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    posted a message on (LEGEND 66%) Alutemu Variation

    Looks like a tempo deck, without any big plays, I'm surprised that would keep up with the abusive strategies in the environment? What're the match ups like and strategy? What changes did you have to make for the final push to Legend? What other cards did you test and reject? Also, how have the nerfs affected it (with decks like Implock, Frost DK & Pure Paladin getting more play now). I've been looking for a mage deck to play without breaking the bank, which makes your list appealing

    Edits: last question

    Posted in: (LEGEND 66%) Alutemu Variation
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    posted a message on Hagatha the Witch Hero Card Theory

     Warlock has always had an additional hero card in Lord Jaraxxus

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Hagatha the Witch Hero Card Theory

    I think people forget about cards like Jaraxxus sometimes

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Budget Lich King

    Took me three attempts, which may be due to tilt from the previous 10 losses on other heroes :)

    On a serious note though, it's a solid strategy. While the SW:H on T7 is great, more important is maintaining and staying ahead on board until the Frostmorne turn. So choose minions to play based on keeping them alive.

    The game I won was also the first time I saw Shadow Ascendant

    Posted in: Budget Lich King
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    posted a message on Old player want to get started

    Your thread seems to have attracted a lot of salty players. There are a few annoying things about the current meta, as there always are, but there has never been as much variety of competitive decks in the history of the game. There are definitely competitive control decks, off the top of my head :

    Control (Burn) Mage. This is arguably the top deck due to consistency against the field. It's basically old freeze mage without the freeze

    Quest Warrior. Kind of replaced control warrior. Provided you don't mind hiding behind taunts until you can play the OP Ragnaros hero power, you may like this

    Dragon (or control) Priest. Not necessarily super strong, but can definitely hold its own if you enjoy playing priest. Lots of room for experimentation in decklist

    Control Paladin. Straight up control as it used to be with new cards. Can play with or without N'Zoth. You would need to craft 2-3 legendaries.

    Shaman Spirit Echo control. The midrange-control side of Shaman is relatively unexplored in Un Goro, but this deck is definitely solid.

    Jade Druid. You can think this is anti-control, but another way of looking at it is that it is the ultimate control deck. Basically a snowball deck that eventually becomes unstoppable.

    You should watch some streamers to see what appeals to you and then spend your dust

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Giants Miracle Rogue (10/9/2017)

    The first legendary you should craft for Rogue is Edwin VanCleef. He has always been played and there is no reason why he won't continue to be a signature Rogue minion. After that you can consider any of the other Rogue legendaries, as they are all good, although you should prioritize more recent sets so that you get more time playing in the Standard rotation with the card.

    Sherazin, Corpse Flower is the most recent, so should be next you consider to craft, but it is not a compulsory inclusion in current Miracle decks. If you have either of the other available Rogue legendarys in Standard (Shaku, the Collector and Xaril, Poisoned Mind) you can include them instead. I play a lot of miracle rogue and these last three I generally include 2 of in any build.

    Posted in: Giants Miracle Rogue (10/9/2017)
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    posted a message on Secret Mage is Tier 1 !!!!

    Before you get emotional and cry foul about the Tiers, actually look at the numbers - there is very little difference in the statistical ladder performance of most of the decks. Win rates from the vS report :

    Secret Mage, Tier 1 is 52.2%

    Midrange Hunter, Tier 3 is 49.6%

    That means if you play 100 games with each of these decks, on average you will win 2.5 games more with Secret vs Hunter. ie, not anecdotally perceivable. Furthermore, with variance, and your personal skill level at each hero, plus what decks you happen to face in those 100 games, it could easily go the other way.

    The point being, the vS tier list is based on 10,000s of games of actual results. It's the best statistics on the game we have available, but the differences are very small - so, unless you are playing warlock, you are unlikely to feel the power rankings on a personal level, playing each deck.

    Posted in: Mage
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    posted a message on Blizzard's Lazy Decks

    The thing that frustrates me the most about Standard and the cards and resulting decks that Blizzard creates, is the constant stream of laziness of top tier designs. Almost every dominant strategy I can recall over the last 3 years has suffered the same mindless piloting.

    Getting the exceptions out the way, Control Warrior and the original Miracle Rogue (although I never played it so can't attest if it involved some good decision making or was utterly mindless due to a cheaper Auctioneer and Patron Warrior were all highly competitive (or best) decks. In particular, Patron was actually only a top deck among very skilled players according to statistics.

    Other than that it's been one mindless strategy after the other.  Zoo, UtH hunter, Face Hunter, Pirates, Aggro Shaman, Secret Paladin etc

    The thing that has particularly annoyed me is how heroes which have been generally weak for a long time, when they finally get some love from Blizzard, it's always in the form of a mindless strategy!! Take poor shaman, suffering along for a year and a half with various ineffective midrange/control decks then Blizzard's solution? Here have an aggro deck! FFS! We don't want an aggro deck, we want tools to make our mid-range playable! I stopped playing Shaman for a year at that point. And don't try argue that the recent "midrange" shaman took anything like the decision making that it did before all the OP cards were released.

    Exactly the same for Paladin, always struggling with an ineffective midrange/control deck and then is given one of the most stupid decks of all time, secret paladin. Inviting everyone who loves mindless decks to come and try out Paladin.

    Then the long suffering rogue with that had one useful card (Oil) for 2 years, then finally Blizz gets around to addressing this, Rogue gets the stupidest strategy of the current expansion, Crystal Rogue. Once again, I very much doubt that long time supporters of the Rogue class cares a jot to play this strategy.


    TLDR; every time Blizz addresses class balance it's by creating a mindless strategy that actually, most players of that class do not want to see.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on [Legend top 100] Dragon Ysharaaj Control Shaman

    Kudos for a great deck concept. I don't have Madam Goya, but can see enough synergy in there for a lot of fun. Here's a HS replay of my first game T6 kill


    Posted in: [Legend top 100] Dragon Ysharaaj Control Shaman
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    posted a message on Yogg Token Druid Guide by J4CKIECHAN

    Watched J4CKIECHAN quite a lot on stream over the last week playing this deck and it's definitely not just a "fun legend deck" as he was taking on all comers. The ability for the deck to just restart from nowhere is quite remarkable. I had already faced a few people who had copied the deck off stream last week but I expect them en mass now that the guide has been released! Not a simple deck to play though and I doubt many will be able to pilot this to high legend ranks as the architect has done.

    Keep up the great work on imaginative decks and an entertaining steam


    Posted in: Yogg Token Druid Guide by J4CKIECHAN
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