Sing-Along Buddy

Card Text
Your Hero Power
triggers twice.
Flavor Text
One of the buttons makes you sound JUST like Ragnaros. BY FIRE BE HEARD!
Your Hero Power
triggers twice.
One of the buttons makes you sound JUST like Ragnaros. BY FIRE BE HEARD!
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
Stupid idiots Call to Arms Garrison Commander Uther of the Ebon Blade
Seems worth to be tested Alongside new Raza.
Even Hunter goes Pew Pew
so ebonblade uther can summon all four horsemen on one turn now?
Does....this mean Hero Power TWICE for just 2 mana? And still in Even decks?
Holy shit.
Hero Power Druid getting some Cards this expansion.