This happens when someone watching a pro player , submits his deck, then he never updates it .
This deck is NOT good anymore , its SUPER GREEDY .
Backstab , Eviscerate , Edwin VanCleef , Moroes , Violet Teacher , Swashburglar all bad cards.
Backstab + Eviscerate does nothing good for this deck , you want to finish the quest fast, these cards does something totally different , not helping with the quest . ( These cards fight for BOARD what you won't have until Crystal Core has done ), if you topdeck these cards , then you can not play a body on board as 5/5 . Imagine that you having these cards in starting hand , enjoy turn 10 Crystal Core. Worth running these bad cards ( in this deck , its good for miracle / controlish rogue who fights for board ) = No it doesn't .
There are decks that STILL running these cards for some reason ( those deck should run Coldlight Oracle for MORE card draw ) , but since you have only 2 way of card draw in the deck Novice Engineer and Mimic Pod i feel like it's luxory to run cards like Backstab + Eviscerate.
Fan of Knives are also debetable . For 3 mana you draw a card and basically clean 1HP minion's . With Preparation you do this for free, but you want Preparation for Crystal Core or Vanish or Mimic Pod . and 1 aoe damage barely going to help you. So most people just cut it for more consistent card's that can help doing the quest faster or for a Coldlight Oracle , but since Coldlight Oracle is in a same spot as Igneous Elemental ( THIS CARD IS A MUST) it feels also bad and it also helps Pirate Warrior's or HUnters ( which already a bad matchup by itself ) to draw them cards , i mean yeah.... a pirate warrior with 10 card's in hand meanwhile you are having 2HP ... FeelsBadMan.
Igneous Elemental > Coldlight Oracle anytime .
Edwin VanCleef is a dead card when u have the quest ( i mean 3 mana vs 1 mana 5/5 ). You won't have a positive outcome combo wise at all . Yes sometimes u can do it like turn 3 6/6 or 8/8 Edwin VanCleef , but Crystal Rogue have an other GOAL to DO what is play a minion with the same name x4 , not to sacrefice everything into a big Edwin VanCleef , play miracle if you want big Edwin. . Since it has nothing to do with the quest, and if you topdeck it its a 3 mana 5/5 isntead of 1 mana ( when you have the Core ) . Value ? Nope. + This is the most antisynergistic card in the deck with the Core Quest .
Moroes is a dead card till quest is done . ( This card is total garbage and winmore , if its in your starting hand u can just concede basically , does NOTHING till you have the Quest, after that it summons 5/5s , but if u have the Q you most likely going to win without this card anyway . ( its only good when you have the quest done ). There is a reason this card called WIN MORE . Super uncosistent .
Violet Teacher . This card is Moroes Ver. 2.0 . Super slow + token summon does not count for the quest . Another win more , In starting hand this card is dead , topdecking = dead . Most people cut the spells anyway. ANother Win More Card. ( its only good when you have the quest done ). Guy's stop playing WINMORE cards , you have to finish your quest by turn 5/6/7 or you lose, does this card helps ? No .
Swashburglar most people cut it because you dont want to play this at turn 1 ( yes its a good bouncing target ) , but this will pull Patches the Pirate what you don't want to happen until you finished the quest ( free 5/5 charge from the deck vs free 1/1 charge from the deck ) . This is debetable . Some people still playing it ( since it refill's your hand with a RANDOM (mostly useless) cards ) . Its playable, but in this case ( since Crystal Core the deck is NOT FACE nor TOKEN BUFF) Swashburglar having an ANTI synergy with Patches the Pirate . Trust me , a lot of times Patches the Pirate win's you the game as an 5/5 charger for free at turn 6/7/8 from the deck , so you don't want him as 1/1 at turn 1 , because it does NOTHING (1extra face dmg.. WOW) there .
+ You can bounce back Patches as well for a free 5/5 charge . Now you see how much better if u pull him out as 5/5 charger instead of 1/1 .
I think Vanish is a must card ( atleast one ) , the only way to come back on board ( against Hunter / Quest Warrior / Any slower decks ) is to play this card ( since you can bounce back chargers with this card into your hand as well , its also considered as a clunky WinCondition) .
You wan't to play cards that are cheap and can give you VALUE Anytime , either with Giving extra minion in hand or does something when you play it . Like Glacial Shard (freeze) or Igneous Elemental extra 2x 5/5 body for free when it dies .
It's funny but most people are running Wisp because its free to play and finish the quest fast .
The cards i've listed at the beggining (above) are ALSO having TERRIBLE synergy with Mimic Pod.
This deck is just filled with WinMore cards. You have to understand if you've finished the Quest by turn 4/5/6 you are most likely going to win without these WINMORE cards .
THESE CARDS ARE ONLY GOOD WHEN YOU've DONE THE Quest (or not even then E.g.: Edwin VanCleef ).
Dog was able to get rank 1 Legend with this deck at the beggining of Un'Goro, now the meta has starting to form and it's clear that THIS VERSION (deck) is not consistent at all.
He's not even playing this deck anymore , because there are more stable / better / more consistent version's out there .
In the current meta, he wouldn't be able to win a single game with this GREEDFEST WINMORE Deck.
Don't get me wrong, all respect to Dog .
3w 3l with it, 3 loses against hunter mech deck.
Battletag: Tomberry#21350Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes, you go firstDONE
Can we use Snowflipper Penguin instead of Murloc Tinyfin ?
I honestly don't understand the upvotes, have HARD mulligan'd for the alley cat + hyena as you said, but got EVERYTIME hit by Obliterate. Then turn 7 he got frostmourne and wins.
And of course he ALWAYS will trade minions, so i cant smorc any longer
no idea, it sucks hard and get me to waste a lot of arcane dust
good work.