wild quest with librams
- Last updated Apr 23, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 16 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Kaleidosaur Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 12420
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/7/2020 (Outland Release)
- JEgi
- Registered User
- 1
- 7
- 20
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My first version. Might be updated.
First update: Sathrovarr replaced with Brann Bronzebeard. Sathrovarr can stay in the deck if you dont have brann. Brann is mostly for synergies( with Galvadon and other battlecries), Sathrovarr is for late game to copy your big minions. You can also replace it for Shirvallah, the Tiger.
second update: replaced both Primalfin Champion with Immortal Prelate ( because of often overdraw) and one Libram of Justice with Wild Pyromancer (you can get board clears and get some life back with cards in the deck list). Changes might not be the best, write me in the comments some ideas. Thanks.
third update: it's not big, I added back one Primalfin Champion and removed one Immortal Prelate because with primalfin you can make more librams which is pretty usefull if you dont have liandre or lynessa in hand but I did not add back second because then you can have too many librams and overdraw, donť worry there wonť be many situations when you have empty hand there are also card draw cards.
fourth update: replaced one Acolyte of Pain with Paragon of Light to slow down aggros and get something bigger on board earlier.
fifth update: If you don't own Sky Gen'ral Kragg he can be replaced with second Paragon of Light or The Voraxx, Voraxx might not seem like a good card but with cards like Libram of Hope, Spikeridged Steed or even Libram of Wisdom or Sound the Bells! there are many cards good with The Voraxx. If you have Sky Gen'ral Kragg and don't have or don't like Brann Bronzebeard/Sathrovarr You can replace him with The Voraxx. The Voraxx is not best craft, I can't play him cuz i don't have dust I'm poor XD, So think about crafting him only if you don't have problems with dust or you like experimenting. Sky Gen'ral Kragg> The Voraxx in many situations. The Voraxx is a late game card and there are many already in the deck. If I'll get enought dust I'll craft him :)
Sixth update: replaced Brann Bronzebeard with Eydis Darkbane. Firend just recommended me this card and I totally forgot about it. I even think so in this deck it has even more value that Brann does. in late game you will mostly have fullhand of librams after Lynessa Sunsorrow dies or you play Lady Liadrin. And even in early game if you givi it lif steal and play 0 cost Libram of Wisdom it can give some health back and snipe something. I think so this is better replacement than Brann. You don't need that much 10x adapt on galvadon or double lynessa cuz Lynessa will be huge no matter what and with Liadrin It mostly doesnt give anymore value, maybe with aldor to get bigger reduce but you wont play Libram of Hope max. then 4 times and won't even happen in most times.
seventh update: replaced one Spikeridged Steed with second Consecration
Tell me about your thoughts and any improvements you would do :)
If you are checking this deck more often to see new updates check the older ones too because im editing them sometimes :)
I'm posting one of the best games I've had with this deck, we got to late game and there were many moments when I was near death and survived at the and you can see how powerfull can Immortal Prelate get and why is it there, I hope you'll enjoy the game: https://hsreplay.net/replay/L3kQyGZYyf7xzz8EHf25gm
This deck is a joke.. So many terrible decisions such as Sound the Bells, Acolyte of Pain and Immortal Prelate
I mean if you play it only one game where you buff your Immortal Prelate with Librams, you will realize that it OVERDRAWS YOU.
EVERY TIME YOUR OPPONENT KILLS YOUR PRELATE, YOU OVERDRAW A CARD. Simply due to Librams filling your hand. This will eventualy overdraw your own prelate and you will hit fatigue so freakin easily with so many card draws you put there xD which is a bad decision again because you dont have a finisher combo like Uther of the Ebon Blade, so why the stupid draw? You need some, sure, but not like this..
Sound the Bells is too slow, you already have multiple 0 cost +1 +1 buffs with your Librams, so why the slow unneccessary card? Plus, it has bad synergy with Lady Liadrin, you dont want a handful of echo cards that you cant play
Acolyte of Pain is good for draw, okay, but you dont want to buff it so much so your opponent can hit it multiple times and overdraw you very easily. Hence, WHATS THE PONT IN PLAYING A MINION WHICH I CANNOT BUFF IN A BUFF PALADIN DECK?
Just play some other draw cards like divine favor or Call to Adventure if you are dying to draw your cards( ? ). Paladin has many.. and you choose to include the worst one from neutral set..
Have you even tried out the deck? I bet you didn't. the Immortal prelate is there only once because of the possible overdraw but most importnatly is there to get more copies of librams. this is not an aggro deck if you haven't discovered yet. If you didn't screwed up the play or you get board cleared you won't overdraw. Call to adventure is too slow with low value in this deck, why would you need 4/6 aldor? Otk with uther is a whole combo for another deck, I won't replace two valuablle cards with two legendaries to have chance to get an otk, You can make your own otk paladin. and what are the odds the only thing you will buf is Acolyte? just tap ur hero power and buff ur paladin if you have that many cards. the only thing I might agree with you is about the Sound the bells there are not that usefull as they were before few expansions, but Call the Adventure is really bad replacement. Please try the deck before you critizise.
First of all, yes. Yes i did try this exact deck, and many other variants with a lot of different cards. I have played Libram Paladin decks for around 250+ games in Diamond 5-1 and tons in casual mode. Which is i believe more than you did clearly, so im not criticising without experience, im talking with a considerable amount of experience infact..
