Kobolds & Catacombs Launches Today!
Hearthstone's newest expansion launches this Thursday (Friday in EU) and we're here to give you all the details in one easy place.
- 135 new cards have been added to the game.
- You'll be getting 3 free Kobolds packs for logging in.
- You'll be getting a free random Legendary weapon for logging in.
- Dungeon Run is a new solo mode available 100% for free. You pick a class and defeat special bosses.
- Don't forget you can use Innkeeper to track your collection on the site to find decks easier that you can craft!
Global Launch Times
- [LIVE] Americas Region: December 7 12:00 PM PST
- Asia Region: December 8 9:00 AM KST
- [LIVE] Europe Region: December 8 05:00 AM CET
Launch Day Goals
- Login to get your free packs and random Legendary weapon.
- Complete Dungeon Runs to get up to 3 more free Kobolds card packs. (Discuss your runs on our Dungeon Run forum)
- Craft any golden Legendaries you really want. This is important due to the no duplicate legendaries rule.
- Open up your packs! You get a guaranteed Legendary within your first 10 packs.
- Share your awesome decks with everyone on HearthPwn via or Deckbuilder.
New Keyword: Recruit
Cards with the Recruit keyword immediately summon minions from your deck and put them into play. Some cards recruit minions that match certain conditions; others recruit randomly chosen minions.
Legendary Weapons
Each class has received a Legendary Weapon, yes, even the ones who didn't previously have weapons! You will get one of these for free, at random, by logging in when the expansion has launched.
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Spellstones are a new type of card which can be upgraded during play! Once you fulfill a listed condition, such as playing two Elemental minions, the card upgrades into a more powerful version.
Unidentified Items
Unidentified Items are cards which when put into your deck don't have a predetermined effect. When the card is put into your hand, the effect of the card will become known. Each item has its own pool of effects that it can randomly choose from.
Wild Set Rotations
There are no sets rotating out to wild with the release of the new expansion. Set rotations only happen at the beginning of a new Hearthstone year which usually happens in April which means we've got another 4 months to go. We've got a great post explaining how these work right here.
Dungeon Runs
Dungeon Runs are a new type of single player content for Hearthstone, much like an Adventure. We won't be getting an adventure this time around due to Dungeon Runs but they're very similar in idea though Dungeon Runs have a ton of replayability.
- You'll pick a class to go on your Dungeon Run with.
- After you defeat a boss in a Dungeon Run, you get extra loot to power your deck up.
- Passives: Cards that give you a bonus for your run.
- Treasures: Powerful cards that are added to your Dungeon Run deck.
- Cards: You'll get to pick between themed bundles of cards to add to your Dungeon Run deck.
- There are 48 unique encounters in total, which are further augmented by the variance in cards you play with each time.
- Losing to a boss in a Dungeon ends your current run.
- If you win a Dungeon Run with each of the 9 classes, you unlock a card back!
The best part about Dungeon Runs? They're completely free! You don't even need to have cards in your Hearthstone collection.
Theorycraft Kobolds Decks
Our community here on HearthPwn has been busy throughout the reveal season creating new ideas with the Kobolds cards. Check out some of our favourites below and be sure to share your ideas in the comments. We've also included a set of decks courtesy of StanCifka.
Share your own decks using our deckbuilder tool.
Community Decks
Deck | Author | Cost |
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SirLancelop | 11240 |
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kiwiinbacon | 7940 |
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Jumarti | 9620 |
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Snowian | 8840 |
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Poghy | 7600 |
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messy_casts | 9140 |
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XIII | 4700 |
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Always_Reno | 11040 |
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NickChipperHS | 5340 |
StanCifka's Decks
Deck | Author | Cost |
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StanCifka | 7600 |
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StanCifka | 10540 |
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StanCifka | 3100 |
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StanCifka | 9360 |
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StanCifka | 4800 |
Kobolds Deck Recipes
Blizzard has added in 9 new deck recipes to the game with this week's patch which feature some of the new cards.
Share Your Own New Decks
Have you created a deck using cards from the new expansion that you're finding success with? Head on over to our deckbuilder and share it with us! Click the banner below to go to the deckbuilder. Don't forget to write a short description to let people know how it works!
Share Your Pack Openings
We'd love to see what you crack open whether that is out of those pre-order packs or from all that gold you've been saving up for months. Check out our two dedicated threads for sharing your openings, one that is for opening videos and the other for screenshots.
Open a Simulated Card Pack
Compete on our site leaderboard with simulated pack openings now featuring Kobolds cards!
Visit Our Kobolds Guide
Our usual expansion guide is live! See all the new cards and learn more.
Get Cheaper Packs!
This section contains affiliate links. They help the site!
If you want to save money when buying Hearthstone packs, you should check out Amazon Coins! It's an easy way to save up to 25% off Hearthstone packs so you can get into the new expansion without worrying about your wallet too much. We've got a detailed guide on how to Get Started with Amazon Coins, but if you've already dealt with them in the past, you can buy some more by clicking right here.
The best part though? You don't even need an Android device because we've got a guide to show you how to setup an emulator if you're on PC!
115 decks, 2 golden legendaries, 5 legendaries, 27 epics
40 packs. One Legendary(first 10), 8 Epics. Ugh.
Your pity timer will activate soon. Get 10 more packs (one at a time so that you don't overspend) and I believe you'll get another Legendary.
is there a minimum requirement to get the log in rewards?
I tried logging in eu and asia server but I didnt get the leg weapon, quest, free packs. (I usually play in US only)
47 packs and 2 legendaries...
From 45 packs Aluneth, [card]Dragon Soul[/card], [card]Lynessa Sunsorrow[/card],[card]Ixlid, Fungal Lord[/card]
as a f2p player it could be better (never played druid or paladin ...)
but ... the dungeon runs are very cool ... so good bye ladder ... and waiting for an adventure (but Blizzard is too greedy and only releases Expansions)
I'd be thrilled with that. 40 packs got me Dragoncaller Alanna and 8 epics
69 packs 7 leg (one gold) + 1 in first 10 lul
I got 1 Legendary out of 50 packs, King Togwaggle. The memes, the overload of memes, I can feel it.
Just from that we can tell that you lie.
You always get a legendary at least every 40 packs, and you are guaranteed to get one in you first 10.
You remind me of Reckful, so stop lying
89 packs, 17 epics, 3 useless legendary, but golden To My Side!, thx, blizzard
Login Reward: Aluneth
First 12 packs: Golden Skull of the Man’ari , Kathrena Winterwisp and Twig of the World Tree
That Rogue weapon is SO broke. Valeera Death Knight + Rogue Weapon + Shadowcaster = Permanent board presence and fatigue-proof hero. It's SO broken.
I’ve never been happier to see an expansion actually released early in Europe #EULivesMatter
It launched on my Birthday :D
Did anyone else not get the 3 packs for logging in even though its says you earned them when logging in but you still had 53packs from pre order and previous tavern brawls?
edit: The packs show up eventually you just have to wait a while, i re logged 3 times within the day and ended up getting it :)
same here...
should you try to relog?
Just noticed they removed the gems from all the non-collectible Legendaries like the Quest reward minions and weapons, including Ashbringer.
I also noticed they made Jaraxxus's Blood Fury a legendary weapon now! Any other changes anyone else noticed?
yes they announced this will happen since some cards :Rend Blackhand look for the gem rarity and now they will look for the legendary dragon emblem over a card and not the gem