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Animaker's Control Warrior [Best Guide]

  • Last updated Mar 20, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 13660
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/10/2015 (Explorers)
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Brief Presentation

Welcome to another Animaker deck! Always tinkered and played to the max. Consider upvoting and favoriting this deck, so you can get all the meta updates to the deck. I'm not the best player out there(is there really one? I believe top players are all at the same level) but I do believe to be a very good deck builder, but what matters is not my belief, but if this is a good meta deck or not, and you need to try it out for yourself.

Card Replacements

I don't really like card replacements because they decrease 99% of the time the deck quality and synergies, but I know many people want to craft the real deck sooner or later and wouldn't mind doing some replacements while they struggle to collect the remaining cards. I'm not going to stop you from doing that, but it's unfair if you judge my deck with upvote or downvote if it doesn't work out for you, for the simple reason you are not using my real deck, you're using a modified version. You won't have much trouble getting this deck done if you follow my Crafting Guide.

 Shield Slam: Replace with Slam or Bash

Crush: Replace with Ysera, Deathlord or Brawl

Big Game Hunter: Replace with Mind Control Tech

Baron Geddon: Replace with Ragnaros the Firelord or Kel'Thuzad

Justicar Trueheart: Replace with Antique Healbot

Harrison Jones: Replace with Loatheb

All the other cards are completely mandatory.

Card Explanation - Warrior's 5 Powers

Control Warrior is the ULTIMATE control deck. He is a warrior and a warrior has 5 things that dinstinguishes him from the other classes.

  • Super Strength

Warrior doesn't depend on minions to do the dirty job for him. A warrior is designed to smash stuff with his own hands and body. Given his tough body that generates an armor around his skin, he can take some of the most fatal impacts, win the fight and come out alive. To allow him to defeat monsters, a few tools have been given to him. Health is a resource a warrior knows how to use well, no other class can use health as effectively and safely as him.

Death's Bite:

4 damage is enough to defeat most of the enemy minions. The fact that after it's second use it deals 1 damage to all minions, means this is a superb tool to kill paladin's recruiters, aggro decks aggressive 1-health cards and minions that are already on the verge of dying. It's second use allows it to kill any minion with 5HP, so trading it with Sludge Belcher, Loatheb or Sylvanas Windrunner is one of it's main assets. It also allows for enraging Grommash Hellscream and armoring up if you have an Armorsmith on board.

Fiery War Axe:

2-mana for 3 damage means you can kill 99% of the 2-mana minions and most of the 3-mana minions, and also the most common 4-mana minion in the game, Piloted Shredder. This weapon is known for winning you games just for having in by turn 2.

  • Immortality

Warrior is almost immortal. He passively can make his armor thicker every turn, and he has a lot of minions willing to extend his life span. The longer the warrior lives, the more chances there are to win the war! Sometimes even a raging Ragnaros the Firelord and King Crush combined can't destroy the Warrior's thick armor. It acts like a shield protecting him with ultimate defense. Another great asset the warriors have to win wars. Deathwing cries every time he gets Shield Slammed.

Shield Block:

5 armor for 3-mana is a big deal, and the fact you can get those 5 armor and still deal 5 damage with 4 mana if you combo this with Shield Slam makes warriors the best class to control the board. Because with all this you even draw a card in the process, this allows you to search for more resources for the next turn. On turn 3 you can get Piloted Shredder to use on turn 4. On turn 4 you may get Sludge Belcher or Harrison Jones. On turn 5 it's a Justicar Trueheart or Sylvanas Windrunner and etc.


Best played on turn 2, only coin this out if you have Fiery War Axe and believe your matchup is aggro/midrange. If you believe it's control don't waste coin on this, as it might turn out counter productive against both control warriors and handlocks. If you play a Deathlord on the following turn, you're guaranteed unless he uses a hard removal like Polymorph, Hex or Siphon Soul(not on turn 3 for sure) that you're gonna extract quite the armor out of this. Not to mention how it kills Leper Gnome, Paladin Recruiters and combos with Cruel Taskmaster to become a 3/3 and remove more stuff.


When against facehunter, aggro warrior or tempo mage and other aggressive decks, if you manage to survive until turn 9 you will find that your HP might be too reduced. That's tough, specially if you're 5 points away from dying. Alexstrasza though completely heals you up to 15 HP immediately. Other strategy is getting low hp, then armoring up a lot in the following turns, you can even be 5 HP and 15 armor, and then Alexstrasza yourself to make sure you're on a safe good spot against those matchups. Their average response is a concede.


