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Muster Control

  • Last updated Mar 6, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 9200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/6/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • hacque
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I'm a Control Warrior player and have been trying to transition to another deck for quite a while.  After playing some Combo Druid and Mech Mage I have landed on Control Paladin.  The deck functions a lot like Control Warrior which has been nice.  So far this deck has been working pretty well for me, figured I'd post it and get some critique.



The motto of the deck for me has been card value, Magic habits die hard, while being able to maintain tempo with the super aggro meta we are currently in.  I know Zombie Chow is a great opening card, but his lack in late-game value pretty much completely kills his value for me in this deck.  This deck, much like Warrior, relies on several core removal cards and then builds as much value around the rest of the deck that it can.  


Card Choice:



  • Less mull dependent than other Control Decks.
  • Able to clear large boards.
  • Good amount of life gain. (22 in total)
  • Lots of conditional cards that offer 2 for 1's or better.
  • Manages Hunter secrets and Mirror Entity well.
  • Avoids Big Game Hunter altogether.
  • Deck that generally avoids topdeck mode; meaning more options on your turns.


  • Plays a lot of conditional cards, sometimes you have the wrong ones.
  • Complete lack of burst damage.
  • Against aggro decks it's harder to get full value out of your cards.
  • No silence in the deck can be scary.  Means you have to use your Equality combos wisely.
  • Harrison Jones wrecks this deck in every way possible.
  • Only having 3 taunters is a little less than ideal.



Shielded Minibot is always a keeper.  Knife Juggler gets sent back into the deck most times.  If you are playing what you think is a Mech Mage or Face Hunter Muster for Battle can be great early game.  I don't hold onto Equality hoping for combo but I will hold onto Wild Pyromancer.  If you are playing a slower class like Warrior or Druid holding onto The Black Knight or Big Game Hunter might be fruitful.  If you have Wild Pyromancer and are on the draw against aggro decks holding onto The Coin can be a smart idea; short of Equality and Lay on Hands there aren't any other spells you want to cast with Wild Pyromancer in this deck.  Truesilver Champion is amazing against Priests/Warriors, and generally a keeper regardless.  Consecration is also a great keep if you are up against aggro or playing a mirror match.


General Tips:

This deck relies on a lot of gimmicks so keeping track of exactly what you have left in your deck at all times is an absolute must.  Knowing wether you have another Equality in your deck or not should effect how you use the removal you have in hand.  Don't be afraid to drop Big Game Hunter whenever it's convenient if you don't think they are running Dr. Boom or any other 7+ power creeps.  Try to be smart with your Tirion Fordring.  If he catches a Mirror Entity or Mind Control you pretty much lost the game.  Play him around your own Sludge Belchers if at all possible.  Play your Aldor Peacekeepers depending on the deck.  If you are playing a Hunter or Priest hitting a 3 power with an Aldor Peacekeeper might not be a bad idea.  Control Warrior or Druid and you better be saving him for something bigger.  When you have board control don't get greedy and overplay the board.  This deck wins by always having cards to play, you need to try to maintain your hand.

Druid - Druids are god awful at mass removal.  Play smart and avoid Swipes but if you land a good Quartermaster they should have a hell of a time dealing with it.  If you can take board state against Druids you should always do it.  The Black Knight and Aldor Peacekeeper are your MVP's in this matchup.  Druid tends to run a fair amount of conditional cards so respect the Mind Control Tech, Harrison Jones and The Black Knight.

Mage - Don't be afraid to Muster for Battle into their hero power if they are playing Mech Mage.  If they are pinging your 1/1's every turn they are missing out on some serious creature drops.  Also don't be afraid to take some face damage early on, just try to stabilize before you are in Archmage Antonidas range.  Consecration and your taunters are your MVP's in this matchup.  Freeze mage has a horrible matchup against this deck; play them like you would Rogue.  Don't overplay into Doomsayer and get some mileage out of Piloted Shredder and you should be fine.  They run Alexstraza so don't worry about taking early game damage, they would just wing it off anyways.

Warrior - Save your Equality combos and Aldor Peacekeepers for big things.  Mull aggressively for Truesilver Champion to deal with Armorsmith and kill their Acolyte of Pains ASAP.  Hardish matchup between Baron Geddon, Whirlwind and Death's Bite.

Hunter - Consecration, Truesilver Champion and Shielded Minibot are great.  Muster for Battle can be really good too (especially the weapon), just be smart and play it around Unleash the Hounds.

Rogue - Truesilver Champion is great once again; you need to keep their board clear at all costs pretty much.  Piloted Shredder is great here too as is Sludge Belcher.  A well timed Harrison Jones can end the game.  This deck plays around Sap fairly well.  Fear the Fan of Knives though.

Shaman - Consecration FTW?  Also Wild Pyromancer, Shielded Minibot and Knife Juggler tend to all come out turn 2 to start getting on totem duty ASAP.  Don't let them beat you with Lightning Storm; don't invest in Quartermaster combo until it is going to work.  Split the combo up into two turns if you need to.  Respect the Neptulon.

Paladin - Mirror matches suck.  Mull for Harrison Jones and Consecrations.  You play control so you almost always want to trade your tokens for theirs and generally keep them out of Quartermaster range at all costs.  Save The Black Knight for Tirion Fordring.  Try to grab board presence by turn 5/6, it will make their Lay on Hands a lot harder to cast.  If you are playing against Rush Paladin your only real fear should be Divine Favor.  Do your best to keep your hand slim and try to use Consecration wisely.

Warlock - Demonlock is so aggravating.  This deck could really use some silence for this matchup...  If you have The Coin save it if at all possible along with a Wild Pyromancer to clear a bunch of imps.  This matchup sucks.

Priest - Circle of Healing combo blows out your Quartermaster combo.  Luckily Quartermaster combo happens on turn 8-10 usually and Circle of Healing on turn 4.  Keep in mind how many Holy Nova they have played (most decks play 1), Circle of Healing and Auchenai Soulpriest.  Play smart and don't let Tirion Fordring get mind controlled.  Pretty good matchup in my opinion.  Piloted Shredder and Truesilver Champion are your MVP's.


If you have any suggestions or questions please feel free.