I think that's it. Definitely makes this card underwhelming without at least a supporting card somewhere else in the adventure. But forgive me if I'm still fond of the idea as a way to help the class regain some of the tempo loss from the above cards (particularly Burgle).
Edit: Remember kids, drowsy posting results in as many accidents as drunk posting.
I think that's it. Definitely makes this card underwhelming without at least a supporting card somewhere else in the adventure. But forgive me if I'm still fond of the idea as a way to help the class regain some of the tempo loss from the above cards (particularly Burgle).
I think that's it. Definitely makes this card underwhelming without at least a supporting card somewhere else in the adventure. But forgive me if I'm still fond of the idea as a way to help the class regain some of the tempo loss from the above cards (particularly Burgle).
Wow a new priest card,thief priest FTW....ow wait! it's a rogue cause of burgle and neferian.
Perfect logic blizzard!Priest loses it's almost inexistent identity.Maybe with the next expansion they will give all the priest cards to rogue and remove priestand make other cards for the rest of the 7 classes
Worthless if you play against rogue, and not reliable enough. Even if you have a card, in your hand, it might not even be worth reducing. If there were more cards like Grand Crusader, maybe this could work, but this card is just too unreliable to see any real play. In priest it might have worked, especially with Entomb.
I fully expect another "burgle" type card to come with this set that we just haven't seen yet, possible a 4-drop to contend with Pillager that gives class cards instead of coins, or a 1-mana 1/2.
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Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
And Nefarian is Black Rock Mountain, which will be cycled out when this expansion comes in. This card is interesting, definitely better than some of the previous Rogue attempts, like Anub'ar Ambusher. I would withhold judgement. It's definitely not a "bad" card.
I think that's it. Definitely makes this card underwhelming without at least a supporting card somewhere else in the adventure. But forgive me if I'm still fond of the idea as a way to help the class regain some of the tempo loss from the above cards (particularly Burgle).
You have a good chance to get Undercity from 1 mana spell with discover, so, 2 1 mana discover spells, 2 Undercity, 2 Burgle and 2 this new guy, is only playable because have decent stats, the problem is the same of all rogue decks, healing. without decent healing any value deck is impossible to play.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Guess they want Rogues to remain gimmicky trash...
Well at least it's a good card for arena, right?
I don't like where this is going to with rogue.. it's too gimmicky..
Holy shit this is kind of similar to a card I designed long ago :O
I really like it! (thematically at least)
Meh. The effect isn't great, but it is pure gravy on top of a Pit Fighter, so it is certainly playable, especially in Arena.
Rogue gets the worst again. Thanks Blizzard/
Dead but dreaming
You want funnel cakes, I've got funnel cakes.
Well, quick run-down of ways to get non-Rogue cards:
I think that's it. Definitely makes this card underwhelming without at least a supporting card somewhere else in the adventure. But forgive me if I'm still fond of the idea as a way to help the class regain some of the tempo loss from the above cards (particularly Burgle).
Edit: Remember kids, drowsy posting results in as many accidents as drunk posting.
Wow a new priest card,thief priest FTW....ow wait! it's a rogue cause of burgle and neferian.
Perfect logic blizzard!Priest loses it's almost inexistent identity.Maybe with the next expansion they will give all the priest cards to rogue and remove priestand make other cards for the rest of the 7 classes
Worthless if you play against rogue, and not reliable enough. Even if you have a card, in your hand, it might not even be worth reducing. If there were more cards like Grand Crusader, maybe this could work, but this card is just too unreliable to see any real play. In priest it might have worked, especially with Entomb.
I fully expect another "burgle" type card to come with this set that we just haven't seen yet, possible a 4-drop to contend with Pillager that gives class cards instead of coins, or a 1-mana 1/2.
Building Quirky Decks Every Week, Loving Life at Rank 15!
Finally a counter to Lorewalker Cho
Could also be great in Tavern Brawls
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
And Nefarian is Black Rock Mountain, which will be cycled out when this expansion comes in. This card is interesting, definitely better than some of the previous Rogue attempts, like Anub'ar Ambusher. I would withhold judgement. It's definitely not a "bad" card.
Verry bad card imo. Since it doesnt heal or taunt its completely irelevant.
Huckster and burgle are the only cards this works with...and burgle is not playable on 3 without control cards as backup which rogue has none.
So this should have taunt or heal in add.
Sadly not playable
Trade Prince Gallywix (Wild)
How is this not a priest card? And more surprisingly, how are there not 50 salty priest players complaining about that?
bad card. u need steal the card 1st. then only can used.