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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #28 - Submission Topic [UP-VOTING ONLY]

    He waits. He lurks. His vengeance will be swift.

    Basically, if the stabfish is not killed by exactly one damage, he'll be resummoned with the total damage dealt minus one. And flavour wise, didja know that Starfish can regrow a completely new starfish from a torn off limb? Fun things, starfish.


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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    @McF4rtson I tried balancing the cost vs. things like rockbiter and all that, but ultimately the extra mana comes from the fact that any ability the weapon has can also trigger twice, and just using the examples we have, Hakkari Manslayer, that can let you heal back 3 more than most turns on the back of the extra damage. Plus, unlike the damage boost from rockbiter, this can and most likely is split among multiple targets, so double removal and all.

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    @Teknician The idea is less that it gains health based on overkill, but survives any attack of 2 or less. I do like your idea though, you should try that out before I steal it ;)

    @Emergencystairs Yeah, it's extremely clunky, but I didn't want a card that simply said "Ignore damage of 2 or less." This, way, if the card is buffed, you can still run 2 or less minions into it until it reaches 1 health.

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    Yeah it's a bit wierd. The idea is that whenever a character dies in Hearthstone, we see the whole negative health business. So, it it was attacked by a 2 damage creature, it goes to -1. From there, it restores 2 health. -1+2= 1. However, if it takes 3 damage, it goes to -2. -2+2=0, it's still dead. Did that make anymore sense..?

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    Updated with expert commons. Please do give me your opinion on undying rager, it's a bit of a strange concept.

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    Actually, up until TGT, nothing in warrior actually had taunt, going off of the Hearthpwn database- The actual warrior decks, could be, I just wanted it to e a bit more integral then it had been.

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    The effect is random, so by choose do you mean trade away any other minions you have? because if so, if they only have one minion on board and you can't trade it to death, I think it's still a huge tempo loss to have to trade away quite a few of your minions for this to target. IDK, I'll have to review it again.

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    posted a message on Pirate Hero Class Concept [TGT Legendary]

    If your looking for photos kthuloo (Nice name btw), I usually use the keywords "Wow TCG (Class name, species name, Faction name) Art" when I'm trying to keep MC away from generic fantasy art.

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    posted a message on Berserker Class Concept (Classic, Full Expert Set)

    Art provided by McF4rtson

    Class Overview

    Howdy! Welcome to Berserker, the warrior that... isn't quite. While this shares similar damage concepts with warrior, it's more focused on the longevity of the damaged minions, using Taunts as an attempt to keep them alive.

    Before I start, a massive thank you to McF4rtson. I couldn't have even begun to do it without him, between the balancing and phrasing, and he's provided several helps on the art front as well.

    As far as I can tell, I'm the first person to post a concept for Berserker, so sit back and enjoy!

    Broxigar the Red


    Most heroes aren't dead, but there is no Berserker more heroic than this dead guy. Broxigar sacrificed himself to save all of azeroth in a fight against the burning legion, becoming one of, if not the only mortal to damage the demon god Sargeras. Truly, a great ma- Orc. A great Orc.

    Please don't remind him he's green, his red/green colorblindness gained him his nickname. Broxigar the Green isn't a very cool berserker name, now is it?


    Reave is designed to be a step up on Fireblast. Of course, that's be too powerful, so instead it has classic random effects. It clears a lot stronger minions than Fireblast, but avoid Nerubian Egg like the plague. If your opponent has no minions, it's a Steady Shot.

     The Basics

    Automatic Inclusion

    Second Wind Explanation:

    Inner Rage, meet Power Word: Shield. This is your basic Enrage enabler, but potentially much stronger. The basic issue with enrage is longevity. Most start with 3 health, and most have a damage boosting effect. And almost all of them have the same problem- All the damage in the world doesn't save them when they're stuck on 2 health. This card raises your enrage minions by health points and triggers. It can also act as an Arcane Shot.

