• -5

    posted a message on Easy Legend Mech Paladin

    I faced this deck as handlock and Crushed it..... 

    Posted in: Easy Legend Mech Paladin
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    posted a message on KRIPP Jepetto Spell Hunter

    Dude, you can't even English right 

    Posted in: KRIPP Jepetto Spell Hunter
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    posted a message on Slow Control/Value

    Maybe it does but the meta is starting to spread as more counters come out the popularity of those decks are starting to drop. 

    Posted in: Slow Control/Value
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    posted a message on [Rank 1-5] Burn Mage (23w/6l)

    I personally cannot win with this. I get get healed over with most decks and others just take me down faster then I can build up. I run out of fuel and it's GG 

    Posted in: [Rank 1-5] Burn Mage (23w/6l)
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Control Hunter (65% WINRATE)

    So back again. I haven't played much since my last post just due to time. However After coming back and making this deck over again I still love it though I did make a few changes. I was constantly struggling against aggro decks if I got even a minor bad draw, I took out a few things that were mid and later game control and added in a few more in that focused on aggro deck, more so Hunters and Odd Paladins. These changes left more then enough control to deal with late game decks. 

    First I took out Loot Hoarder in Favor of Secretkeeper . I find this can give the deck a really good Advantage in the early game Vs aggro decks, more so if you have a choice trap or 2. Also decks will bend over backwards to kill this card the second they see it often wasting a clear card or minions to be rid of it. Really nice when you don't have a trap. 

    Secondly with the Loot Hoarder gone I took out Witchwood Piper in favor of a second Explosive Trap. This can work well still against control decks and just totally wrecks Aggro decks often making them give up. 

    Finally I removed Elise the Trailblazer AND Corpsetaker for 2 Stonehill Defender . This give the deck a much needed defense boost early. The Corpsetaker really relies on not drawing Zilliax and isn't until turn 4 which Stonehill Defender is turn 3 and Vs Odd Paladin can soak up a few minions most of the time AND can provide you with needed taunts for next turn or later down the line. The also come in handy late game possibly stopping a big minion while giving you a late game Taunt like The Lich King ( The Quest Control Warrior I faced was not happy about getting 3 dropped on him. 

    This still left me more then enough control to battle out Healidin, Wall Priest, Mid range Hunter, Dragon Priest and Elemental Shaman. The biggest strength of this deck comes from people don;t know what to expect. You still don't see anything like this in the game. Everyone assumes Aggro hunter or Mid range. So they mulligan for that and find themselves at a huge disadvantage right from the word go. The Control Warrior I faced pretty much played himself. He was apparently Quest control but mulligan his quest away when he saw a Hunter and didn't get it back till like we were both 10 cards left to draw. On top of that I got a bit lucky with Deathstalker Rexxar . From turn 6 on I was able to constantly tailor create beasts as I needed them From Poison rush to stealth, can't be targeted to Silence taunt. We both ended up in Fatigue but I had put enough pressure on him with building beasts that I had him at 14 health and 5 armor while I was 30 health and 5 armor. I just kept wearing him down and he finally realized he wasn't going to outlast me. 

    I'd really love to see a form of this deck live into the next Expansion BUT.. really without Deathstalker Rexxar I don't see how it'll do it well Vs other control decks. That card really gives you the value you need to hold the board and win the game. 



    Posted in: [LEGEND] Control Hunter (65% WINRATE)
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Control Hunter (65% WINRATE)

    Hey, I wanted to come here to say I LOVE the deck. I'm currently 5 wins 1 loss with it and that loss comes by Odd Paladin. Truth is that loss came from me just getting a bad draw and not getting needed traps early. I've taken down odd Mage, Evolve Shaman and Mid range hunter, though my Fav was defeating Wall priest.. good LORD I hate wall priest. I'd rather face 10 Odd paladin in a row then 1 Wall priest. However paying smart and digging for the right traps, Dead shot and forcing him to respond to me and not letting him get to many big minions down he fell to the side having not even touched me. Yes the deck could use some tweaking. I feel that Loot hoarder doesn't help all that much nor does the piper. You can also do without the Corpse taker though what you would replace them with is beyond me. 

     Edit : Like I'm wondering about Removing the Corpse taker and Witchwood Piper with Stonehill defenders and the Loot hoarders with Secret Keepers. The draw does help, but I feel this helps a little more with early threats and can hold off aggro better with a taunt into a taunt. I could be WAY off though. 

    I see a few suggestions above but I'm not sure the cuts are proper. Digging with the tracker to get a copy of your LK has won more then 1 control battle for me. It can handle aggro decks if it pulls the right traps early, however it Suppose it could use more early healing or defense. Maybe tar creeper and or Stonehill? 


    Either way I hope a version of this deck survives the up coming season. I enjoy control WAY more then aggro or mid-range and hunter is the single class that seems to suffer being able to do that. Keep it up man!!

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Control Hunter (65% WINRATE)
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    posted a message on Enrage Tempo Warrior

    I think you replied to the wrong comment? I was asking if you knew anything else that would help with card draw or a way to keep your hand flowing a little more. 

