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Shubi's Flying Murloc Circus (Legendary Variant)

This deck was popularized by fellow poster Shubi. I have optimized the deck a bit further and have found it to be surprisingly effective on ladder, climbing as high as Rank 4 with it. I anticipate I may be able to take it even further with a bit more grinding.

Checkout the original deck list and strategy guide by Shubi here: 

Finja, the Murloc God of Gadgetzan (S33) Aggro
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This is a deck that you will want to run very aggressively - though not quite as recklessly as with a Pirate Warrior.

You'll want to maximize your buff potential by playing cards like Small-Time Recruits before using Smuggler's Run, in most circumstances. While it can be tempting to simply load up your board, be mindful that your buffs are key to overrunning your opponent. You will also need to be mindful of when you play Grimscale Oracle and Coldlight Seer. These cards are critical and you should try to save them for a big board.

Proper timing of Murloc Tidecaller should also be a key consideration. This should almost always be the first card you play if you intend to drop other Murlocs. The dream is to have a Tidecaller in play, followed up by a Murloc Knight + Hero Power (with the Vilefin Inquisitor effect enabled). 

Similarly, if you have Finja, the Flying Star on the board, you'll want to attack and kill a minion with her before you play any Murlocs. This ensures that the Murlocs you pull from your deck will benefit from the battlecry and Murloc synergies from those you play from your hand. This is particularly important if Finja were to pull out a Tidecaller, as it receives an attack bonus every time you play a Murloc. You don't want to miss out on that added damage potential. 

There are quite a few of these nuances that are really important to consider to make this deck run as efficiently as possible. 

 Updates (12/14/2016):

  • Removed: Sergeant Sally
  • Added: Gormok the Impaler
  • Rationale: Sally was a bit too slow in this deck. And, while there are some buffing cards, I found I wasn't able to get her big enough to be a reliable board clear against most decks. Gormok has actually performed very well. With how many minions this deck can put on the board, I am able to reliably get off his battlecry which can be perfect for removing some of the most popular and dangerous early-mid game minions out there, like Azure Drake, Frothing Berserker, Totem Golem, and Wyrmrest Agent. Gormok can be particularly damaging if you combine him with Brann Bronzebeard to dish out eight points of burst damage from your hand that can go right by troublesome taunts like the Ancient of War. Yikes!
  • Removed: x2 Divine Favor
  • Added: x2 Coldlight Oracle
  • Rationale: This is a deck that thrives on tempo and I found that, while awesome in most control match-ups, Divine Favor has some flaws. Against other aggro decks, like the very popular Pirate decks, their equally depleted hands oftentimes make Divine Favor a dead card. It is super effective against control decks, specifically Renolock. But, after switching to Coldlights, I can happily report a more aggressive deck that performs better in both match-ups (v.s. both Control and Aggro). While opponent Aggro decks do benefit from the battlecry as well, this murloc deck really capitalizes on murloc synergy (such as with the Murloc Warleader and Grimscale Oracle) which can outweigh any benefit that the opponent will pickup. And, against control decks with big hands, I can force Reno Warlock and Mage players to burn cards due to the hand limit. This can be super valuable if you can get them to burn one of their key cards, like Kazakus or, of course, Reno Jackson. You can get them to burn up even more cards if you combine the Coldlight with Brann. On top of all of that, you still get to push more damage right away with a solid 2/2 body on the board that can be buffed. Finally, removing two spells and adding in two minions makes the hand buffing cards (Smuggler's Run, Grimscale Chum, and Grimestreet Outfitter) more efficient.

The Flying Circus!