     Automatic Inclusion

    No Passage! Explanation:

    Mark of the Wild [/card] says hi. This is for those early low-damage minions, your [card]Haunted Creepers and such. And no, this was not meant to make Stoneskin Gargoyle playable. A fairly simple buff card.

     Automatic Inclusion

    Vicious Assault Explanation:

     Ah, the base AoE. This is a cheaper consac without being able to boardwipe, but it could more or less wreck any aggro boards on turn three.

     Automastic Inclusion

    Band of Brothers:

    This card looks fairly simple on the surface- some form of stall wall. But the fun comes with it's secondary effect. This card removes the concept of taunt when it comes to trading, allowing minions hidden behind that pesky Annoy-o-Tron or Sludge Belcher to be destroyed with impunity. The downside is there will be no hiding any of your minions from the opponents retaliation.

    Automatic Inclusion

    Zandalari God-Hulk Explanation:

    Here's the first minion with a damage effect. In this case, it's designed to ignore certain amounts of trading, and requires fairly direct trades, because anything with 2 or less attack is ignored when trading. Also, this is a sibling to Gurubashi Berserker.

    At level 2

    Shattered Hand Render Explanation:

    Your tempo play, ladies and gentlemen. This is more or less balanced when you get two trades out of it, as you've lost 2 health from the effect, making it a 5/4. This does still trade up with 4/5's, though ping'll wreck her. This effect only triggers on attacking though, so forcing your opponent to trade is ideal.

     At level 4


    Demonblood Concept:

    While it doesn't trigger like Second Wind, it can easily swing the board in a mid-lategame mass trading. I will say this was more designed as an arena card, simply because I wouldn't expect people to have too many minions on turn five from the way I'm expecting this class to be taken.

    At level 6


    Hakkari Manslayer Explanation:

    The first of the Berserker weapons, Hakkari Manslayer is a mid-lategame card designed to keep you alive whie trading. Yes, it isn't unlike Truesilver Champion, but it's costed higher. Why, you may ask? Well, because Truesilver heals 4 health... This heals 9. While there are no buffs for weapons (Yet) in Berserker, Captain Greenskin is an available buff which can lead to this giving... 16.. health... Whoof.

     At level 8

    To The Death! Explanation:

    Ohmygosh, 0 mana destroy! Well, all is not rainbows unfortunately... Let's face it, anything you want to destroy more or less will kill something of yours, and probably something you like. Violet Teacher could make this fun, though.

     At level 10

    One Final Stand Explanation:

    Sometimes you need that taunt that simply won't die to anything short of hardcore removal. Sometimes you your opponent's aggro minions to die horribly at the feet of your 5/11 Zandalari God-Hulk. Sometimes, you need One Final Stand. This card discourages the opponent from moving any of his minions in- Unnecessary damage being unnecessary and all that. This is a card designed to stall for that combo that's just slightly out of reach. We've all been there, and we've always said "I need just one more turn!" Well here ya go. 

    The Expert Cards

    The commons

    Bonechewer Brawler Explanations:

    This is designed to be a roundabout Annoy-o-Tron, allowing a stronger taunt with the downside of having almost no attack. Now, as far as I can tell, enrages occur even after a minion dies- therefore, a 3 damage minion would kill the bonechewer, but it would then survive.  

    Bloodfang Reaver

    Designed to work with the aforementioned Bonechewer, this card is supposed to be tempo as heck. However, without a decent turn two play, this is a fairly mediocre card which only clears 2/1's effectively.


    Calmed Blademaster

    This is probably the most basic of the commons. This is a sort of reverse Spectral Knight, which is immune to the popular Ironbeak Owl and Big Game Hunter. It is of course also ignorant to Shattered Sun Cleric, but otherwise it's designed to take as many buffs as you can give it, of which berserker has a few.


    Blood Fury Explanation:

    Ever need a Doomhammer, but the not the 2 damage limitation? Well, here we are then. This allows second weapon use for double trading. The cost was actually balanced against the damage of spells like Rockbiter Weapon and Heroic Strike. Of course, with some weapons this card will be stronger than with others. Also note it says hero- Yes, this will allow destruction of one weapon chaining into the next, for maximum value.


