Quote from jleclanche >>We did, and as I mentioned before I personally informed Flux of our plans for Hearthpwn (I offered for him to join us but he declined, as Out of Cards already existed).
We've had to demote mods due to abuse of power happening, from certain people upset by the change of ownership. I'll repeat it just to make it crystal clear: If anyone feels wronged by these events, reach out to me (DM or Twitter). We're here to make friends. But abusing mod privileges to vandalize the site is not acceptable, so as a measure of security during the transition, we demoted all mods and are reinstating those who wish to stay on HearthPwn.
Iv finally returned from my work trip, so im catching up on all the things that happened during this week. Wall of text inc :)
First of all, i would like to wish you good luck on your endeavor, i dont know you, i dont know how you got to be here, but i know it will be a challenge and a lot of work, we will see if you can deliver or not, one way or another.
That being said, you can consider this my official notice (even tho i am not a mod anymore already), since you like to communicate via article comments and not private messages so much. You said you contacted us, you did not (excluding Flux ofc).
It would have been really nice, id even say a honorable thing to do, to have been contacted and thanked for months and years of free work we, the voulanteer mods, did around here, if nothing else. Obviously we did it because we loved the community and wanted to help make a great site for everyone, us included. We didnt seek some kind of special recognition, but being demoted without a single word from the new management and having to read the explanation in the comment section is very poor management skills to say the least.
Anyway, i myself will be transferring to Out of Cards as far as my main focus and home base go from now on, but i plan on staying around here and keeping an eye on how you treat the site and its users and see if you do the job you set out to do. After all, monopoly is never a good thing and healthy competition is good for a customer :)
Cya, Sinti
The Ancient One
Also, for the text of the card I referenced Blood of The Ancient One
The nerf that bothers me the most is the Equality one. The Wild Pyromancer + Equality combo has existed since the game was released back in 2014, yet it has only become an issue worth dealing with 5 years later? That seems ridiculous. Was the card good? Yes. Was it broken? Certainly not.
Now I can use Unstable Evolution on my 4-drop - turn it into Furbolg Mossbinder into Big-Time Racketeer into Lynessa Sunsorrow
Now I can evolve my minions into Big-Time Racketeer or Lynessa Sunsorrow! Great!
My favourite weapon so far - could add more consistency to Aviana/Kun the Forgotten King OTK decks in wild :D
Anyone else notice a new animation for minions "unfreezing"?
Anyone else notice this? There's no image for the 'Keleseth's Blessing'
Pint-Size Potion and Potion of Madness on Malygos with Holy Smitefor perfect 8 damage? https://hsreplay.net/replay/4hMbTN3oanFTxu5aThz9wY
Crafting Vol'jin for this deck? - seems irresponsible
Crafting GOLDEN Vol'jin? - Hell yes
Reno Shaman is real, plus Shaman needs more 6 mana 4/4s