Update 2:43 AM: Official site is up!
Update 2:27 AM: No more card reveals tonight.
One Night in Karazhan is Hearthstone's Fourth Adventure
Hearthstone's newest adventure is One Night in Karazhan, which is a glorious party hosted by Medivh - and we're invited! The only problem is Medivh has gone missing and now we must find him!
Adventure Details
- The adventure launches on August 11th.
- We will see 45 groovy new cards.
- One Night in Karazhan will have four wings. Each wing is purchasable for 700 gold or $6.99 USD.
- Buying all the wings together will result in a discount.
- You will receive a special card back if you buy the full adventure within the first week.
- There will be a special free wing available - The Prologue.
- You will play as Medivh.
- This will reward you with two free cards - Enchanted Raven and Firelands Portal.
- There will once again be a set of class challenges.
New Cards
45 new cards will be added with this adventure. Blizzard has revealed 7 of those. Check em out!
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Boss Details
- Moroes greets us in The Parlor.
- The Magic Mirror.
- Chess will make an appearance. Your cards are chess pieces.
- Barnes, the Opera House's Stage Manager heads wing 2.
- There are three opera fights, just like WoW's Karazhan.
- Romeo & Juliet
- Wizard of Oz
- Little Red Riding Hood
- The Curator heads wing 3 - The Menagerie
- Nightbane
- Illhoof
- The Spire
- Netherspite - Opens portals just like the WoW fight. Portals buff your minions.
- Shade of Aran
One Night in Karazhan Guide
Another card set means another guide! Visit our One Night in Karazhan Guide to stay up to date on the latest!
Build a Karazhan Deck
All of the newly revealed cards are in our deckbuilder. So go theorycraft away!
New Game Board
Like every new card set, a new game board has been added!
New Card Backs
Two new card backs were spotted during the stream.
- Unknown - We aren't sure how this card back is obtained.
- Karazhan Nights - Buy the whole adventure within one week of launch.
Cinematic Trailer
It is glorious.
Silverware Golem Gameplay
Event Screenshots
Relive the excitement without the audio!
Sounds fun
Yes, the release model is going to be the same as with all other Adventure. The only difference is that I think we'll get free Prologue mission together with the first week once Karazhan goes live.
Well, this should be interesting.
I can watch the cinematic over and over again. The best cinematic so far :) my favourite scene is the gatsby mediv, looks like in the movie
- totally awesome great work blizzard, hope the card will be that good too.
If hero portrait Medivh was as cool and charming as this one I would surely buy him.
First card from China. Battlecry: Add a random Mage spell to your hand.
Second card from Japan. Whenever you discard a card, draw a card. *Demon*
It would work if we had more midrange support for it, like solid 3-4 drops with big upsides if used with it. This guy t1, librarian t2 is already a solid opener and this guy + dark bargain is removal x2 + draw 2 cards for 6 mana? Thing about hearthstone is it doesn't have as many cards as like mtg because the game is still young if you look at i in how many expansions have been released compared to other tcg's so a lot of niche playstyles are well...niche. They just don't have the support for it. Look at mill in mtg. For a while, you had Millstone. Millstone was all you had and the card obviously was underwhelming. But over time, you eventually got Archive Trap, Glimpse The Unthinkable, Hedron Crab, and all sorts of support for mill. (If you've never played mtg, these were just staple cards for a mill deck at some point.) It's possible blizz is releasing stuff like this for the long-term, hoping that what seems gimmicky these days will make new and interesting archetypes that are at least somewhat competitive eventually once you have a decent shell to start the deck with.
I just hope for demons
There's a new warlock 1-drop.
i saw and i wish i didnt. that 1 mana card was enough for me to quit this shit game.
Made a review video for the first seven cards is someone is interested:
Cant wait for the adventure, revealed cards seem good enough to see play and usually adventures have good cards! I will buy the adventure with real money as I will keep gold for expansions
Funky music aside, watching the Silverware Golem fight makes me wish we had the ability to play as the bosses to toy around with their silly decks. I know there isn't much unique about a lot of them, but Plate synergy, man. Be our guest!