Second, i never said anything about this deck being "aggro". Never mentioned, never implied. I dont know what youre talking about..
Third, Call to Adventure was just an example, it works great with Echoing Ooze but you dont have it, which i think you should. Its also good to draw a Wild Pyromancer for getting Equality combo ready, or deal with aggro boards more easily and quicker. Getting a 4-5 Aldor is not bad tempo as a body either, its not great though, but they at least get you the cost reduction on your books early. Like i said before, it was just an example, i also said Divine Favor .And if it doesnt work for you, just add any other reasonable card draw spell or some good draw minions, you dont have to pick on that small example, theres more to worry about in this deck..
I cant possibly understand how you think Acolyte of Pain is even playable here. "Just hero power and buff your dude" is a beyond pointless answer.. This is a BUFF PALADIN DECK and you need to BUFF your minions. Every single minion you put in this deck should be targetable by your buff spells. And all of these minions should give you a bonus-positive effect when you buff them.
Ironically, Acolyte of Pain has a negative effect and you are too stubborn to acknowledge your mistake and just remove him. "You can always hero power"... well maybe you should add Nat Pagle or Harbringer Celestia here too, just dont buff them lol. Just hero power and buff your dude instead... yeahh.. i guess you are a reasonable dude
If you havent owerdrawn due to Immortal Prelate filling your hand with books, then i dont know what you have been playing.. I personally overdrew key cards as i was testing and removed her after so many Azalina burns. You can play many better cards to get more books: The Voraxx Echoing Ooze Djinni of Zephyrs etc. They have a whole lot better tempo and swing potential and late game value..
Plus, the cards i mentioned above will not ruin your book strategy when get hexed, polymorped or silenced; because you will always have another copy with books attached on it as a back-up ,whereas, Immortal Prelate can be a huge dissappointment -overdraws aside- since its a single target.
You are scared to replace two cards for a good finisher, but you are so eager to create an OVERDRAWING machine deck.. Ofcourse you dont have to include him, but dont ignore the fact that it is strong and it could find a place here in between some unncecessary cards.
Lastly, thanks for agreeing on Sound the Bells!
I know you are trying to share a cool deck and make everybodys experiences better, but when people share their opinions about it, and when those opinions are negative, you should try to acknowledge your mistakes in your decision making and take a step back.
well there are 41 comments and you are the first with a negative one. I don't know what such a things are you doing in those games so you critizise acolyte of pain and immortal prelate that badly. they never lost me a game you just need to learn how to properly use them and when to use them. acolyte of pain never cause me to overdraw even with 10 librams in hand... You know, I could keep talking with you about those cards forever, we both had different matchups but acolyte of pain, immortal prelate and even sound the bells! came to me handy every time. altough thanks for your opinion, Djinni of Zephyrs is actually a great card to this deck, the voraxx is in my update list. I'm gonna try to play as most as possible with this deck to get as far as I can so I can see how it goes against higher tier decks
I love the deck and dont like playing anything else. The sad thing is i barely win with it. I cant get past D5.
Cant deal with aggro most of the time, but it shines if you survive till 10 mana. Unless they pop that destroy all copies legendary, that sucks balls.
Has anyone managed getting to legend with this deck?
Love the deck, wish i could win more though!
yea this is not some undefeatable deck but mostly for fun, Im happy you like it
Brooo this deck is so much fun but i suggest to remove Brann Bronzebeard for a Zola the Gorgon
Brann is optional, I wrote it in my first update. I'm glad you like the deck :)
How about OTK:
Licensed Adventurer
1. Uther of the Ebon Blade
2. Emperor Thaurissan
2. Auctionmaster Beardo +power+ Libram of Wisdom (0) + power + Libram of Wisdom (0) + Libram of Wisdom (0) or Coin + power
oh wow that's great combo, but that would be for another deck sorry.
I created this kind of a deck, check it out.
good job on your version
I would like to commend you - this is so much fun to play and so refreshing! Feels different to anything else I have played.
Any tips on beating Quest Mage? - they are killing me on turn 7/8 :(
the thing is so I have never played against quest mage, but against mage try to get buffs to as many minions as you can and not all in one minion. You want minions to have health ao mage can't snipe it with something or boardclear it easily
Finally got a chance to play this and wow! So fun! I think your build is nearly perfect other than Brann Bronzebeard and boys, I think the time has come. The minion that we all thought was once built for this deck, now is ready to shine. Our hero has been in shadows since forever and is ready to emerge, and his humble name is....
The Voraxx! The card that will now give you two 8/8s immediately with Libram of Hope! The card that always was good with Spikeridged Steed! and will now give us another Libram of Wisdom! and will often give you a 4/4 and a 2/2 or a 5/5 and two 2/2's all for 4 mana! Boys it's time. Dust off those Un'goro packs...
Disclaimer: Voraxx might still be terrible
wow, I totally forgot about this card XD I need to craft so many legendaries in this deck and this one too :D in late game this can be really powerfull. Thanks for the advice and im happy you like the deck.
Really fun deck! I hope you can keep improving it! +1
I'm glad you like it :)
I think this is by far the most fun i had in hearthstone ever. Note that Playing Libram of Hope is super strong if you play it on a minion. You get it back later with Lynessa Sunsorrow and have can build insane boards with just that
yea you just need to find good moment to play it :)