    Posted in: Enrage Tempo Warrior
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    posted a message on Enrage Tempo Warrior

    I love the deck because most people don't know what to expect from it. The problem I have though is if you don't get Acolyte early you'll blow through your hand so fast even not trying to flood the board. Is there something you could think of that would help keep the flow going a little more? I have to agree if you move to late game you tend to just get beat.


    Currently Priest is a REALLY bad match up for this deck, but it seems to hold well against everything else. 

    Finally, I really feel this is much more an Aggro deck then tempo, you CAN play tempo in it if you get the card draw, but without it you will burn out quickly.  Best opening so far = Coin 0/4 Followed up by Task master making a 6/3 on turn 2 with a 2/2 to back it up in defense. often leads to 12 or more damage before it's dealt with and with 3 health it's not easy to remove that early. Unless you're a priest :p 



    Posted in: Enrage Tempo Warrior
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    posted a message on [Legend] Cauldron Odd Paladin 63%W/R

    Lower levels I am not really running into priests So I replaced Liam with the rushing bot legend I threw in the 1/3 bots and Roo bots over squire and whatever else and it works well. Though Cauldron has not been a factor in anything yet. Considering pulling it out for card draw until later levels... if I ever get there. 

    Posted in: [Legend] Cauldron Odd Paladin 63%W/R
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    posted a message on [#4 Legend] Maximal's Secret Paladin (74% Winrate)

    So I was wondering, Instead of a fungalmancer, would Prince Keleseth work in this? I think if you could get lucky and bump up all your minions by 1 early on. I know there are drawbacks so I'm not sure. Not exactly a great player either :p 

    Posted in: [#4 Legend] Maximal's Secret Paladin (74% Winrate)
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    posted a message on [#4 Legend] Maximal's Secret Paladin (74% Winrate)

    I'm not even a good player. I've only ever reached level 9 once and funny enough with Secret Paladin. I've just returned to the game and made 2 VERY expensive decks but wanted a third so I needed something good but budget. This deck jumped out at me as very doable. I had to dust a few old Legendary cards but they are no longer in this meta anyways. So in just returning I stormed from rank 25 to rank 18 with 8 wins in a row. 

     This deck just pours on the pressure and for the moment it's not popular enough that people know what it is or what to expect. It has the ability to over commit and suffer a clear ( provided the other side is emptyish. ) and recover the very next turn. It's so much fun to watch people try and trade into a card and it gets divine shield, Noble sac or Redemption. I've had people quit in frustration over it. I'm sure I'll suffer at higher ranks but not because of the deck, but because of my lack of skill playing, but be damned if it isn't a fun deck to play. 


    Maybe to put in a spell breaker you remove 1 call to arms? I find that If I get to play both I RARELY ever call 3 twice in a row. With the removal of an argent Squire for a Fungalmancer ( which I assume is new from yesterday ) That's just lowers call to arms a little bit more. 

    Posted in: [#4 Legend] Maximal's Secret Paladin (74% Winrate)
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    posted a message on [70% WR - EASY LADDER] Dragon Overpower Priest

    very interesting.. no free from amber... I almost thought that a priest staple.. at least one copy

    Posted in: [70% WR - EASY LADDER] Dragon Overpower Priest
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    posted a message on Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)

    So I came back to revise my thoughts on this deck. It's Really insane. I often can win before I reach 10 mana let alone Find Yog. I came up against a Stall C'thun warrior and he ended up with nearly 60 health. With careful use of luck, the Demented Frostcaller and freeze spells to control the 2 6/6 on the board and keep him from using his fiery war ax I hammered him into the floor and ended up winning without finding Yog.

    I do have 1 issue, Forbidden flame is only good for minions, I found with careful control of your spells and using what tactics you can have at your disposal you can deal with big minion drops as they normally come one at a time. What this deck has trouble dealing with is Zoo decks that get out of control. Seeing as Zoo is like if not the most popular deck right now it's the second, I swapped out the Flame for a flame strike which is good enough to clear almost any Zoo board. You can typically live that long unless you draw REALLY poorly. Granted it does mean having to draw the card but it's better then no board clear in the current meta. 

    a Word of caution is this deck takes a different mindset then normal Midrange mage cause like 85 % of your cards are spells. , so you need to know when to go for face and when to hold back. Sometimes you don't need to blast something off the board right away, it becomes best to sit back and wait it out rather then jumping the gun. But many times there will come a point you can just go ham on someone. a Later game Flame caller with a bunch of spells in your hand, and lord help the other guy if you have a fist full of spells, Flame walker and Apprentice. In the end if it's late game and things look bad, you can always drop Yog, he'll normally clear the board at the very least if he doesn't kill you LOL. 

    Otherwise I have a ton of fun with this deck even if I lose and TBH I don't lose often. I say if you're looking to play a deck that is fun and can pull a good amount of weight against more " Super Cereal decks " This is a REALLY good one. 

    Posted in: Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)
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    posted a message on #1 Legend Loyan's Bloodlust Shaman [WoG] Cheap

    Lacks Evolve : / 

    Posted in: #1 Legend Loyan's Bloodlust Shaman [WoG] Cheap
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    posted a message on Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)

    I've won more then lost and each time is cause of Yogg save for one time when I just ran over a mage like I was a standard tempo mage. Seriously, even if you lose, as long as you get to play Yog, it'll be worth it. 

    Posted in: Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)
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