Dude - its first week of new expansion - and token druid is so easily countered, if you play an aoe orientated control class or a deck which has even better early game (like rogue) - so stop complaining and netdecking and start thinking of how you solve your problem!
Kalecgos - Mage getting free and expensive spells is super strong. Also big mage still has gotten more support by the Sunreaver Warmage - this will pop up for sure! Even the other Mage tools look very solid overall.
Tak Nozwhisker - first of all the reveal Video was bonkers^^ - but this gives rogue a really scary tool. if you ever get this via the fantastic treasure and reduced it costs to 0 - this might be basically an auto win.
Archivist Elysiana - this card will set the pace of every control matchup - incredible value for lategame orientated decks
Archmage Vargoth - the potential of this card is beyond belief. there are so many cards with strong effects to play this along with (Eureka! , Blizzard. any Druid AoE Buff Spell etc. etc.)
Honorable Mention: Jepetto Joybuzz - we will have to see wheter sick combo shenanigans will come up - if so he will be a part of it.
1. Jepetto Joybuzz. Very good value card when your deck has a lot of battlecries and deathrattles. Will be seen in a lot of decks (at least my decks).
2. Archmage Vargoth. I've seen enough cards that cheat out other cards to know that they're very powerful. Good in Mass Ressurect Priest.
3. Blastmaster Boom. Can potentially do a lot of damage especially if your opponent has no minions when they clear it. Not to mention the Bombs will do the rest of the job.
4. Barista Lynchen. Good value card, doubling Jepetto Joybuzz in some decks can be insane but I don't think it'll be broken enough.
5. Chef Nomi. I believe in the dream of turn 6 42/42 stats on board because Twisting Nether is 8 mana, Psychic Scream is rotating as well. Hard to clear unless you're Warrior or Shaman.
About Chef Nomi: How can You clear your deck on turn 6 ?
Yeah the AI is sometimes a problem. But the ingame experience is getting better and better by every expansion they release in singleplayer content
and now all together:
Dude - its first week of new expansion - and token druid is so easily countered, if you play an aoe orientated control class or a deck which has even better early game (like rogue) - so stop complaining and netdecking and start thinking of how you solve your problem!
4-0 vs Druid, so thats not the always the case!
if your early game is good you win - otherwise just play another Mossy Horror!
oh boy - that was just brain afk from me :D - i was reading one cost although i know exactly what stands on this card^^
no one asked that before --> will it give the effect to itself? im not sure tbh - but probably no
My Top 5 are:
Kalecgos - Mage getting free and expensive spells is super strong. Also big mage still has gotten more support by the Sunreaver Warmage - this will pop up for sure! Even the other Mage tools look very solid overall.
Vereesa Windrunner - Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury will give Hunter a lot of Face Damage potential especially with Rapid Fire beeing added
Tak Nozwhisker - first of all the reveal Video was bonkers^^ - but this gives rogue a really scary tool. if you ever get this via the fantastic treasure and reduced it costs to 0 - this might be basically an auto win.
Archivist Elysiana - this card will set the pace of every control matchup - incredible value for lategame orientated decks
Archmage Vargoth - the potential of this card is beyond belief. there are so many cards with strong effects to play this along with (Eureka! , Blizzard. any Druid AoE Buff Spell etc. etc.)
Honorable Mention: Jepetto Joybuzz - we will have to see wheter sick combo shenanigans will come up - if so he will be a part of it.
Myra's Unstable Element...
but we still hav Mass Hysteria to clear
Silence Priest looks very strong
this and Arcane Watcher is very scary right of the bet
great and strong card - will see tons of play
return of Silence Priest with Dalaran Librarian
first card to be nerfed will be Windfury --> into : "Give a minion Windfury. It can't attack players.
one of the strongest cards of the set for sure
thats actually what i thought asap yes - this looks pretty scary. Good thing is that some good 1drops are leaving inJeweled Macaw and Dire Mole
very slow card - might work as a refiller for lategame... 4/10 stars