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WW Genn Handlock (Rank 5)

  • Last updated May 2, 2018 (Witchwood)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Handlock
  • Crafting Cost: 8820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/13/2018 (Witchwood)
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hy guys, this is for ppl who wanna give this baby a try, made it to rank 5 from 14 in about zero play time last month (april, 2018 - no trackers, but the deck rly had no problems bar genn paladin be4 I learned the match-up and taunt druid/quest rogue cuz just lol) as i was mostly working and playing casual on mobile. the deck is strong enough to reach legend, i did start a handlock thread when WW came out where ppl have already contributed their experiences (legend wise). as for my own, i made a lot of aggro and cubelock players cry, which was better than reaching legend:-)

i just wanted to make a nice write-up and explain some of the card choices to anyone searching for a viable genn handlock deck. it also doesn't run any cards most ppl wouldn't have except for maybe Genn Greymane who off course is essential. the rest is rly cheap.


tap - to use warlocks hero power


Acidic Swamp Ooze quite simply a must have tech, saves a lot of dudes on board against pala, saves a lot of dmg vs hunter and that mage that pops up every now and then, screws up warriors (some with Gorehowl ) and last but surely not least: CUBELOCK


Curse of Weakness is ur "Frost Nova". u will often times want to go face but u cannot ignore the board; now u can - cast  it several times, disable opponents board and set up lethal


Defile .


Doomsayer usually a turn 3 play after tapping like hell :-)


Sunfury Protector  gr8 for taunting up ur drakes and giants, sometimes an odd geist or genn. having reavers and vulgars plus arthus kinda makes me think we dont need more taunt givers (so no Defender of Argus )


Vulgar Homunculus is gr8 as bloodreaver synergy plus spellstones.very good anti aggro tool.


Hellfire spellstones and gr8 board clear in general


Hooked Reaver this guy is often played with his battlecry early on AFTER your opponent has had to answer some other threats, so quite a pain in the ass and nice anti aggro tool, though silence is a thing ... sometimes though just a 4/4 against aggro decks.


Lesser Amethyst Spellstone .


Shadowflame u can make some insane tempo swings with this card when ur opponent locks u down with taunts (cubelock and taunt druid) or when u can clear an aggressive board with one of you low attack minions so YOU can start pressuring face. insane, not sure about 2, though they have saved me some games.


Spellbreaker as of may running 2 of, just a must have vs cube, taunt druid and genn paladin as well 


Twilight Drake it's handlock, c'mon :-)


Genn Greymane the reason this deck works as it does, no subs


Siphon Soul sometimes i wonder if 1 is enough, just don't know which threats to add ... mby Dread Infernal would be a good idea as a spellstone activator, bloodreaver synergy for ctrl matchups and good against clearing all those minions WITHOUT wasting an AOE, am trying it as of may


Skulking Geist yet again i must say cubelock, cubelock, cubelock and surprisingly good against taunt druid as well. baku rogue and odd paladin are sometimes also nice.


The Lich King bloodreaver is not enough as a finisher plus a nice beefy taunt after your opponent silences all the others.:-)


Twisting Nether as of may cutting it but rly an anti taunt druid tech


Bloodreaver Gul'dan even with the low demon count u HAVE to switch that hero power at one point, plus all the burn decks and face decks atm start crying in face of a few small taunts+bodies, 5 health and a new hp:-) 


Mountain Giant turn 3 with coin, without it u can stil tap x2, turn 3 tap plus 2 drop (doomsayer, defile) p, turn 4 tap giant for 3 mana :-) always keep tapping even if it cost 4 or exactly as much as u have available cuz your hp is 1 mana, meaning u can always tap again be4 playing mountains.



Rin, the First Disciple something i tried out to give a little boost to bloodreaver and a lil taunt against aggro but it's just too unreliable


Drain Soul nice anti agrro tool but i don't think it does enough


Dread Infernal trying out 1 off and quite pleased with the results, good spellstone synergy, makes bloodreaver stronger and a nice touch against paladins


Glinda Crowskin have heard ppl trying it, a nice soft taunt if nothing else



Defender of Argus i think we have more than enough taunts and not enough targets


Ancient Watcher cuz ironbeak owl isn't 2 mana anymore, cuz molten giant has rotated, cuz i'd have to add defenders and cut a lot of the deck for 4 sub-par cards :-/


Plated Beetle early game overkill


Gnomeferatu doesn't contribute to the game plan at all




try to get your doomsayers and defiles, followed by Hellfire, Hooked Reaver and vulgar. if u have a spellstone with vulgar in hand and an aoe it's a keep. with a strong hand u keep twilight and mountains (but only after guaranteeing some early board contesting) with sunfury to make face decks cry. hunter, paladin, mage need to be oozed!


MID (who, where), COMBO & CTRL:


giants and drakes, no surprise there :-) against druids and warlocks u keep Skulking Geist, against cubes and an odd warrior you also keep acidic. Doomsayer is a good keep for the turn be4 giant/drake so they fall on an empty board.


first few turns u tap, without coin u start playing cards turn 3 (tap, Doomsayer) and turn 4 u can either play a drake, reaver or a giant (don't forget to tap once more if it's giant). from there on out u steamroll your opponent


on coin tap twice and drop a turn 3 giant (sometimes followed by a second one into coin sunfury:-P)


that's the simple idea that off course doesn't work every time. early game is board removal plus tapping, mid-game you play your threats, mid-late game you keep removing their threats and going face until u close the game with an insaneShadowflame or Bloodreaver Gul'dan :-)


u learn quickly that it is better to play a drake first against a druid to eat the Naturalize or against shaman for the Hex/Volcano; that playing Vulgar Homunculus is better than Doomsayer against odd pala cuz they ALWAYS have "give ur minions +1 att" on their random Unidentified Maul.  the deck has (as it always did) many intricate synergies and complex situations. because u don't have efficient minion removal (bar big minion removal) u have to be rly careful with your AOEs and how to use them, understanding why Hellfire is better than Shadowflame on a Sunfury Protector to set up lethal next turn or same with trades BE4 Shadowflame.


but yeah mostly it's your minions are bigger and faster and your hand-size is bigger and better. :-) don't forget to keep squeezing in that xtra tap.


coming soon



any comments and questions, feedback and such are highly appreciated :-)

have fun