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He'll drain your soul!
RIP Drain Life
Ok, but what SMOrc deck uses Drain Life?
I actually use Drain Life in my Wild Malygos deck, even if it is very weak. Pretty fun though, but wished they just gave Drain Life Lifesteal...
It's really nice to see warlock getting playable cards, though seeing another basic card getting powercreeped is so fucking sad.
Drain Life can hit heroes, so it's not really "power creep" or the more proper term "strictly better".
Also, If you're sad over "almost strictly better", don't try any card game with years of experience, you'll vomit.
except that he is not a guy.
I think I've only ever used Drain Life to hit face once in over three years of playing this game. This seems like a solid upgrade. Warlock is back, baby!
I don't think people are seeing what I'm seeing... It says Lifesteal.... Now imagine if you had a spellpower card... And at 2 mana!
Incoming Female Warlock alternative hero. You heard here first.
There aren't many known warlocks in warcraft lore. Besides Gul'dan, the only ones I could think of are Jubeka Shadowbreaker and Kanrethad Ebonlocke (a female undead and well.. another white man).
isn't this already a card ? *scratches head* Im sure we already have this card?
Drain life can go face, this is cheaper
Drain Life heals for 2 always. Drain Soul heals for however much damage it deals (i.e. gets buffed by spell damage).
wow good point so with malygod this thing heals for 7