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    posted a message on Anyone noticed an increase in C'Thun use?

    I've been bouncing around ranks 10-15 with a non-dragon C'Thun priest this week.  It's been ok, too many bad mulligans against Pirate Warrior.  And I have to say I can't wait until Azure Drake disappears.  The card text might was well read "Immune to Priest."

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Favorite Combo Play
    Quote from UnboundA7X >>
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>
    Quote from UnboundA7X >>
     This (Plus Bolf Ramshield ftw of course)
    Does Bolf actually save you while everything else dies? I've never seen or tried this.  
     Yes!  There's a tavern brawl where you can pull it off fairly easily:
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Favorite Combo Play
    Quote from UnboundA7X >>
     This (Plus Bolf Ramshield ftw of course)
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on The nerfs made Pirate Warrior stronger in Wild

    My buddy took (wild) pirate warrior to legend the season before MSG came out.  It was already a very strong deck in the hands of good players.  The pirate package just made it a very strong deck in the hands of mediocre players too.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Reason for stale meta is netdecking

    I agree with others that the problem is Blizzard's attempt to force archetypes on players.  These archetypes are too powerful to ignore, but they require half or more of your deck space.  In a deck of only 30 cards, when 15 are essentially preset, the game is reduced to picking 15 card support decks.  Even then, there are some cards that are so powerful they are automatic includes, which in the end, leaves players choosing maybe 5 cards.  I'm worried quests will only make this worse.  

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Arena rewards are getting worse ?

    Your numbers don't match what's listed on http://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arena.  At 5 wins, the best you can do with gold is 60+60, and is not possible to get any golden cards or any epic cards (let alone a golden epic!)

    His "low roll" is much closer to average than "highest possible" reward you cited.  In 34 tracked 5-win runs for me, my average reward is:
    73 gold
    12 Dust
    1.12 packs
    0.31 Plain cards
    0 Golden cards

    So, if you count the plain card as 5 dust, my 8 games spent in the arena generally nets me 23 gold and 14 dust, with the only upside being that 1 out of every 9 runs I get an extra pack (and that's probably on the high/lucky side). 

    Anyway, just to confirm the numbers in the link above regarding golden cards as rewards, I've had 199 runs at 7 wins or less, and NEVER gotten a gold card as a reward for anything less than 8 wins. 

    I agree with with OP, and generally play much less arena than I used to because I get so frustrated at bad rewards after a grueling run.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on Aldor VS Humility in Anyfin Pal' ?

    I'm assuming you have Wickerflame Burnbristle in the deck already?  That card was designed to kill pirates and has single-handedly won many games against pirate warrior. The worst part about the card is that you can only have one!

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 1

    posted a message on Why Hunters are the worst Class in the game.

     Hunter needs just a couple cards to shore up some gaps.  Paladin is a worse class in pretty much every way. Meta notwithstanding, I'd say Paladin and priest are the worst classes.  They have the worst evergreen sets, the worst hero powers, and require a lot of help to be competitive.  Pre-standard, Paladin had a good set of pieces to make a variety of competitive decks around (muster, mini-bot, quartermaster).  Since, its only been two cards that require dedicated decks: MC and anyfin, both of which will be gone in a month.  Priest is losing all its dragons.  These two classes will need WAY more help in Ungoro to be good.  

    Posted in: Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - Submission Topic

    Flavor Text:  C'mon double Deathwing! Wham! Wham! ... Damn.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Insanely Hard Paladin Near-OTK Challenge

    Hi all- 

    If you're bored of the meta and want a fun (very hard) challenge, try this.  The goal is to win a game with a 100% guaranteed Holy WrathMolten Giant for 25 damage.  In order to pull it off, you need to have:
    1. One card left in your deck, and it MUST be a minion
    2. 5 or less health (or close if you have additional discounts from Emperor---see below)
    3. Your opponent must be at 25 health or less
    4. You must have had Emperor Thaurissan hit at least once on Holy Wrath or Madam Goya

    If all the above conditions are met, you play your Molten Giant, which should cost zero, use Madam Goya to swap it as the remaining card in your deck, and then Holy Wrath for the win.

    It is really hard to pull of for several reasons:  If Emperor Thaurissan or Madam Goya is the last card in your deck, it cannot be done.  If the last card in your deck is not a minion, it cannot be done (you can have a 50/50 shot with two cards left if one is a minion, but not the point of the challenge).  Thus, when crafting a deck to meet the challenge, you should have as few spells as possible (if any) other than Holy Wrath.  You also need be very precise in keeping your health at the right level.  I've had several games where I drew out my deck before I could get the giant down.

    Below is the deck I used, and pulled off a couple times (in many, many tries).  THIS IS NOT A GOOD OR COMPETITIVE DECK.  It's only for purposed of this combo challenge.  If you're bored with ladder, see if you can make a better one!  Best of luck!

