
Card Text
Spell Damage +1
Flavor Text
You earn the title of Archmage when you can destroy anyone who calls you on it.
Card Sounds
Spell Damage +1
You earn the title of Archmage when you can destroy anyone who calls you on it.
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To everyone saying this card is bad:
You're right.
Violet Warden
A card so useless even pansear didn't comment on it
Yup. And Azure Drake is pretty much straight up better.
Just because you don't like this card does not mean that is garbage if you hate it then don't use it no one force you too and if spell damge is something you would perfer on a cheap minion if it doesn't last until your turn or you can't combo it with a spell then it still didn't help you !
Hey it's me aggain look i'm sorry i was a bit agressive everyone have their own opinion and i shouldn't be so childish like that anyway i just wanna say sorry and that's about it i don't really know what else to say 😶