Mercy's Rogue Thief
- Last updated Sep 7, 2016 (Karazhan)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 9880
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/2/2016 (Karazhan)
- Mercy3
- Registered User
- 11
- 18
- 29
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Total Deck Rating
A fun deck where you'll steal the opponent's cards using Swashburglar, Burgle, Undercity Huckster, and then lower the cost with Ethereal Peddler. Note that this deck is not very good against other Rogues because Ethereal Peddler only reduces the cost of cards from other classes!
Notice: Really big change in cards!
Early Game:
You want to mulligan for Swashburglar, Undercity Huckster, and Burgle. When you use these cards its better to save the class cards you get from them so that they can later have their cost reduced. Unearthed Raptor, SI:7 Agent, and Eviscerate are good for clearing early game and stalling. Unearthed Raptor should be used on Undercity Huckster is possible so that you can get the most out of Ethereal Peddler.
Late Game:
For late game its good to have used all your Preparation, Burgle, Undercity Huckster, and Tomb Pillager so that you have nice N'Zoth, the Corruptor and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.
Other Card Considerations:
- Nefarian is a good card and I can see it working in this deck, but in my opinion it was too slow and rarely saw play.
- Violet Teacher had a tough time with all the control decks out there so I decided to take it out.
- Dark Iron Skulker was a good card, but I decided that I would keep Brann Bronzebeard instead.
- Grand Crusader is a card that I have considered using, but for a 6 mana 5/5 and 1 Paladin card I don't think its worth it to replace what is already in the deck.
- Sprint I found myself not being able to find space in my hand and playing cards when I didn't have too, so I decided it wasn't worth it and decided to get Unearthed Raptor and Tomb Pillager to make up for cards.
Card Changes:
- -2 Sprint +1 Shadow Strike +1 Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
- -1 Argent Squire +1 Unearthed Raptor
- -1 Sap +1 N'Zoth, the Corruptor
- -2 Violet Teacher +2 Tomb Pillager
- -2 Azure Drake +2 Loot Hoarder
- -1 Brann Bronzebeard +1 Sylvanas Windrunner
I love your feedback please let me know what you would do in the comments.
If you liked this deck please take the time to look at my newer deck. Thank you.
Minion (12) |
Ability (14)
Weapon (4)
Loading Collection |
I replaced Yogg-Saron, Hope's End (because I don't have him) with Shadowcaster. I think she fits in perfectly!
Also I still run Brann Bronzebeard for those sweet double copies and discounts!
This deck is great against slower decks, but gets crushed by aggro :(
Unfortunately that is where the ladder is. Did enjoy playing it when it works though :)
Yes all these decks trying to get into meta have a hard time with aggro, so I love it when it actually works. I think druids are a really good match up.
Its an utter incosistent deck. you never get the chance to play n'zoth because most of the time you are behind on board. And its missing a lot of carddraw is what i feel. Only class i got ahead against was rogue.
And now i see you added more early draw and another target for n'zoth =P.
Sorry you feel this way. Maybe you should try your luck somewhere else.
Edit: inconsistent*
How can you fit Sylvanus in? Or is it too slow with the Peddlers?
The curve on this deck can be a little high so I'm looking into changing the Azure Drakes to Loot Hoarders and if that works than Sylvanas should fit in no problem.
I'm going to try that. I'm finding my opening hands are filled with five and ten drops sometimes. Loot hoarders would be perfect.
I took out a Fan of Knives to make room for the Sylvanus.
I was thinking I might take out Brann Bronzebeard instead. I don't have time to test it right now, but I will let you know ASAP
Edit: I made some changes with my deck and I think you'll like them better!
Edwin is a pretty good card but you can try using another raptor
I made an important modification that might interest you.
I had problems having early upper hands. And since I use Sylvanas as well, I figured i might push the deathrattle further.
So i changed the azure drakes for 2 loot hoarders.
It lightens the 5 drop slot, improves my 2 unearthed raptor's chances and keeps the drawing capability.
Having smaller cost minions allows me to weave in the crazy stolen cards better too.
I am still trying it but it's been great so far, less crushing early game losses.
Thank you for the suggestion I am going to try it out as well because I have seen the problem with Azure Drakes costing to much plenty of times.
Fun deck. 4-1 so far at rank 19. That one loss was to a Yogg/Arcane Golem warrior who cleared my board with his yogg and drew a lot of cards, and then on my turn I played my Yogg which then proceeded to buff HIS yogg, pyroblast my own face, kill itself, and play astral communion, nuking my entire hand, including my N'zoth. I love the craziness of yogg, but man does my luck suck when I play him.
I'm glad your luck is good with this deck! And I agree completly Yogg-Saron is a pretty good gamble, but he fits pretty well in this deck haha
That's awesome! Thanks for featuring me glad you liked it!
Just went 0-6 with this deck at ranks 16-18. Anyone have any advice?
Maybe it was the match ups you had or just bad luck:(
lost against a nzoth priest, thief rogue is THAT good xD
Don't look down on Priests man, those guys are coming back!