Am really pissed about this card because they made it a common......Arena balance is already in shambles and this just makes it....Don't even have the words.....Card is broken, bad news for Arena.
This seems really powerful. Only drawback is that it occupies the same mana slot as Flamestrike and Archmage Antonidas. Still, for this 1 card, you deal 5 damage (4 mana value) and summon a 5-cost minion. That's 9 mana of value in a single 7-mana card.
As an aside, I'm wondering, if this card summons a Summoning Stone, do you also get a random 7-mana minion as well?
It's not as good as some other crazy RNG mage cards have been. 5-drops are actually often quite bad. It will drop Stormpike Commando and Starving Buzzard as often as not...
We told them 5-cost minions were lacking, they delivered. I wonder what the other portals will look like since this seems to be really promising.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
The card is definitely strong, but I think it will see as much play as Faceless Summoner. It will see a bunch of play in Arena, and it may make an appearance in some decks that want a bit more value.
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I didn't have a signature so Flux added one for me.
Another INSANE Arena common for Mage. How hard is it to make something like this an epic?
If you can not go mage in arena better quit and start again...
Am really pissed about this card because they made it a common......Arena balance is already in shambles and this just makes it....Don't even have the words.....Card is broken, bad news for Arena.
Flamewreathed eSportal
oh the times when this will drop an earth elemental will make go crazy
and what will happen when this drops Hallazeal the Ascended
GJ Blizzard on fcking more the arena
5 mana cost card atleast have 4-4 great value
Ben Brode love RNG confirm Kappa
RNG love me Kappa
This seems really powerful. Only drawback is that it occupies the same mana slot as Flamestrike and Archmage Antonidas. Still, for this 1 card, you deal 5 damage (4 mana value) and summon a 5-cost minion. That's 9 mana of value in a single 7-mana card.
As an aside, I'm wondering, if this card summons a Summoning Stone, do you also get a random 7-mana minion as well?
It's not as good as some other crazy RNG mage cards have been. 5-drops are actually often quite bad. It will drop Stormpike Commando and Starving Buzzard as often as not...
We told them 5-cost minions were lacking, they delivered. I wonder what the other portals will look like since this seems to be really promising.
I'm just another one of those. You know, those who do things. Things that need to be done by those that do these things in order to do those things that don't do these things themselves. Has the word 'things' lost meaning to you already?
[Game] Name another card that has the same...
Slow and random. 7 is too much for it to have a real impact imo.
Everything is OP.
Can't be more than common, as blizz doesn't want to give everyone free dust.
Notice that it's not 5 damage to a minion.
A pretty important fact.
The card is definitely strong, but I think it will see as much play as Faceless Summoner. It will see a bunch of play in Arena, and it may make an appearance in some decks that want a bit more value.
Excellent card for Yogg Saron decks! Does the job of 2 cards. Like a spell fire elemental. Nice.
Blizzard really likes casino cards for mage don't they.
Card seems ok, bit broken for arena though.
Ok after this Arena will be mage only WTF?!
This is just stupid broken in arena and its a common.....god....oh god this is not good.