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    posted a message on time warp combo

    I was thinking of something like tempo mage, but with extra emphasis on the random card generatiors. Alex seems good regardless.

    Posted in: time warp combo
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    posted a message on Ozruk

    Would you play a neutral 9 mana Ancient of War?

    I don't think so. At 9 mana his "Elemental" tg doesn't seem much more worth than the option of going "uproot". I don't think its realistic to get a 5/15 consistantly; but even if you did,

    Would you play a 5/15 taunt for 9 mana?

    Posted in: Ozruk
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    posted a message on Gruul

    Really like the card, to bad he will just be ignored and then you die :/

    Posted in: Gruul
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    posted a message on Wickerflame Burnbristle

    "its good if you buff it!" is it actually good then? Any card is good if you buff it. But I guess the special effect, divine shield and taunt is extra good with buffs, just like with charge.

    Posted in: Wickerflame Burnbristle
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    posted a message on Hobart Grapplehammer

    Great for slower warriors with gorehowl and fools bane, but seems too slow for aggro pirate warrior. This effect is STRONG if you excpect to get in alot of "real" weapon hits. But in an aggro deck you will only get a few hits, as many of your weapons actually are battlecries and spells (N'zoths first mate and upgrade).

    Posted in: Hobart Grapplehammer
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    posted a message on Sergeant Sally

    You definitely play her in handlock and renolock. If there are some tempo, midrange or any other warlock archetype, you probably play her there too due to Power Overwhelming.

    Don't think you play her in zoo or discard zoo, as Shadowflame is basically never played here and I don't think she suits the deck any better than flame.

    Inner Rage / Cruel Taskmaster potential probablly pushes those back into warrior decks as well :)

    Another thought is the hand buff decks of the Grimy Goons. Especially a Dopplegangster deck where your goal is to pump out 3 huge gangsters. Sergeant Sally can probably help you stall the game, but I'm not sure.

    Let me know if you see any other viable alternatives!

    Posted in: Sergeant Sally
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    posted a message on Sergeant Sally

    Definitly. 2 card combo for 4 mana that deals 5 to enemies is pretty insane. Circle of Healing is somewhat similar with Achunai setup; 2 card combo for 4 mana that deals 4 to enemies, but also your own board.

    Regardless having a 2 card arena of effect is alot better in warlock due to hero power. 

    You also have a ridiculous 8 mana spellpower double flamestrike if you need it via Sally+PO+Shadowflame. Great part about this is that shadowflame takes out Highmanes, then her deathrattle takes out the hyenas for instance. Vs nondeathrattle minins you might aswell go for twisting nether though. But the option is there!

    She is a craft for warlock, but not sure what other classes can use her. 

    Posted in: Sergeant Sally
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    posted a message on White Eyes

    I agree that he is good, probably great, but time will tell if he is broken. The only problem I see putting this guy into every shaman deck at the moment, is that there are too many other insane shaman cards.

    However, taunt means everything. It shuts down aggressive decks and hurts control decks with weapons or if they have some hellscream/leeroy-burst finish.

    Yogg-Saron, Hope's End and Kun the Forgotten King are quite different cards. As they are endgame swing card that will be dead until 10 mana; while White Eyes also have the swing potential via his deathrattle, but you can play him on turn 5 so he won't be a horrible draw the first 8 or so turns. 

    The argument that hardremoval hardremoves, isn't really an argument. But the thing to note is that you invest 5 mana for these hardremovals, an that isnt too bad. When you play White Eyes and he gets Hexed,it's sad, but he only got rid of your 5 mana investment. You rather have him hexing your 5 drop than your 8 drop in the long run. If they fireball  White Eyes and polymorphes your The Storm Guardian later on; too bad, you lost both pieces. But your investment of 10 mana got answered by 8 mana so that isn't that bad either.

    Posted in: White Eyes
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    posted a message on Princess Huhuran

    Super underrated in my book. One of the strongest 5 drops in standard. Thought it is stronger later in the game if you manange to hit one of your bigger deathrattles. Barnes can help you cheat out this effect. Even if you dont get the effect, you still have a bulky 6 attack beast, which helps your opponent get to zero health pretty quick.

    Posted in: Princess Huhuran
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    posted a message on RDU's Totem Shaman - European Last Call 2016

    The class is insane as a whole, but this is probably strongest and the most fun midrange version. Still haven't used Ragnaros the Firelord yet.

    Only lost to hunter thus far, any tips against them? Alternately a tech card to put in against them? 

    Posted in: RDU's Totem Shaman - European Last Call 2016
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    posted a message on RDU's Totem Shaman - European Last Call 2016

    Im still baffled by how many decks are cutting the Flamewreathed Faceless, but I totally get that he would be the wirst card in the deck. Deck is insane!

    Posted in: RDU's Totem Shaman - European Last Call 2016
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    posted a message on [Legend #2] - Discolock Guide - S30

    I tried to build this deck for a while. Cutting defenders and councilmans to make room for the disco. However I never thought of cutting P.O., the card seamed to broken to cut. You did prove me wrong though. The deck is amazing :)

    Posted in: [Legend #2] - Discolock Guide - S30
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    posted a message on Xixo's Miracle Malygos Yogg Druid - Insomnia Truesilver Championships III

    Statisticaly he is great. Helps you in agressive matchups and can act as an additional win condition.

    42% chance of getting a pure token.
    16% chance spellpower +1
    42% chance of getting a gamewining effect.

    Token 5: 2 Mirekeepers, 2 Arcane Giants, Yogg-Sauron
    Ok 2: 2 Azure Drakes
    Win 5: 2 Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Fandral Stagheim, Emperor Thaurissan, Malygos

    Personally I cut one Feral Rage for Barnes, as I think Feral Rage is the weakest card in the deck. 

    Posted in: Xixo's Miracle Malygos Yogg Druid - Insomnia Truesilver Championships III
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    posted a message on Stranglethorn Tiger

    Would you play this as a pure 5-drop? 

    I'm just thinking if adding him corrupts my deck or not. The Curator and Menagerie Warden are great with the tiger, but if the Tiger is bad in its own, then maybe its not worth running over more consistent cards?

    Posted in: Stranglethorn Tiger
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