• 0

    posted a message on Eerie Statue

    they would've succeeded in slowing down the meta but then they added in mysterious challenger and wyrmrest agent at the very last minute. I was so pissed when they did because they were in the last 10 released cards from TgT almost like they knew they were both total cancer and they knew it, but they added them anyway and they felt guilty about it. Those 2 cards created the 2 most limiting decks ever in hearthstone because they hard counter and crush anything that isn't a tempo oriented net deck. That's why everyone plays these stupid tempo decks. I used to be able to play whatever I wanted as long as I teched like 1 or 2 cards in to counter patron warrior, but you can no longer just tech cards into your decks to counter the 1 cancer net deck because theres more than 1 and they all have different strengths and weaknesses. I actually played shadowform priest and control hunter in BRM and had an amazing winrate and made it to rank 5 without trouble because my decks countered patron warrior. Tried both of those decks the first week of TgT and lost to like 10 dragon priests and secret pallys in a row, because like I said, they both hard counter any deck that isn't a boring tempo net deck.

    Posted in: Eerie Statue
  • -12

    posted a message on Gorillabot A-3

    god i was really hoping that mech mage would die forever because that deck is soooo stupid. It's one of the most boring decks in the game to play and it's always completely 1 sided for better or for worse when you play against it. It's especially bad because it was one of the cheapest decks to make and if you ever tank your rating for fun, or if youre starting out and you're around rank 20 or playing casual mode, literally like 2/3 of your opponents play mech mage. It really sucks for new players or when you just want to make your own troll deck and play in casual mode for fun because that deck is all you ever see. The "if you have a mech" effect is completely irrelevent because there are so many low cost mechs that are literally impossible to clear by turn 4 if they get the right curve, which the deck is designed around "get the god start or lose". This card is just another tool to make the game even more 1 sided, and it will be an auto include because it's good enough.

    Posted in: Gorillabot A-3
  • 0

    posted a message on Tomb Pillager

    im sorry man, but I'm almost certain that it's going to be even faster. Face hunter and zoo warlock got a ton of new tools as well as mech mage. And druid got the best card in the set and it's a complete cancer better version of piloted shredder which was already cancer incarnate.

    Posted in: Tomb Pillager
  • 10

    posted a message on Tomb Pillager

    this card is absolutely insane. It's exactly what rogue needed. A 5 4 for 4 is already flagged for killing, especially on rogue because of the threat of burn and face damage. So if this doesn't die immediately, you can deal 5 to their face, or trade up and make it die, getting the deathrattle anyway. Then you can play a 6 drop on turn 5. Insane tempo. It's like dalaran aspirant, only id say it's better because the ramp is guaranteed to go off, plus you can combo with the coin with a number of different cards. The aspirant's effect is usually only relevent for 1 turn anyway because that's how long you can expect it to live, and that card's already great, and this card is a better version than that.

    Posted in: Tomb Pillager
  • 9

    posted a message on Forgotten Torch

    I could actually see this being used in freeze mage over a fireball. One of the things freeze mage is weak to is the fact that they have a set amount of burn cards and when they're forced to use them to clear threatening minions, they lose part of their win condition. This card makes it so they can afford to use it on a minion, then later they can have it back for burn

    Posted in: Forgotten Torch
  • 1

    posted a message on Mounted Raptor

    hooray just what we needed another piloted shredder! And only for a class that already always runs 2 piloted shredders because it has a ton of synergy. It's the only card in the set that will be a guaranteed auto include in a netdeck. A clear replacement for shade of naxxramases. A small buff to a deck that's already tier 1 and seen way too much and zero fun to go against. It's also a better piloted shredder btw because there are a lot of bad 2 drops in the game, but 1 drops ALWAYS have a minimum of 1 1 which is double their mana cost in stats. And 1 drops have only gotten better and better as the expansions have come out.

    Posted in: Mounted Raptor
  • 1

    posted a message on Hearthstone's next adventure?

     i know theyre definately going to have a water themed one. There was soooooo much underwater content in WoW, and there's literally 1 naga card currently. Naga were a playable race in WC3 too so theyre definately holding back and waiting to put out a bunch all at once. Tempest Keep or just outland in general would be nice too.

    Posted in: Adventures
  • 0

    posted a message on Sideshow Spelleater

    you could just use your hero power before the spell eater too. Like you said, the crazy bladeflurry burst usually sits there and you arent ready to pop the cherry, you just sit there not using the hero power for like 4 turns in a row

    Posted in: Sideshow Spelleater
  • 0

    posted a message on Sideshow Spelleater

    perdition's blade is pretty good. Assassin's blade is really good too. And cogmaster's wrench is a 1 3 for 3 and gets 3 charges with poison buff and it's just 1 more mana than hero power, so I think it's fair, even without a mech deck. You could even run bling-o-tron. The world is your oyster, and with another class' hero power, you may not even need a weapon

    Posted in: Sideshow Spelleater
  • 2

    posted a message on Economical evaluation of Beneath the ground

    You put a crapload of work into this and it looks amazing lol. I have no idea what any of it means though

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Acidmaw

    I think he has a really powerful ability so the 7 mana is fair, maybe could be 6 though. The body though should be way higher than 4 2.... 5 5 would be very conservative and it's 1 3 lower...

    Posted in: Acidmaw
  • -3

    posted a message on Sideshow Spelleater

    It's definately best in rogue and warrior. If you run your own weapons in rogue, the hero power is worthless. Rogue by far has the shittiest hero power in the late game and is only really decent when youre using bladeflurry and poisons to clear the board. Rogue is the only class that will ever pass a turn without even hero powering, so pretty much any other power is better for you lol. Warrior's hero power is also pretty bad, especially late game where is when you actually want to use your hero power lol. It's bad because it doesnt matter if you have 60 hp, because when you lose board control late game and you have no more brawls, youre fucked and thats when you lose. Mage hero power + execute is ridiculous.

    Posted in: Sideshow Spelleater
  • 20

    posted a message on Garrison Commander

    does anyone else notice that his face looks like a potato that someone stepped on?

    Posted in: Garrison Commander
  • 2

    posted a message on Boneguard Lieutenant

    when they had this guy in the cinematic and the music slowed down, I was about to yell holy shit deathknights! But nope. This was the perfect expansion to do it too lol. 

    Posted in: Boneguard Lieutenant
  • 1

    posted a message on Anub'arak

    I thought this card was awful when it was first announced, but now that all the cards are released, this card actually seems pretty good! The meta's going to be way slower now thanks to all of the new healing cards, and hero powers and general control heavy cards, so this card is likely to be viable. Now I doubt this card would be used in mill rogue, but it would definately make it into a late game power threat rogue deck. I doubt that sort of deck would be better than mill rogue though, and I think mill rogue may be a tier 1 deck in this expansion because it hard counters every heavy control deck. We will see though

    Posted in: Anub'arak
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