Assassin Basic Rogue (+Guide,Video & Upgrade)
- Last updated May 13, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 0
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 3/30/2016 (Explorers)

- Carfo
- Registered User
- 7
- 16
- 40
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13.5.2017 Added upgrade for Leeroy version of Miracle Rogue
12.5.2017 Added [Replacement card pool] for minions
26.5.2016 Changed final list so had to change lot of things in whole guide
18.5.2016. Added rest of Miracle rogue upgrade and Final decklist
17.5.2016 Added second video
10.5.2016 Improved Classic Set Upgrade Guide
2.5.2016 Added Classic Set Upgrade Guide
This is basic deck made for people without any cards.But its not easy deck.Win condition is Assassin's Blade buffed with atleast 1 Deadly Poison (2 is rare because one is used in early game).Until we start attack with buffed assasin blade we just control board and trying to gain board presence.Basic Rogue clears often with weapons and oponents often are very agresive so without cards like Antique Healbot we need to hide behind taunts because its very easy to die with rogue and no heals.
Deadly Poison : Our best early game card for clearing minions.If possible save 1 for Assassin's Blade
Sap : Best used on big minion and play it with our minion.Example:On turn 6 we sap enemy Boulderfist Ogre and play Ogre Magi
Sprint - Refill hand in late game when we dont have very good minions to play.
Taunt minions - They abosrb damage instead of our hero
Voodoo Doctor - Heals hero or minion.We play him on turn 1 only in matchup when we dont except agresive oponent,if we play against aggro then we save him.
Play around Ooze and Harrison - Ooze is very common so because of that there is Assa blade 2x.I usually try play blade witout poison first and if it make it to another round then i poison it and attack
Hero power turn 2 is always solid play.
Muligan:Backstab ,Deadly Poison ,Frostwolf Grunt , Voodoo Doctor , Ironfur Grizzly
So we will transform this deck to Miracle Rogue.
You can use cards in [ ] (if you are lucky to get them from packs but dont craft them) until you obtain needed cards.Try to have atleast 3 3-mana minions and 2 4-mana minions(or 1 Sherazin).
2x Assassinate -> Eviscerate
So first card we need put in this deck is Eviscerate because its common card and Assassinate is too slow
2x Voodoo Doctor -> Hallucination
1x Shattered Sun Cleric -> SI:7 Agent [ 2nd Questing Adventurer , Violet Teacher Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer,Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Barnes ]
1x Ironfur Grizzly -> Questing Adventurer [ 2nd SI:7 Agent , Violet Teacher , Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer , Xaril, Poisoned Mind> Barnes > Hired Gun ]
1x Lord of the Arena -> Preparation [ 2nd SI:7 Agent , 2nd Questing Adventurer , Violet Teacher , Shaku, the Collector> Xaril, Poisoned Mind ,Burgly Bully > Red Mana Wyrm > Luckydo Buccaneer (Assasin blade must be in deck) >Earthen Ring Farseer > Barnes ]
1x Archmage -> Preparation [ 2nd SI:7 Agent , 2nd Questing Adventurer , Violet Teacher, Shaku, the Collector > Burgly Bully, Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Red Mana Wyrm > Luckydo Buccaneer (Assasin blade must be in deck) >Earthen Ring Farseer > Barnes ]
Preperation is best to combo with Sprint.Its good with Fan of Knives too
2x Sprint -> Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Your draw engine will change to Auctioneer.So spells like preperation to fan of knives,backstab,hallucination etc are good to combo with.
2x Frostwolf Grunt -> Razorpetal Lasher [ Loot Hoarder ]
Another fuel for Auctioneer or good combo enabler/defense against aggro.
2x Shiv -> Counterfeit Coin
Another fuel for Auctioneer or combo enabler.
1x Ogre Magi -> Mimic Pod FOR LEEROY VERSION MIMIC POD IS NOT NEEDED SO YOU CAN CHOOSE MINION FROM CARD POOL → [ Violet Teacher ,2nd Questing Adventurer . 2nd SI:7 Agent, Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer, Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Barnes ]
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta -> Vilespine Slayer [ Violet Teacher ,2nd Questing Adventurer . 2nd SI:7 Agent, Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer, Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Barnes ]
1x Ironfur Grizzly -> Edwin VanCleef [ 2nd Questing Adventurer ,2nd SI:7 Agent, Violet Teacher Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer,Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Barnes ]
1x Kobold Geomancer -> Bloodmage Thalnos
1x Ogre Magi -> 1x Sherazin, Corpse Flower [ Violet Teacher ,2nd Questing Adventurer . 2nd SI:7 Agent, Shaku, the Collector > Earthen Ring Farseer, Xaril, Poisoned Mind > Barnes ]
Now we need to choose if we want Arcane Giants version or Leeroy version.