So you are paying 5 mana for a 5/5 which is fair enough and then 1 mana for 5 armor. That's the same as Priest's spell Flash Heal and it's all in one single card. Also if you had 2 armor and the opponent plays Dr. Boom. If you don't have Big Game Hunter just Shieldmaiden + Shield Slam. A very good resource. Also puts both a threat and heals you against aggro decks. But we run only 1, because Justicar Trueheart needed to make the cut.

Justicar Truehert:

One of your most valuable minions. Also what makes control warrior so consistent, is putting down a 6-mana minion that can trade with Sylvanas Windrunner, Emperor Thaurissan and Sludge Belcher/Savannah Highmane and allows you to get 4 armor each turn which means for 3 mana you can easily Shield Slam each next turn for 4 damage without the help of Shield Block. Following Justicar Trueheart on turn 6 you either use Dr. Boom if you want threats + removal or Sludge Belcher + hero power if you're more concerned with health and a removal on the board.

  • Powerful Abilities

With warrior's thick shield, which is the armor that protects his whole body, he can kill even a Deathwing by using 1 mana only. Warrior has been trained not to spend too much mana on his abilities. That is another proof of his skill, he kills the biggest of opponents and still has a lot more mana to use as a resource. An unstoppable force of nature. His abilities and use of resources are clearly unmatched.

Shield Slam:

Shield Block, Justicar Trueheart and Shieldmaiden have great synergy with Shield Slam, and unless your opponent is aggressive like hunter and your hero power is enough for a 3-mana shield slam, this should be saved for late game minions, while weapons deal with the rest.


Another ability designed to be effective for low cost and has synergy with a big bunch of the deck. Either you trade with minions and Execute next, trading with Armorsmith to kill a big guy, use Cruel Taskmaster or depend on Death's Bite deathrattle to do it while killing another minion.


Crush is the most underused card in my opinion, and since I started using it instead of my usual Ysera that was not being too helpful I ended up killing Tirion Fordring, Archmage Antonidas, all the giants handlock could put me, suddenly I could remove all the threats because I had all the removals I really needed. And always paying 3 mana for an effect that usually is rated at 5-mana because it's super easy to keep a minion alive on the board and damaged, easy with warrior that is. I have hopes with this deck public to the world, more and more people that love Control Warrior like I do use Crush and crush the meta!


Some people run 2 of those, some people run 1. I think 1 is enough, because 2 means you destroy aggro/midrange but get raped by control. What I aim for is consistency against all kinds of matchup, and I have done that by running only 1 Brawl. Big tip if you're against another control warrior, use this ONLY when he plays Dr. Boom. I might just be very lucky but I always destroyed 1 boom bot and Dr. Boom himself, which is a huge tempo swing because that leaves me with mana to gain armor. Only in case your board is empty or you have a little minion like Armorsmith or Cruel Taskmaster.

  •  Vision

The warrior finds opportunities in everything. They aren't narrow-minded so they don't focus on the options they've got, they look further to the options they can have in the future. Not only is the use of resources efficient and powerful but the warrior can also get his resources masterfully. In other words: CARD-DRAW! But not much is needed, because thanks to the individual strenght of each card, if the game gets dragged to the late-game, you want to have more cards than the opponent so you don't enter fatigue.

Shield Block:

Like I mentioned before, Shield Block combines well with Shield Slam and gives you more life expectancy in future turns. But besides all that it even let's you draw one card. Drawing cards is very good because the more you draw, the higher the chance of getting something useful in the next turn. This card is definitely part of this pillar that makes Control Warrior so consistent.

Harrison Jones:

This card destroys enemy weapons, which is a huge tempo play. Has almost the same stats as Loatheb which is better than 90% of 5-mana minion stats. And he draws as much as he destroys. Clearly a useful minion for the warrior! The fact it costs 5 mana makes it only compete with Sludge Belcher in which case, if the opponent has a weapon this is most times the best play. Paladin turn 4 Truesilver Champion. If his weapon wasn't wasted already, you just stop him from doing it again. Destroys shaman's Doomhammer which is very present in this meta, hunter's Eaglehorn Bow destroys another warrior's weapons and it sometimes destroys a warlock's weapon if he uses Lord Jaraxxus(Handlock mostly). Careful with fatigue though. The more durability the weapon has, the better, just make sure your hand doesn't surpass 9 cards or you're going to discard a resource, and that's never good.

