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    posted a message on Onyx Bishop

    It bugs me that they didn't copy paste the text from Resurrect. When it quite obviously is just that.

    If you actually got to choose what minion to resummon; Onyx Bishop would still be slow and situational, but interesting and maybe we could build a good deck around him.


    Posted in: Onyx Bishop
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    posted a message on Soggoth the Slitherer

    You think his that bad?

    Posted in: Soggoth the Slitherer
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    posted a message on Malkorok

    5 mana for a 6/5 + 2 mana for a 2.70/3.15 weapon. Seems fair. But is fair enough for standard?

    Nice tempo card and a 7 drop that is currently lacking. Loses you the game 1/20 or 5% of the time with Cursed Blade, but 95% of the time its better and sometimes he may win you the game alone with Doomhammer/Gorehowl/Gladiator's Longbow etc.

    If you do get that awefull blade however, you could replace it with another weapon later, or bank on having enough atmor to tank another turn. 

    Posted in: Malkorok
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    posted a message on Malkorok

    Have you crafted him yet? If so, are you impressed or regretful?

    Posted in: Malkorok
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    posted a message on Malkorok

    Don't think it was meant to be that bad. But you already have Fiery Waraxe which is borderline broken. If they wanted a cheaper weapon with recoil, they "had to" make it a 2/3 to not be to similar to Waraxe.

    "You take double damage while attacking" might have been too good? 

    Posted in: Malkorok
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

    How many pyroblast to your own will you take before taking this guy out of your deck? He seems so good in most situations, but I'm afraid to craft him only to get unlucky and never play him again. Worth crafting or nah? I have most of the good cards already. 

    Posted in: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
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    posted a message on Standard Miracle Rogue

    I think Leeroy Jenkins is better. He ishalf the reason whyCold Blood is insane. He is also crazy good in warlock decks (both renolock and zoolock) if you ever play that. There aren't really any other good neutral charge minion that can replace him. Reckless Rocketeer [/card]is probably the closest you get but that is one more mana and one less attack, which are all you care about in a game ending charge minion. 

    [card]Bloodmage Thalnos on is also great and fills a unique role of cycle and spelldamage. However I regretted crafting him, but never regretted crafting Leeroy.

    Posted in: Standard Miracle Rogue
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    posted a message on Malkorok

    On average you get a 2.70/3.15 weapon which is decent. Only 5% chance of getting Cursed Blade; while you have about 30% chance of winning the game withDoomhammer, Arcanite Reaper etc.

    I would say its worth, but I it only really suits one type of warrior deck; so if that deck proves to be boring or bad, the card was pritty wasted imo.

    Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/4fuz3j/average_weapon_stats_gain_from_malkorok_warrior/

    Posted in: Malkorok
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    posted a message on Hallazeal the Ascended

    Keep him. There aren't too much good healing in this game, and this guy is prima heal with lightling storm. Elemental Destruction is an even bigger combo, but its an  epic and more situational unlike the first spell which is just great. 

    Posted in: Hallazeal the Ascended
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    posted a message on Tempo Renounced Darkness

    Sounds fun! Don't have him yet though, but concidering crafting him. Are you also using mostly warlock cards or do you have more neutral cards?

    Posted in: Tempo Renounced Darkness
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    posted a message on Soggoth the Slitherer

    Has anyone crafted this yet, or will you only use it if you get it in a pack? Wanted some big taunts for my warrior deck and I was using Sunwalker [/card] for a while. Its pritty sturdy. With [card]Bog Creeper out, I tried him instead. Since I was going to tha late game anyway, might as wll wait another turn to get an even bigger taunt, right? They both are weak to removal though, so if I could wait even longer, Soggoth the Slitherer seems pritty awesome.

    Haven't crafted him yet, but highly concidering it. It's between him, Yogg Sauron, Hogger, Doom of the Elwynn (and xaril the poisoned)

    Posted in: Soggoth the Slitherer
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    posted a message on Gormok the Impaler

    Its alot less tempting to craft TGT cards now indeed. Crafted Chillmaw recently and concidering this guy now. Did you end up crafting him?

    Posted in: Gormok the Impaler
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    posted a message on Kripp's Zoolock

    How did it go? Seems like all the recent (May 2016) zoolists are running Leeroy Jenkins. Concidering crafting him myself. He is the premium neutral charge finnisher and being standard means he'll pritty much always be somewhat relevant.

    Posted in: Kripp's Zoolock
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    posted a message on Leeroy Jenkins

    No good replacement. 

    Reckless Rocketeer is really simmilar, but it costs one more and has one less attack. If your planning on playing aggro, you wanna push a low curve. And if you want faceless shenanigans you wanna do the same + one less attack means 2 less if youre gonna copy it with Faceless Manipulator.

    I like Stormwind Knight, but he is quite different and quite bad, as he needs even more setup to be good.

    Posted in: Leeroy Jenkins
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    posted a message on Flamewreathed Faceless

    Why would you not put this in your shaman deck?

    Posted in: Flamewreathed Faceless
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