Plays well to the 'swarm' theme of druid in the most recent expansion. Seems like good value and beast synergy, but susceptible to silence and Potion of Madness. Spider is Frost Widow and scarab is Scarab Beetle.
Hey - I just bought 15 Grand Tournament packs, opened them, and got zero legendaries. Is there an explanation for this? Does the guarantee not apply to wild packs? I got my legendary pulls from all the standard packs back when the patch launched.
As some other people have commented, I think 2 Ultimate Infestation is too much. I've dropped one of them for The Black Knight and have been having success. Hope this helps!
If you have Lord Jaraxxus as your hero and you play Bloodreaver Gul'dan, does that count as Jaraxxus dying and then it would be summoned? Or is 'replace' different than 'destroy'? Hmm...
I think "forced" is a bit of an exaggeration. They gave you a ticket, with which you could choose to do an Arena run. You don't have to use the arena ticket if you don't want to. If you are so salty then just don't use the free arena run and play constructed.
The Ancient One
Also, for the text of the card I referenced Blood of The Ancient One
I dropped 1 Cabalist's Tome for Deck of Wonders - not as successful but super fun :)
My favourite weapon so far - could add more consistency to Aviana/Kun the Forgotten King OTK decks in wild :D
Here's my initial thought:
Plays well to the 'swarm' theme of druid in the most recent expansion. Seems like good value and beast synergy, but susceptible to silence and Potion of Madness. Spider is Frost Widow and scarab is Scarab Beetle.
Missed the submission this week. I was too busy! :(
Here's my idea anyway
Pint-Size Potion and Potion of Madness on Malygos with Holy Smitefor perfect 8 damage?
Crafting Vol'jin for this deck? - seems irresponsible
Crafting GOLDEN Vol'jin? - Hell yes
Reno Shaman is real, plus Shaman needs more 6 mana 4/4s
Ahhhhh this makes sense, thanks. I reread the patch notes here:
-A satisfied Hearthstone player
Hey - I just bought 15 Grand Tournament packs, opened them, and got zero legendaries. Is there an explanation for this? Does the guarantee not apply to wild packs? I got my legendary pulls from all the standard packs back when the patch launched.
- A confused Hearthstone player
3 Bonemares and I was so excited! Then I got this as my last card draft... haven't drawn a bonemare yet

As some other people have commented, I think 2 Ultimate Infestation is too much. I've dropped one of them for The Black Knight and have been having success. Hope this helps!
If you have Lord Jaraxxus as your hero and you play Bloodreaver Gul'dan, does that count as Jaraxxus dying and then it would be summoned? Or is 'replace' different than 'destroy'? Hmm...
There goes the hype train.
However could be good with a minion/spell that gives a minion Lifesteal
I think "forced" is a bit of an exaggeration. They gave you a ticket, with which you could choose to do an Arena run. You don't have to use the arena ticket if you don't want to. If you are so salty then just don't use the free arena run and play constructed.