- The new hero power persists for the rest of the match due to it being a Battlecry effect. (Source)
- Only base hero powers will change. Modifying your Hero Power in any way won't let the Battlecry go off. (Source)
- Shamans can summon duplicate totems through their new hero power. (Source)
- Shamans can only summon their basic totems. (Source)
Hero Power Upgrades
Best card to ever hit the game o7
What will it do for Demon Hunter? Will it be just +2 Attack?
I find myself wishing often that they would put this guy in Classic.
Out of all the Hero Powers I think Druids upgrade is one of the best. Lets you do 2 Damage and Gain 2 Armor so that you can eliminate board threats or the enemy Hero.
Note that justicar can only work in a deck with genn greymane because it is even cost
People joke about how Justicar only gives Shaman the power of choice, rather than doubling the effect like other classes, but controlling what totem you get is actually really powerful. Summoning a constant stream of Taunt Totems when you need to protect yourself absorbs a ton of damage. You get a guaranteed Spell Damage +1 to all of your aoes, and if you don't need any of the totems you can just stock up on spell damage.
I'm very excited to play Baku the Mooneater in Shaman.
This may be the best card in the grand tournament but let's compare it to the deathknights. Scourgelord Garrosh has a better hero power because it fits better withe the current meta. Shadowreaper Anduin brings out a crazy machine gun with Raza. Bloodreaver Gul'dan gives lifesteal. deathstalker rexar gives you a zombeast. Shaman gets evolution. druid gets armour and attack. mage gets life and freeze. Rogue gets a lot of combos. And Uther brings the end to azeroth.
Battlecry: Replace your starting Hero Power with a better one.
if you get it inside the game yeah
but you can't get them both from the starting deck anduin even mana and this mooneater requires odd mana
Sadly, poor Justicar here has become obselete. Almost every hero (Warrior may find use for Tank Up! still) would rather have their respective DK hero power over her options. See ya never.
I think there are definitely options for her in other classes than Warrior. I like the Paladin summon 2 1/1s (for Quartermaster decks) and the Shaman choose a totem+can have duplicates (honestly this is very underrated--taunt every turn for instance or multiple spell totems for heal your minions for a lot of health each turn)
This makes a lot of sense considering that Justicar is much cheaper than most of the death knights and comes with a decent sized body.
Best Legendary in game after Dr. Boom.
Don't forget about Patches the Pirate
"Replace your STARTING Hero Power with a better one"
so no it does not
Never miss this ResidentSleeper card
Damn, I am gonna miss my waifu when this card rotates out
Hey! i heard that in a near future, i wont be able to play this card on standart ranked, but am i able to turn it into dust, after it gets wild? to let me craft more standart cards?
Yes you can do exactly that! Dusting a set once it goes wild is a great way to get a large amount of dust