    Insanely Hard Paladin Near-OTK Challenge
    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (26) Ability (4)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from gilgamesh1010 >>
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>

    Thoughts?  This is avenging wrath + holy wrath + dragons.  Very Paladin-esque.  I originally considered using only 4 mana.  I think it may be over coasted at 5.  And before you say "How can that be! This can deal 20 damage," Think about the following:
    1) I did the math,  in average deck with 8-10 dragons, the card will deal on average 3-5 damage (basically 1-2  arcane missiles).  Close 40-50% of the time it will deal no damage.
    2) Nobody plays holy or avenging wrath because of lack of predictability (even though holy wrath can deal 25 damage!).
    3) Paladin needs help!

    I think this carid is much better than Holy wrath (2 cards drawn, can be used as potential board clear) and have always thought holy wrath was way over-priced.  Plus, this card is useless outside of a dragon deck.

     Maybe if it will geal damage only to minions? Less RNG. 
     I thought about that and am still on the fence.  Here's some pros/cons:
    Pros for hitting minions only:
    - Better board clear and Paladin desperately needs more board clear
    - Less tempo loss for the card draw when paired with potential board clear
    Cons for hitting minions only:
    -Damage effect lost if opponent's board is empty, and an empty board is the best time for card draw
    -Loses some of the Paladin flavor (link to avenging wrath, combo with equality as board clear)
    -No chance for epic lucky lethal in mid-late game (Holy Wrath paladin is my favorite deck, and inspired me to make this)
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.09 - Discussion Topic

    Thoughts?  This is avenging wrath + holy wrath + dragons.  Very Paladin-esque.  I originally considered using only 4 mana.  I think it may be over coasted at 5.  And before you say "How can that be! This can deal 20 damage," Think about the following:
    1) I did the math,  in average deck with 8-10 dragons, the card will deal on average 3-5 damage (basically 1-2  arcane missiles).  Close 40-50% of the time it will deal no damage.
    2) Nobody plays holy or avenging wrath because of lack of predictability (even though holy wrath can deal 25 damage!).
    3) Paladin needs help!

    I think this card is much better than Holy wrath (2 cards drawn, can be used as potential board clear) and have always thought holy wrath was way over-priced.  Plus, this card is useless outside of a dragon deck.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Mayor Noggenfogger is bribed or something
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>

    If you take yourexact same statement and replace it with attacking, it's no longer true, which is why Noggenfogger is inconsistent.  Take the scenario where I have Tirion, and Noggenfogger, and my opponent has a stealthed Shaku:

    The recipient of the spell Shadow Word: Death attack by Tirion is randomly selected from the list of legal recipients of that spell attack. In your hypothetical, that list contains exactly one member [opposing hero]. If Noggenfogger the opposing hero were somehow stealthed, you wouldn't be able to cast the spell attack at all because stealth would prevent you from selecting the only legal recipient.

    Who knows if stealthed heroes is something we will see.  Regardless, the point is that Noggenfogger behaves different for spells than for attacks, which is confusing and makes the card worthless.

     You've missed an important point. Stealth does not change what is or is not a legal recipient. Stealth only prevents you from selecting something.
    The recipient of the attack by Tirion is randomly selected from the list of legal recipients. That list ALWAYS includes ALL enemy minions and the enemy hero. Stealth does not remove anything from that list. Stealth only keeps you from selecting Shaku when you enter the action.
    Therefore you can make the attack by selecting the opposing hero as your target. The recipient of the attack is then randomly chosen from a list of two: the hero and Shaku.
    And no, spells are not treated differently. If you want to cast a spell at a stealthed minion, you will not be able to select it. But it could still be randomly selected as the recipient as long as it meets any criteria specified by the spell. (Again, stealth does not remove anything from the list of legal recipients. That's why Arcane Missiles is so great)
     Incorrect again. Targeted spells under Noggenfogger will never hit stealthed minions (Yogg works the same).  Let me make this as simple as possible:  When using a targeted spell under Noggenfogger, you must 1) pick a target, and then 2) the randomness occurs.  But the spell will never hit a character that could not have been selected in step 1 (including stealth minions, minions with "cannot be targeted by..." and characters that don't meet whatever requirements might be on the spell).  Likewise for minions,  you must 1) pick a target, and then 2) the randomness occurs.  But here, your minions can hit some characters that could not have been selected in step 1, namely, you can hit enemy stealth minions and enemy characters behind taunt, but cannot hit any friendly minions.
    What blizzard seems to have done is simply copied the orge mechanic (with 100% randomness) without specifying that the attacks are limited to enemies, as is stated on every ogre card.  This is my problem.  Minions should either 1) be able to hit friendlies or 2) not be able to hit stealth enemies or enemies behind taunt.  Right now, the card makes no sense.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Mayor Noggenfogger is bribed or something

    If you take yourexact same statement and replace it with attacking, it's no longer true, which is why Noggenfogger is inconsistent.  Take the scenario where I have Tirion, and Noggenfogger, and my opponent has a stealthed Shaku:

    The recipient of the spell Shadow Word: Death attack by Tirion is randomly selected from the list of legal recipients of that spell attack. In your hypothetical, that list contains exactly one member [opposing hero]. If Noggenfogger the opposing hero were somehow stealthed, you wouldn't be able to cast the spell attack at all because stealth would prevent you from selecting the only legal recipient.

    Who knows if stealthed heroes is something we will see.  Regardless, the point is that Noggenfogger behaves different for spells than for attacks, which is confusing and makes the card worthless.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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