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Easy Legend, Easy Rewards Secret Mage

  • Last updated Mar 10, 2021 (Vol'jin Patch)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 4260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/10/2021 (Vol'jin Patch)
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Hello, Abzeroth here! Been tinkering with the Secret Mage Archetype for months now and I landed one that has been the easiest climb for the last 3 months.  So if you want your Legendary Rewards quickly, then keep on reading.


Notable Differences from other Secret Mage decks:

- No Ice Block. It's WAY too slow, and if you need it, then you're playing the archetype wrong.

- No Ancient Mysteries. Too slow. We need the space for better cards.

- No Aluneth. Too slow. Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon is a better draw with this deck, puts a body on the board, AND doesn't mill you when you don't need it.;

- Only 1 Rigged Faire Game. Two is just excessive and a waste of a more efficient card.

+ The Star of the Deck: Polymorph: Boar. This card will win you so many games against Priests and Druids that would just be otherwise unwinnable. 



Vs Every Opponent


You'll want to keep any Kabal Lackey, Arcanologist,Mad Scientist, and Rigged Faire Game. These cards are the best card to have in EVERY GAME, even if you don't want to overthink the opponent you're fighting. That's how good this deck is!


If you're first, you'll hopefully have a Kabal Lackey with a secret. If not, just play normally.  This deck plays itself.

If you're second with The Coin and two 2-cost minions, coin into them.  The dream is having a hand full  Arcanologist and Mad Scientist. You'll want to establish board control as soon as possible. 

Your goal is to burn the enemy down before turn 10. This deck has a lot of damage potential. Go for the face often, don't worry about your health. 

Think about it this way. In your deck, you have 30 damage from:

2x Medivh's Valet, Fireball, Cloud Prince

So don't waste too much on clearing the board.  Leave little minion alive if it means you can deal an extra 6 damage to the face. No one expects to be burst.

I'll work on making videos for each class if this deck gets traction :)


VS. Fast Druid, Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, Warrior

Try to find a Flame Ward as it will clear annoyingly filled boards with small minions. 

Keep Arcane Flakmage and Kabal Lackeys as well.  

Remember that you only have ONE Flame Ward, so don't play it too soon.  I've won games with 1 hp for several turns simply because I cleared their boards at the end and they couldn't draw any direct damage.  A problem this deck won't face ;)


VS Slow Druid, Mage, Shaman, Warlock

Just follow the general strategy for board control and you'll be fine.  Play Netherwind Portal before Counterspell to mess with the enemy.  It establishes board control AND let's see you if they're the type of player to "test" the secret with a weak spell before a big one.  


VS Priest

Get a big shovel and dig HARD for a Polymorph: Boar. This card WILL win the game for you.  Priests love to play Archmage Vargoth, Shadow Essence and other annoying taunts followed by Resurrect or other resurrect cards. 

If you can use Polymorph: Boar on Archmage Vargoth, you'll more than likely win.  

if you don't have Polymorph: Boar, then ignore it and go to the face! 

If they start dropping taunts like Khartut Defender, or summon an early Scrapyard Colossus then just concede and move on. 


General tips to get to Legend *QUICKLY*

1. Learn to concede if you lost board control by turn 5.  

2. Play a lot of short games that you win/lose, instead of always trying to win long games.  Yes, you CAN win every game, but your goal is to hit legend, so don't bother.  You'll win more games when you find better opponents. Plus, this way you won't mentally burn out.

3. Don't play your board clears early.  It really comes in handy to clear a bigger board even if it means to take 10 damage the previous turn.  

Think about this play: On turn 6, you can play Arcane Flakmage and Kabal Lackey with TWO secrets.  That's 4 damage to the board, two secrets, AND two minions with no enemy minions. 

4. If they play Reno Jackson and you don't already have an established board, then concede and move on.  This deck WILL run out of gas if you waste it on minions instead of face.

5. Post questions and comments on here if this deck isn't working for you.  This deck will get anyone to legend, so let me know and I can help you tweak your strategy ;)