Very excited
A baby will come out
My thoughts... tell me what you think.
Ivory Knight
A 6 mana 4/4. Obviously horrible stats. The effect though grants you a spell from the paladin pool. The majority of Paladin spells are heavily situational, so when picking the good spells, the opponent is most likely going to be able to read what you picked since it heals you for that amount. Nothing more to say here. I hate the Discover ability because of RNG, so I'll rate this at 2/7
Kindly Grandmother
Probably the best card revealed so far. As an end result, it is a 2 mana 4/3, but initially its a 1/1. It'll destroy aggro decks, but will fall short against every other match up. After killing off the 1/1 with your 2 health minion, this card was a waste of a turn 2. But against aggro, where most minions at the start of a match are 2/1's, this will annihilate them. Though, if you're against warlock, they might have Mortal Coil on hand, then this card is mostly garbage. I rate it 4/7
Summons a random 1/1 copy of a minion in your deck. The card itself is stated nicely, but again... The RNG nature of this is sickening. You would literally have to pray to RNGesus to get the card you were planning on synergizing with. A smart person would literally have to stuff there deck filled with OP like passive effects to make this worth while. Such as Malygos, Ragnaros, really any passives that everyone sees in todays meta. Maybe even some deathrattle cards as well. Other then the effect, you're getting a 4/5 in stats for 4 mana. Sounds good enough I guess... I rate this 3/7
The Curator
Draws a Murloc, Beast, and Dragon from your deck. It is stated horribly, but at least it has taunt to disrupt value trading. If I see someone plays this card, I guarantee the Murloc is going to be Coldlight Seer. I can't see any class playing this besides Hunter, since the Beasts are the best for that class. There aren't really any good neutral beast cards. The Dragon, however, is what makes this card good. Ensuring you get your turn 9 dragon, or getting your Twilight Guardian or Azure Drake. This card will probably not see play though just because of the stats... also controlled RNG. Better than RNG RNG, but still RNG. I rate this card 2/7
Ethereal Peddler
Very nice stats. The effect is just a bonus. Though, its that RNG aspect again that just kills this. I'll just have this card in my Rogue deck just for the stats, and not include any of the Burgle like effects. I'm torn... I rate this card 3/7
Enchanted Raven
...Wow. At first when I saw this card, I was hyped. But thinking it through, you will realize its a crappy card. The current meta shows that all minions played on turn 1 and 2 have 2 attack., so really, you're throwing down a 1 mana 2/1 with no effect. The only time this card will be great is Mark of Y'Shaarj, but that is EXTREMELY situational. Originally I rated this a 4/7, but now its a 1/7
Fireland's Portal
Just a shit card, way to expensive and RNG... 0/7
Overall score is 15/49... around 30%. This is the lowest rating I have given to any of the adventures. I believe this to be the worst adventure to date. Blizzard really double-downed on RNG cards this time. When are they going to realize RNG isn't fun? It always infuriates me when RNG literally ends the game when the matchup is close. When I see my opponent play an RNG based card, and loses, I feel sorry for that person. It isn't fun, really.
I mostly agree with the first few but can't agree with the last 2
Enchanted Raven - 2/2 is not the same as 2/1, a 2/1 can be killed off with hero powers. Mark of Y'shaarj is situational but I believe it will show up often enough (3 mana 4/4 Draw a card?). It can also be used to activate beast synergies later in the game (I am also hoping we get more so it can act like twilight whelp), 6 mana 7/7 + 2/2? I would say that is decent.
Fireland's Portal
I don't believe it is that terrible. Yes 5 cost minions generally have less stats than par (on average around a 4 drop) which makes it 4 mana summon a minion and 3 mana deal 5 damage. It may not be run in most decks but I believe there is a spot for it in Reno mages. It can also be a decent pick up from a Ethereal Conjurer or a Cabalists tome. Arena is where it truly shines though, Removal + Board presence? yes please. Plus its a common. Plus a Class card. Plus its from the latest set. This card is going to be everywhere in Arena
"I think this adventure is going to suck because the first 7 cards they revealed, in my opinion, are less than optional in extremely specific situations"-Gamatecal