• 2

    posted a message on Dumbest nerfs ever.

    I can live with some of Blizzards nerfs but in this latest wave I think they but 3 maybe 4 cards to the warsong commander, starving buzzard range. Arcane Golem is actually shit, ramping ur opponent and not having charge, I mean WTF Blizzard. Molten Giant is practically unplayable now with its 5 mana raised cost (I personally think that Mountain giant should have been nerfed instead, I mean an 8,8 for 4 mana is insane).And lost but not least Blade Flurry got absolutely analed. I can understand changing the card so it doesn't deal face damage but by upping the mana cost by 2 as well this card will never see play again. Ancient of Lore is now pretty useless as well, Azure drake does a much better job and cost 2 less with the spellpower benefit. I rlly hope that Blizzard for once actually makes cards better instead of just nerfing them into oblivion and this doesn't mean taking Magma Rager and making Ice rager. This means actually spending the time to see what cards are underpowered and hopefully bringing a few cards back to life.

    *Just called Blizzard and found out that Valeeras funeral is April 26th, ironic that its the day WOG comes out.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Deathwing, Dragonlord

    Lol, opponent plays Deathwing Dragonlord I play Deathwing! XD

    Posted in: Deathwing, Dragonlord
  • 1

    posted a message on The Pessimist's Tier Guide to WoG *Now With More Optimism!*
    Quote from Seagull0 >>

    My opinion:

    N'zoth: After all the hype is blown it will be brought down to the second tier.

    Xaril: Hard to say, but I think  this will be an auto include in combo decks. So I'd up it a tier.

    Undercity huckster: This card is so OP. The main thing about gaining cards from the other class it's that it can bring OP combos that are not available for your class. For example: The shaman heal card and the 4 mana priest card that reverse damage and heal (I'm bad with names). This card is hands down tier 1 and will definitely be played in every deck.

    Renounce darkness: This card is utterly OP too. First, as I understand how it works, it can bring duplicate cards, so you could get double Tirion or something of the sort. During late game, many control warlock decks have trouble finding the right answers or good cards to play, plus they're near fatigue, so this card is a must include in any control warlock. I'd also say that if the cards didn't make the cost of ALL CARDS IN YOUR HAND to -1, which makes it totally broken! - Tier 1.


     Buddy lets get real for a second, these cards are completely based off of RNG. Undercity Huckster although a good card is way to slow and inefficient to be run in combo decks. In combo decks every card has to do something the helps the combo and this card just doesn't do that. Renounce Darkness although does bring cards from another classes it is just RNG. Renounce Darkness relies so heavily on RNG that this card will most likely lose you the game. If you think its OP to have a card that could give you a handful of Totemic Might then Dr. Boom is the worst legendary in the game.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Whispers of the Old Gods

    I disagree that Boom Will be used in Competitive play. Twisting Nether is a better card in my opinion because when playing Hadlock your hand is usually pretty full. Your hero power in itself is a draw mechanic so at most you draw a few extra cards that I don't think justifies the mana cost. Plus if you're getting zerged down the extra two mana could be life or death.

    My Custom C'Thun Shaman:

    C'Thun Control Shaman (C'ontrol Shaman)
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    Posted in: Guides
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