  • Powerful Army

Oh yes! Powerful minions follow powerful warriors, and this one is definitely going to be well followed. Only the elite joins warriors in the battlefield because any weakling would just be in the way. If each minion trades with 2+ minions, it was a minion well spent, that's how warriors see minions, another powerful resources. Ultimate offense and ultimate defense, who can beat a Warrior now?!

Dr. Boom:

Best neutral legendary in the game. Must include because it offers tremendous trade value, it baits out removal and it can clear boards.

Sylvanas Windrunner:

Big threat, can steal cards, forces the enemy to trade his small and mid-sized minions into it to avoid sylvanas to extract value. The irony? It already exctracts great value like that. Also an awesome bait for removals. Also the second best neutral legendary in the game.


From Freeze Mage to Handlock to almost any control deck. This card can either fill up your health gauge or deal massive damage to the opponent. Mostly used to lower enemy health and followed up with Cruel Taskmaster + Grommash Hellscream combo.

Grommash Hellscream:

He screams value all over. You have two ways of activating it, without counting trading it with another enemy minion so you can deal 10 damage the next turn, since that's your worst case scenario. You can either put him on the board, waste Death's Bite after that and go to the face for 10 to finish things off or you can just Cruel Taskmaster + Grommash Hellscream to deal 12 damage to the face. In the worst case scenario you use the combo to kill something like Ysera, but only if you don't have lethal and your opponent is a warrior or priest, meaning they can heal themselves.

Baron Geddon:

This is your second AoE. It's a Consecration every turn this is alive for no extra mana. Because we are using control warrior, we don't have so many minions on the board at every given time. If we have we will end up trading them or getting them removed, but when needed, Baron Geddon for extra removal. Completely destroys murloc decks, I at least beat anyfin can happen control paladin with this, very useful. He ran a lot of murlocs so Anyfin Can Happen was just 8 damage which isn't near enough to beat warrior, then this just clears the board. Also very good tool against midrange hunter. an example is having Sylvanas Windrunner trades with Savannah Highmane and Baron Geddon next to clean the leftovers from deathrattle. Perfect follow-up. Also destroys shaman's lot of minions.

Piloted Shredder:

King of control. Also king of midrange. We play this on curve and it's 2+ almost guaranteed trades, either with minions or with spells. It has such board control value, if he has like 5 minions and you have Piloted Shredder, simply Brawl and if your Piloted Shredder lives that's awesome, if it doesn't, then you still get a 2-mana minion that can probably kill whatever minion was left for the opponent. 5-8 potential mana stats.

Sludge Belcher:

Another king of control, king of midrange and mostly king of taunts. Doesn't die to AoE. Can receive a big lot of damage and still be alive, sometimes forcing minions to trade their 7/7 or 8/8 minions (which an then be executed) and they still need to trade with the small minion that spawns, absorving a lot of impact. Definitely a crucial card here.

Cruel Taskmaster:

2/2 and gives + 2 attack, despite the damage, is awesome. It combos perfectly with Grommash Hellscream for a 12 damage OTK and gives 3-man value to Armorsmith added to the fect that also gives you armor and allows further trades. More than that, you won't always have minions on the board, so it's a good thing that you can damage them like this so you can execute giants, legendaries, etc. Making Deathlord a 4/7 is what I do most of the time against Priest to avoid Shadow Word: Pain.


Best anti-aggro card since he loses a lot of minions and/or spells to kill it and then get a shitty little minion which is worth not much. Against control it's also not bad even if they get a Tirion Fordring or Ysera, because you can Crush it or Execute it with ease if you are on a curve, so it baits out big stuff to be removed. Has baited Equality, Fireball, Lot's of minions and even Kill Command. Brilliant.

Big Game Hunter:

6th big removal. Removes Dr. Boom, giants, Mal'Ganis, Alexstrasza, Ragnaros the Firelord, and those are commonly seen. No reason not to include this on te deck.


Cruel Taskmaster, Armorsmith, Fiery War Axe, Deathlord, Piloted Shredder, Shield Block and sometimes keeping Shield Slam ain't so bad.

