Party Animal

Card Text
Battlecry: Give +1/+1 to
each minion of a different
type in your hand.
Flavor Text
He's the wildlife of the party!
Battlecry: Give +1/+1 to
each minion of a different
type in your hand.
He's the wildlife of the party!
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The question is how this card interact with a multiple type minions or even amalgam minions ?
Grimestreet Outfitter buffed everything in hand and it was not that strong. One of the better handbuff cards from MeanStreets
Because it was a large tempo loss when you played it that you needed to recoup later. This is not.
On the other hand you need to build menagerie deck around this to be consistently good. So it is way more limited
buffadin is already a menagerie deck
If it hits a minimum of +2/+2 it's already worth it. More than that is extremely good.