Shudderwock Jade Shaman ft. Tunnel Trogg
- Last updated Apr 16, 2018 (Witchwood)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 6320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2018 (Patches Nerf)

- Sinti
- Registered User
- 26
- 67
- 300
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My first mock-up of a Shudderwock Jade Shaman. I basically took one of the older Jade Shaman builds and changed up some cards that i thought would make it decent with the addition of Shudderwock.
Shudderwock will be able to bring back full board of Jade Golems and destroy all enemy secrets in the process while also increasing the cost of enemy spells by 5 mana for the next turn. And we dont rly even sacrifice any deck cohesion to achieve that. Now thats value!
Tunnel Trogg package alongside of some very good overload cards is just one dirrection this deck can go in, i imagine it might be a pretty good one.
All in all, im not sayin this deck is perfect, but it looks pretty solid to me. No fancy combos wih Murmuring Elemental, Brann Bronzebeard or Zola the Gorgon and such, just a fairly straightforward tempo deck :)
You can definitely swap out Chief Inspector for Eater of Secrets or Kezan Mystic, if you prefer them. I like the stats on the Inspector, allowing me to play him at any point in any match just for the tempo, you cant rly do that with the other two and achieve the same tempo gain.
You can also definitely include the fancy cards like Brann Bronzebeard, Zola the Gorgon, Murmuring Elemental and such, that will let you double up on the battlecries or any valuable card, it will slow the deck down a bit, but it can give you more power overall.
Next is Jinyu Waterspeaker vs Antique Healbot, i originally included Jyniu mostly for the overload "bonus" and for the stats vs cost it provides, but i agree with most of you guys that healbot is just better for what you actually want from the card = survival, so i will be swapping these two out myself.
Interesting options:
One card iv seen someone mention that they had success with in their Jade Deck is Rummaging Kobold. I think it's pretty cool, you get another weapon plus a Jade Golem and then again with Shudderwock's battlecry. It will be hard to find a proper place for it, but i suppose we r trying a little too hard to cover all bases with all the different kinds of tech cards, so i would recommend swapping out Loatheb/Chief Inspector/Hex/Flamewreathed Faceless based on the day ur having and matchups. Let me know how this cards work out for you, if you choose to try it out ;-)
Another cute thing i just realized that could be fun to try out is Elise the Trailblazer. You would basically get two Un'Goro Packs in the end. It could be a nice tech card vs some very slow decks to get quite a lot of value. I know that those decks r pretty scarce on the ladder, so dont think about this in any serious way, just something that could be fun to try out ;-)
Interesting, but reallyreally bad
Feel like lack of spellbreakers & devolve makes it an instant loss against warlocks. Maybe cut chief inspector & a jade chieftan or azure drake for 2x devolve?
real good deck in wild atm, when i finally got a matchup that lasted long enough damn those jades got beefy:) cubelock conceded, they need to run Twisting Nether to deal with this deck
Love this deck, but i win long b4 i can use shudderwock since its so full of tempo:) nice deck tho
Hi, i have a question for those, who played some games with this deck - do you think it will be playable without Aya Blackpaw? I know she is great, but i don't have it in mine collection and actually don't plan craft her. I thought about replacement like Brann or Zola instead. What do you think about that?
Thanks for the reply :) I'll try this deck without her and see what happens :)
Hey Sinti! Hope you did well in the last CDC.
WHat would you suggest replacing Loatheb with? Maybe a Jinyu Waterspeaker for even more survivability?
Also, Shudderwock copies Thrall, Deathseer's battlecry which makes Shudderwock disappear and ends his ability. Bad synergy.
Indeed. I found out the hard way :-(
Really like it, went -1 Faceless +1 Brann for some high rolls against control and its quite solid.
I too made a jade shudder deck, but I prefer antique healbot over jinju, sure the stats are better on Jinju, but I find the better heals on Shudder more worthwhile and the Mistcaller is also fun, but I like your overload deck package.