    Into the Fray Explanantion:

    A sort of reverse Inner Fire, this makes for better trading against some of those pesky 7 cost and higher cards with something as low as a 3 or 4 drop. Also decent for a face push if you need that last bit. I'll bring this card up a few times, but this also works really nicely with Raging Worgen, especially when combined with second wind. In fact, in general, Second Wind can make it highly powerful.

    Warning- This card is kinda weird. I'd appreciate your opinion of it.


    Undying Rager Explanation:

    Hooookay. This is a card I really wanted to implement... This card is designed as a form of 4/3, with a massive twist- this card is designed to survive through 1 and 2 damage attack. It must be killed with a 3 damage or higher minion- Hence, a tempo play. This would also proc things like Mortal Coil for card draw, but would not die. Arcane Missiles shenanigans do not work either. I'm also not sure if this balanced properly, please do yell at me about this one.

     The Rares

    Ragetotem Marauder Explanation:

    Again, this takes the route of the Bonechewer Brawler- You either kill it outright immediately or it lives and you learn to regret letting it survive. In this instance, if it takes 4 damage it will flat out die, so overkill is no worry. However, if you don't one hit it you'll have to attack it at least 3 times, and I'm sure anyone can tell you that's a horrible disadvantage.


    Fist of the Deity Explanation:

    Though unintentional, as this was built much before it, this is an alternate version of Poisoned Blade. It has variable attack, but is fairly easily manipulated on your turn. Mostly, it's a 2/3 for 4... and that's not very good. At 2 damaged friendlies it gains value, so not unachievable. 


    Gordok Facesmusher Explanation:

    Yes, I know what you're thinking, it's an objectively worse Bomb Lobber. Here's where things get a bit more interesting though- The effect can and may activate on your opponent's turn, ruining trade plans and helping it survive for another turn. It's also possible to heal the Facesmusher and reuse it's effect, though you'll need something like an Earthen Ring Farseer.


    Bleeding Hollow Siphon:

    This is probably the best option for turning a game around in topdeck wars. This is probably one of the better cards of the set, but the one you'd least want to play on curve. For those that are wondering, it's a mega-Slam with the capacity to draw around 1-3 cards on average. Against current meta like Patron, you can do heavy clear and get decent draw (Though some patrons may survive).


    Unimpressed Veteran Explanation:

    This is a strange one. On one hand, it's probably dead if your opponent has a board or spells. But much like Zandalari God-Hulk, this can spiral out of control and become something of value. It gains value off one summon on the opponents end, but more than likely you'll only get one before the opponent trades into it. I still think it's kinda fun though, requiring your opponent to make sure none of their minions will summon tokens before they kill her.

    The Epics 

    The Bladefist Explanation:

    Fairly simple but effective Weapon. A Fiery War Axe with a third swing. Admittedly, Durability is less valuable then attack, but I valued the weapon around 3 so the Flame Imp effect made sense.


    Selfless Harbinger Explanation:

    This is my variation on the [cardBurly Rockjaw Trogg[/card] concept of spell taunt, but on  top of that, this forces minions to trade into a large taunt minion before anything else, which forces bad trades on your opponents end of affairs. Of course, AoE's will still devastate your board and your minions won't keep stealth after the harbinger dies, so it's more of a stall piece than anything. Also, your hero does not have stealth, so you can still get kill commanded.


    Blaze of Glory Explanations:

    Ok, here's a fun one. This is, surprisingly enough, my roundabout way of designing Fireball. This is for those times when you know the minion you have in your hand won' have an immediate effect because the opponent can and will trade first. Or, you just wanna deal 5+ damage to the enemies face.

     The Legend

    The definition of sticky taunts. It requires at least two different sources of damage at least to shut him down, and with a few Faceless Manipulators, maybe a Kel'Thuzad.... Lo'Gosh may never die. Also very fun with any other Taunts.

