Queen Azshara
Card Text
Battlecry: If you've cast three spells while holding this, choose an Ancient Relic.@ ({0} left!)@ (Ready!)
Flavor Text
Hobbies include: Ordering subjects around, making deals with old gods, and taking long walks under the beach.
Was she given out as a freebie when the expac went live or something? still don't have this card yet, but she looks great.
I just found out that Faelin is a free card, so was hoping this one would be as well. still opening sunken packs though, so think I'll hold off on crafting anything just yet.
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Queen Azshara's power comes in her flexibility. While Horn of Ancients is the usual snap pick, all the other choices can be usual in specific situations as well. The card isn't inherently overpowered, either; while getting a 1 cost colossi is strong, remember that you're sinking in 8 mana to do so in the first place, making this more of a preparatory card than an outright broken one in terms of stats.
Use the Horn of Ancients relic (add a random Colossal to your hand, it costs 1) in token druid with Oracle of Elune
especially good if you hit something like Crabatoa or Gaia, the Techtonic
I think it looks great, I love it. What do you think they ruined about it?
First Golden I will craft if I didn't got it from pre-opening. It's also an Odd card
for Baku the Mooneater and Frost Lich Jaina Lovers in Wild
wish I never dusted my golden DK Jaina :(
I don't really play wild very often though, so the 1600 was too good to pass up on at the time.
I have waited so very long for this moment.
Me aswell, but they ruined the art.