Wheel of DEATH!!!

Card Text
Destroy your deck.
In 5 turns, destroy
the enemy hero.
Flavor Text
Why don't the good guys ever get a wheel?
Destroy your deck.
In 5 turns, destroy
the enemy hero.
Why don't the good guys ever get a wheel?
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So this card its now dead. 6 turns is to much, it would have been better a mana increase nerf.
Also, Floppy Hydra
Wheel into Symphony :). Reminds me of Doomsday gameplay in MTG.
I'm gonna say There's plague deathknight and sludge warlock. You have to have cards in your deck next or U will die. Playing wheel of death turn 8 and symphony nest turn is too risky
Imo the goal is to play it alongside Fanottem, Lord of the Opera
Play pattern is Wheel+Fanotem, then Symphony next turn.
A huge lifesteal guy does nothing when theres numerous bombs in your deck. Death knight, warlock and even warriors will see this turn 8 hopefully turn 8 you have a nice board and you have a hand full of removal and wheel of death. Then U play it. Then U die next turn drawing all those bombs.
It also means you are free to Reno next turn. Tony is stil in standard too.
Concerning Plague DK it means two things, either they have fulled your deck with plagues earlier and in that case you just destroy them, or they hold on into it to play them after and in that case you just beat them down with Giants as a handlock.
This card doesn't mean you have to play it in every mu. But yes, you are right plague DK will be a bad mu.
They still have to get rid of the 15/15 lifesteal tho.
I also think the card is interesting because it changes the dynamic of the game. Once you have dropped this combo, you go full defense mode for 5 turns. And they are ways to pull back cards in your library: Tony or sludges are a good example of that. Even Zilliax has a module to be shuffled back into the deck.
TY :).
Maybe the card is a meme, but I see enough potential to be given a chance. But with my luck I know I will brew something, it will be okay and be lacking something to be op, I will get crazy try to make it really good, will abandon, and on the next set T5 will release a card tat make the whole deck absolutly busted.
Oh and btw, I also remembered this card exist: Shadowborn. Allows you to play Wheel AND Phantom AND Symphony on the same turn. So maybe they can shuffle me plagues, but they have to get rid of a 15/15 lifesteal taunt, kill me in less than 5 turns and get to experience every sympony movement for every turn, and that is If I don't Reno.
And also, I wanna remember the fact that, if you had sludges already in your deck, when you destroy it, you destroy the sludges too to wipe their board.
Edit: I just realized the new Nemsi shuffles herself back to library too if you go demon route.
Just listened to the lattest VS podcast. Told ya :), believe in the wheel. It is a shame there is no other way to cheat wheel earlier than doomkin atm. I hope they rint a way to cheat it out.
Pro tip: don't put the fatiguepackage into this deck...
my god. HS really love to make future meta more messy and unpredictable.
Taunt Shuffle Warlock meta