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Should have been either a 5-cost minion or like 10 armor.
From a 1/1 to a 7/7, anything can happen
With the upcoming rotation, this card will be able to summon the following minions:
Year of the Mammoth
I like how someone on r/competitivehs described this card as "Shieldmaiden Mk 2".
Very good card! 5 mana for 4 armor that is worth 3 mana and 4 mana minion is 4 = 7 mana should this cost.
I run this in all my warrior decks.
4 armor is not worth 3 mana. Shield block is 5 armor for 3 mana and cycles itself. 4 armor is worth maybe 1.5 mana. A random four mana minion with no battlecry is not worth 4 mana. Maybe 3.5 mana or even 3. This card is both combined, which is worth something. This card is average.
Just played a match against a guy who used 2 of these in one game and got Pit Lord for both of the 4 drops. Needless to say I did not win this game.
This is about the lowest value portal. For perspective compare it to Darkscale Healer. It's sort of worth running with Shield Slams. It does open up the possibility of Summoning Stone Warrior as a fun deck instead of a sad deck.
So this is the real reason they nerfed Warsong Commander! Getting Dreadsteed from this would've been too much...
Okay, after some tinkering with this card in Wild, I have learned a few things.
It is inferior to Shieldmaiden most of the time, if you are just looking to survive longer and force out removal from your opponent.
It can, however, power up Arcane Giants and Yogg-Saron, Hope's End if you are looking to try some wacky spell warrior deck.
However, the real reason why I have been using this card, is because of N'Zoth, the Corruptor with Barnes. Shieldmaiden, in your deck, adds an extra useless drop from Barnes' battlecry, or two even. This card, being a spell, gives you a smaller minion (usually), a little less armor, and doesn't mess with your Barnes. Also, the 4-mana slot actually has even more deathrattles to benefit you most of the time, such as Shifting Shade, Piloted Shredder and Twilight Summoner.
In short, use this if the armor is more important than the body it comes with. If not, and if Barnes isn't in your deck, you are better off playing Shieldmaiden.
Good card, all 4-drops are preaty desent except Faceless Shambler
So after playing with this card in Tavern Brawl i dont understand why people are sleeping on this card, there are so many good 4 drops that warrior could use to their profit. I cant wait
I've learned that any card that gives warrior more armor is good enough
Such and underrated card. If you look at bash it says deal 3 damage which is worth about 2 mana but has a bonus of gain 3 armor. Which is definetly worth less than 1 mana. You look at this card. A random 4 drop is worth about 3 and a half mana. + the 4 armor makes it just slightly worse than bash. The main problem is the mana cost it takes to combo with other cards like sheild slam. Control warriors armor up a lot anyways so.
Also worth mentioning this card makes up for the lack of midgame warrior has after losing death's bite. As long as you are not playing cthun warrior this deck should be a consideration to run.
Warrior has midgame now with Ravaging Ghoul and Bloodhoof Brave. I like the armor but the random effect is not good. Because 4 mana drops are the stat wise the worst since they have a lot of other effects for the stats.
But on the other hand we will lose Justicar Trueheart at the spring 2017 and more armor is good.
In conclusion I think the card is mediocre. But who knows, maybe the RNG of the card is good and this is the card we need for the midgame as you said. :)
Dayum golden art
priestess of elune power creep!!
Q: How many armor cards warrior needs?
A: More.
I question the name. Garrosh is the base warrior, not Magni. Orgrimmar Portal.