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    posted a message on Quest Ressurect Priest
    Quote from ThotHunter37 >>
    Quote from msmith1114 >>

    Pretty similar to what im running. Although why the Damaged Stegotron? Seems like a random choice. Also do you find the Power Word: Shield to be of much use?


     Stegotrons are a great target for healing, trust me you will have matchups where your opponent doesnt want to hit you and let you complete quest, also you can play stegotron plus divine hymn on 8 and heal a lot (5/12 taunt also) turn 10 combo with grave rune is just so op, 2x 5/12 taunts is no joke and if you have quest done by then its really scary for your opponent. Sometimes you have slower games and you can play stegotron on 6, they kill it, and turn 7 you can play psychopomp for a reborn 5/12 taunt and you still have 3 mana whitch is insane. As for pw: shield I use it very rarely as a buff, its more of a 1 mana draw one. I guess its cuttable, but I've been testing different lists since uldum pretty much and I find 4 draw cards in the deck great, it just flows so good and you get everything you need to your hand. Sry for text wall, I just love my creation and wanted to explain my decisions behind cards well

     Those all make sense, I do like the idea of PW:Shield for card draw because there are plenty of times I NEED to draw one more card but don't want to waste mass dispel for that.

    Posted in: Quest Ressurect Priest
  • 1

    posted a message on [Poll] Which hero portrait do you use for each class?

    Druid - Malfurion
    Hunter - Allerria Windrunner 
    Mage - Medivh
    Paladin - Prince Arthas
    Priest - Tyrande Whisperwind
    Rogue - Valeera
    Shaman - King Rastakahn
    Warlock - Guldan
    Warrior - Magni Bronzebeard or Deathwing depending on the deck.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Improving Treant Druid

    So i've had ok success so far with "Trumps" version of Treant druid. Mine is ever so slightly modified:

    [DoD] Treant Druid
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (14) Ability (16)
    Loading Collection

    That being said I think there are some room for improvements, but also some questionable options as well. The first one that is brought up a lot is Treespeaker. This just never feels like it works out as good especially since they can't attack immediately, and I feel like with Treant druid you need every turn you can for attacking.

    I've seen a few people also run Wispering Woods, but I feel like my hand size is never big enough to really take advantage of this. Also more times than not personally Blessing of the Ancients feels sorta dead in my hand. I feel like 99% of the time Savage Roar has been good enough. I've considered replacing these with maybe Wrath or Swipe to have some semblance of board control.

    Anubisath Defender also is another card I see only sometimes but it just seems like such an easy drop with so many >5 cost spells.

    Any thoughts? Sidenote: When the new expansion releases in 2020...were losing a lot of stuff from boomsday that supports this deck, so I hope we find other options for standard (Im sure we will though since Blizzard is obviously pushing Treant for druid).

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 3

    posted a message on Does anyone else feel they can't keep up as a F2P player ?

    I think (and this is my personal opinion) that people get wayyyy too focused on trying to "Collect them all". Im not a F2P'er but I don't typically spend much on the game. I will typically do the cheaper pre-order bonus (which is like 30-50) and thats every 4 months. To me this is a pretty small price to pay really for a game I consistently enjoy.

    I mean otherwise lets pretend I wanted to play a game all year, most games these days do not have as much replayability. So it wouldn't be crazy for some people to buy 3-4 games a year. To me this is similar to buying a cheaper game every 4 months and honestly it feels completely reasonable.

    At the same time I came from the MtG days from long ago which as anyone can tell you is INSANELY expensive to keep up with. Sure you have physical cards you can sell for money but that's also a gamble too (And when you factor in what you spent....you really aren't making that much).

    Typically with me doing my Daily quests and doing a pre-order bonus im able to build about 3-4 meta decks. If I don't have a legendary I don't sweat it because honestly most meta decks do JUST fine without ALL the legendaries. Most really only have 1 or 2 core ones. With Galakrond being free that's even easier.

    For instance my Treat druid deck I've done well with only has 2 legendaries and honestly Cenarius could be ditched easily. Taking a look at a quest Shaman Galakrond deck for instance: https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/galakrond-quest-high-winrate/ You could easily remove Nithogg and even Kronx Dragonhoof (Believe it or not people are finding him to be not as good). That leaves you with your free Galakrond card and your 1 legendary quest card and 2 epic cards (Which could honestly be replaced easily).

    Doing this I feel like most people can achieve many meta decks. Yeah some decks are SUPER expensive but there are always versions that can be made that have only a SLIGHT less win-rate. I think the key is to understanding that you don't need to have every card or be able to play every single deck out there. I feel like I play at least the vast majority doing it this way though.

    I know a common argument is "You should be able to have every card with what you spend", and I sort of understand where people come from. But in reality blizzard does give out tons of free packs and if you save your gold per each expansion you can get enough to play by saving gold and buying smart to play a lot of meta decks out there for free!. Thats just my 2c.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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