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    posted a message on Listen closely!

    Elise Starseeker has rotated out too but she came back but she came back as Elise the Trailblazer so a C'Thun comeback is totally plausible, but not certain.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 6

    posted a message on Omega Defender

    Probably, since the old art featured a male goblin riding the mech suit.

    Posted in: Omega Defender
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - Security Rover

    Everyone, patrol in here!

    I don't know, this cards seems really slow and needs some activators to be really worth it, and it doesn't have Magnetic itself... I think it's alright, not too shabby but it doesn't impress me either.

    Also FINE, fine... I'll play Mech Warrior, Blizzard. You can stop making your Mechs so damn cute now. I think I have a thing for wheels or something...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on The State of the Boomsday Meta

    I have to agree, except for the balance prospective. We can't really know right now, Mage and Priest might turn out to be best classes (I mean... It's quite unrealistic as it is but who knows?)

    But as for the fun aspect, absolutely. I think the concept of a minion focused deck for mage AS A WHOLE is wrong and outrageously boring. I remember Team 5 always discussing about how they want each class to have their own identity and... please, explain to me in which universe you'd except a classed LITERALLY called "Mage" to just play minion after minion, the whole thing started in The Witchwood and it seems they won't stop trying to force us until they hit the jackpot and print an incredibly broken card that makes the archetype broken beyond repair or until Mage will have a 20% winrate with the next Standard rotation. At least it got a little bit better, I mean Spell Damage minions have something to do with spell themselves at least, but let's not be too pessimistic, the legendary spell and the remaining few cards might be interesting.

    As for Priest, the design seems... quite lazy, I'll give you that one but it seems to have a very reasonable concept, in my humble opinion.

    "Cloning" always has been a thing in the Priest class, and Deathrattles sure have become more and more impactful thanks to Awaken the Makers so I'm not that disappointed as for card design, but I can see why you might feel frustrated.

    To be honest, as for now I feel like I might not play that much Mage, which is like the literal only class I play ever which might make you understand how unexcited I am by the cards we've seen so far,  and try out some other classes this expansion but I say we should just be positive and wait for the full set to be revealed. I'm sure something fresh is gonna show up. And hey, it's always fun to experiment with new cards so at the very least there's that! 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Power Word: Replicate

    Oh... Didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing it out, English isn't my main language so I appreciate it.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Power Word: Replicate

    I wasn't really hoping for any competitive discussion, I just didn't expect people to worship a card like it's some kind of celestial being just fallen from the sky. You do your best to provide your opinion about the card, but if you even try to say it's bad... No matter how hard you try to explain your reasoning, they just attack you without telling you why they think you're wrong. I don't pretend no competitive discussion, i just want a discussion period.

    I was really shocked by how closed-minded some users are, since I  started using my Hearthpwn account just recently.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Power Word: Replicate

    I just find it funny how people actually think this card will see any play in a Standard (Seems like people can't read so I have to underline it) Big Priest. While in Wild you have tools like Barnes that curve well with this card and can punish opponents for not killing the 1/1 copy so that you can't resurrect it, in Standard you have less than zero tools. If you REALLY want a copy of a big minion, and you don't care about drastically reducing its stats you're clearly playing an OTK deck with some Prophet Velen resurrecting shenanigans. Oh, what's that I see? But it's Vivid Nightmare a strictly better version if you're trying to OTK your opponent! How mind-blowing! And if you're trying to play a deck that's more about having a board of giant minions, rather than OTK, what are you even gonna cut for this? How are you gonna survive with a hand full of incredibly heavy cards that do LITERALLY nothing if a minion doesn't stick on the board?

    You guys are overhyping this card way too much. I'm not saying it doesn't have any potential in Standard, I can see a couple of decks that might want to run Power Word: Replicate but if you seriously think Big Priest as we known it right now would run this, you'll be pretty disappointed. 

    This card has some potential, but we might never discover it if the majority people keeps being this closed-minded, and it's definitely worth a shot in Wild Big Priest.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Power Word: Replicate

    He specifically said "is so coming back". He clearly meant STANDARD Big Priest, since it never left Wild. While Faceless Manipulator could also be pulled by Shadow Essence as a downside, I'll ask again: Why? Why would you want a copy of a 5/5 minion or a worse copy of a big minion? For the effect, you might say. Vivid Nightmare is drastically cheaper and I assure you that if you want a copy of a minion, without caring about its stats it's for OTK purposes. I'm still sure still card will be simply garbage in Standard Big Priest, HOWEVER it could be played in a different deck. But for Big Priest specifically, I say forget it.

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal - Power Word: Replicate

    This card sounds horrible in Big Priest. Wouldn't you rather play Faceless Manipulator since well you want BIG minions and not 5/5s? You could discount this with Radiant Elemental but it doesn't sound good enough to me. Maybe you play both? But again, why?

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Final Boomsday Card Reveal Livestream - August 1st!

    Oh boy. I sure am excited, especially to see how Mike Donais does! I'm sure it'll be great!

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Two New Mage Cards - Cosmic Anomaly & Shooting Star

    Welp... There goes Evolved Kobold

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Legendary Paladin Card Reveal - Crystalsmith Kangor

    Oh, no. That's not the problem. They said something about the lasers coming from THE light, so it makes perfect sense for them to heal it's just... I felt like the crazy dude who wants to replace living beings with bots was the prevalent part. But this is cool as well indeed.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Legendary Paladin Card Reveal - Crystalsmith Kangor

    He looks more like a crystal golem or something. But yeah, that's my same thought. He was presented to us as madman (Or... madgolem I Guess?) who basically wants to go full Terminator and has creates most of the robots running around Boom Labs, talking about some "holy lasers" (I still can't stop laughing at that) and all he does... is heal you...? But why? On a gameplay point of view, I'm really happy they seem the minions (or hero for Warrior, I guess) and spells are for different archetypes, it helps the game being more diverse but why bother creating a background for him if you literally scrap it in the end? I mean, I guess the holy lasers heal you or something and that's it. Oh, well...

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Legendary Warrior Card Reveal - The Boomship

    Don't get me wrong, this undoubtedly feels powerful.

    But it's just... Not what I expected? This is obviously great in some Big Warrior deck but I was expecting something more... "Mech specific" from Dr. Boom himself. I'm actually glad they took different directions for the class legendaries and I hope all of the classes will get a similar diversity, instead of just having two legendaries designed for the same archetype. But yeah, I don't really see this working in the Mech Warrior I had in mind... And I similarly don't see a slower, control, non-tempo based Mech deck working anytime soon. If you have played Dr. Boom, Mad Genius already and you're playing a Mech focused deck then the Rush is gonna be useless. However one could argue this works as a sort of "plan B" since you're not guaranteed to draw Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and that'd be a valid point too.

    I don't know, it's definitely powerful but I'm unsure where this can fit outside of Big Warrior.

    Posted in: News
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