Nzoth Reno Budget friendly! Ideal for f2p players
- Last updated Dec 3, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 25 Minions
- 4 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Pally
- Crafting Cost: 21140
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/15/2016 (Old Gods)

- TheUnhappySavage
- Registered User
- 5
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- 24
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I've legit spent like $400 on Hearthstone and still can't make this deck xD
what ranks did you advance with this deck?
Nice budget friendly deck!...Oh wait....
Budget friendly? lookitallthemlegendaries
I threw in Malchezaar as well, fun deck!
In all honesty, this is supposed to be a competitive deck, Malchezaar is a bad card to put in for competitive purposes. I would be more inclined to add Elise Starseeker instead.
I use it more as a fun deck than competitive, to each their own :)
bad idea your now 5 more cards away from finding nzoth and reno
Me when playing this deck and i encounter one of them controll warriors xD
Standard is cancerous. I replaced the Infested Tauren with a Sludge Belcher, took this to wild and have lost only 1 game to the ridiculous burst of a Malygos Miracle Shaman. Great deck.
Shaman, Shaman , Shaman, Shaman, Hunter, Hunter ---> 0-6
Control Warrior makes the game really long with this deck
replacment for carine guys ?
barine, perhaps?
wow, nice deck
It's a pretty powerful deck, the only games ive lost so far were against raging worgen combo warriors.
You basically have to pray that you don't play against shaman, lol.
This deck is good for ranked, where everybody plays expensive control decks that focus on late game legendary's.
It's kinda predictable that loads of rank 20-10 players are now going to play this (even tho they don't even have all of the cards), and then complain that they keep losing to all the aggro Shamans....
Can i replace in the deck Baron Geddon or Eadric the Pure on Chillmaw?