    Who are Lo'Gosh and "Varian Wrynn"?

    Well, they are technically both Varian Wrynn... Now hold with me.

    Varian is the King of Stormwind, leader of the Alliance. Now, as a horde player, I knew very little about him, but I remembered he was once an amnesiac gladiator. It turns out, he was once split in two via forms of black magic. Lo'Gosh embodied his valor and bravery, and ended up fighting in horde arenas. "Varian"..? His political side...? I dunno, he seemed to drink a lot. Eventually, they killed Onyxia and fused themselves back together for more fun times. And all that jazz.

    Though ya know, the horde've shed no tears if he just kinda not survived.

    Also, Berserker is actually part of McF4rtson's Hearthstine Lackey test program, so if you want a try, go here http://www.mediafire.com/download/dagcd908z3yk7yq/Hearthstone Mod V.3.1.rar

     New posts will be coming out soon!



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    posted a message on Concept - Dragonsworn [aug. 26 - CRAZY NEW CARDS!]

    Hrm. Undying dragon is actually underbudgeted. Since I assume he's supposed to be for constant taunt buffs and not silencing, I'd recommend buffing him to a 3/6. Do to the fact that he comes out of another dragon, you can probably budget better than Ancient Watcher.

    I'd put a limit a turn limit on sands of time... otherwise it's a bit too much of a risk. Say, like within 6-8 of your own turns. I actually like the concept though, good turn one play. 

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Eadric The Pure

    Oh, pretty neat! The taunt synergy could of course be real good, and for some decks getting rid of their one attack minions may be difficult. Nice!

    But, seriously, could we get some non-human pallys? Sunwalker Dezco says hi.

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    posted a message on Bard Class Concept [LOE started]

    Little known fact; Ragnaros actually was went on tour with ETC. Reviews called the experience "explosive" and "High-energy."

    I'm almost thinking the drumstick should have some form of damage mitigation, it actually seems kinda lategame.

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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Brave Archer

    I'm waiting for the Trolden play where someone plays a Hungry Dragon just to bm the opponent who has no chance of winning, and then the only card the opponent draws is garrison commander, and wins to the sound of rocky music.

    And then I think I will forget about this card forever.

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    posted a message on Concept - Dragonsworn [aug. 26 - CRAZY NEW CARDS!]

    Uhm, lol, Ultraxion is not a member of the blue dragonflight, Ultraxion is the a member of the twilight dragonflight, the fabricated guys made by Deathwing. If you want a blue dragonflight member, I would recommend Kalecgos.

    On the cards:

    Lifebind: Ok... people play Circle of Healing only for the damage and to buff Injured Blademaster, I don't see how a 3 mana version of it will really be all that useful.

     Sworn Warrior: I'd take a look at Twilight Whelp, because I'm fairly certain that a turn 2 3/3 is highly unbalanced. and yes, there is the argument of "what if you don't have a dragon", and that's fair, to me it makes the card just feel... awkward, IMHO. I'd consider rebalancinfg the actual buff and move it up to 1 base attack.

    Blazing Dragonling: Ok, that's just a better wolfrider with dragon tag. This is the classic Fen Creeper vs. Druid of the Clawargument. I'd say rebalance.

    Dragonfuse: Awesome art aside, I'd rebalance this. Because, while the Haunted Creeper is worth 1 mana, it only triggers once.

    Proto-Dragon: Ok, it's not piloted sky golem, but why only 4 drop dragons? It just doesn't seem too random imho, too easy to bank your plays on.

    Anyhoo, I think everything else is more or less balanced. I do think the choice to have only one weapon and two secrets in the basic/expert set is a slight mistake, and would recommend moving Proto-Dragon to GVG for more space, and probably Sapphire Wyrm do to battkecry and deathrattle only really showing up then. I'll say that a Dragonflight based weapon might be neat.



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    posted a message on Bard Class Concept [LOE started]

    Eh, I'll bring it up witcha later, MC.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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