Next cards we need are in second wing in Karazhan.To unlock them you will need 1400 golds or 5.99€ / $6.99 for 2 individual wings or $19.99 / 17.99€ for whole adventure.
2x Assassin's Blade -> 2x Arcane Giant
Assasins Blade is not longer our finisher.We change win condition to 8/8s for 0 mana :)
Mimic Pod slots and Assassin Blade slots -> 1x Leeroy Jenkins , 2x Cold Blood , 1x Southsea Deckhand
Swashburglar is in second wing in Karazhan.To unlock him you will need 1400 golds or 5.99€ / $6.99 for 2 individual wings or $19.99 / 17.99€ for whole adventure.
2x Deadly Poison -> 2x Swashburglar
Deadly Poison is no longer needed.
1x Sap -> 1x Patches the Pirate
With Patches we have thinner deck and thats very huge for deck like Miracle Rogue
Congratulations! You have everything you need for Miracle Rogue.You can play version below or find another deck(you should have all cards needed). Best Miracle list always changes so do some research what is best today.I will try update final decklist if i have time.
Below its Casie's and VLPS's Miracle Rogue lists:
Upvote for upgrade to Leeroy version of Miracle Rogue and new videos in different stages of Miracle rogue building.
I recorded this video for you.Its ranked game with [Classic only] Miracle Rogue against Zoo Warlock which is common deck on ladder these days. [Old Gods meta ]
Sorry for english.
I will answer all questions below :)
For better guide upvote !!! :)
Have fun.
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I know this is kinda old/late but, any tips for upgrading basic version of this deck for something current? I’m getting back into the game as an f2p player and needed a solid rogue deck to start with. I also use your pirate warrior deck as well with some newer stuff tossed in!
Any update on this? Or this should still be fine? Thanks!
Basic deck is still good. Final Versions are outdated.
This deck also works on Saurfang fyi.
haha nice!
Want to say I super-super appreciate this deck. I hope there will be a Year of the Raven update. Thanks Carfo youdaman
I promise you guys I will try to find time soon! Thank you for feedback !
Loved the deck for a while! Any hope of an update with cards from the new expansion any time soon?
If i will manage to find time then yes
I do see the potential of this deck but from my experience so far, I would caution against using the basic (or even semi-upgraded) version in ranked. It fares better in casual but in ranked, it's getting wiped. I am keeping this deck in my collection as work-in-progress deck until I have cards like Preparation and Gadgetzan Auctioneer.
With a semi-upgraded deck, I think I've won 1 of about a dozen ranked matches.
Because of situation with rogue.Miracle rogue is bottom meta deck.Miracle Rogue wasnt that bad for years so it would be hard for newbies even with full deck
Maybe add Pompous Thespian as an upgrade for Frostwolf Grunt?
I mean, if you have it, Pompous Thespian is (almost) strictly better than Frostwolf Grunt.
How about 2x Stonehill Defender in place of Frostwolf Grunt?
Would Valeera the Hollow be good in this deck? Also how far do you think the basic version can take an average player?
Valeera the Hollow is a great addition to this deck. You can easily have arcane giants, or if you're using Leeroy version, you can have triple cold blood and buff it for a lot of damage.
Hey, it's this deck still viable in current meta? By the way, I have enough dust to craft a legendary, but I'm stuck between Patches, Sherazin and Thalnos, which should I craft?
Hello,Miracle Rogue is still viable but final deck I listed is not exactly updated. I will update guide in few weeks. Thalnos is best craft from long term view. Its classic card so never leave standard and one of best cards in game.
Patches will unlock you Token Druid,Pirate Warrior Token Shaman(Aya needed) and more.
Sherazin is not that good.its played because there is not good option for 4 drop in Miracle Rogue.
But if you want play other decks that contain Patches then craft Patches. But Thalnos too good.
Any chance for a TFT update?
yes,but after meta stabilize.
Right now,everybody experiment and there is no standard list yet.
After meta stabilize lil bit i will upgrade guide.Thanks for feedback