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    posted a message on New Buff Paladin!

    You could try the murloc weapon!

    Posted in: New Buff Paladin!
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    posted a message on Big Res Priest is Back!

    Thanks! I think a couple Defias lepers should be a good replacement for both! Hope you have fun with the deck :)

    Posted in: Big Res Priest is Back!
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    posted a message on New Pirate Warrior!

    Could try another Man the Cannons!

    Posted in: New Pirate Warrior!
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    posted a message on New Pirate Warrior!

    Glad you like it! :)

    Posted in: New Pirate Warrior!
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    posted a message on New Pirate Warrior!

    I can see your points! The fact that we can trade this weapon is huge tho, it means we can run only 1 copy of a weapon so we have more room for pirates and when we trade it we can draw more pirates to complete the quest very fast. We rarely get this weapon buffed past 5/3 and I've even played it as a 5/1 multiple times to activate cutting class for 0 mana and as a 4 mana fireball!

    If we can play it as a 5/3 before our quest is complete that's 15 dmg vs 8 from scythe which is huge! This deck is more aggressive because of Mr. smite and Defias Cannoneer so that extra face dmg vs trading is really good. And worse case if we draw it after quest we can still trade it or replace a 1 attack weapon lowroll so it's just a very versatile card! 

    At the end of the day, both weapons are very good tho so it can be personal preference :)

    Posted in: New Pirate Warrior!
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    posted a message on Hottest Decks for United in Stormwind - Community Favorites - Standard and Wild!

    It's the Murloc takeover! haha MRGRGLRGLRGL! Thanks for featuring a few of my decks :). And the rest of these look really fun so great job to the rest of these deck builders!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Egg Zoolock!

    Glad it's working well for you so far! It is surprisingly sticky of a deck and hard to deal with! I believe I had faced 3 Quest Mages and beat 2 of them so it works well vs them and all the deathrattles do well vs Fire Sale

    I love the Dreaded Mount inclusion! It's such a fun card :)

    Posted in: Egg Zoolock!
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    posted a message on Corrupt Shadow Priest!

    @InfernalDark - "Yea this author is a clown, spamming these shitty decks every day."

    Sorry for trying to bring some fun and joy into hearthstone lol. If you want tier 1 decks you're better off using HSreplay and not everyone needs to have above a 50% WR to have fun. (btw this deck is one of the best priest decks out there, even tho ALL priest decks are below 50%). And looking at your post history it looks like all your comments are extremely negative so I can't tell if you're a troll or just a very cynical person. 

    Have a nice day! :)

    Posted in: Corrupt Shadow Priest!
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    posted a message on Antonidas Fire Mage!

    It's a Deck Doctor video, so the intro talks about the original viewer submitted decklist and halfway through it shows the changes I make and why. This list is the end result after refinement

    Posted in: Antonidas Fire Mage!
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    posted a message on [9-1] BIG Demon Hunter!

    Heya! Glad to hear you're a fan of my decks! You definitely have some valid points about Felgorger and Skull of Gul'dan. The reasoning for both is that Jace is usually good in decks that have a lot of draw so you can actually draw the fel spells for him. I can agree that both can get a bit awkward at times but I felt like their great payoffs were worth the lowroll potential and even when Pit Commander lowrolls into Felgorger you still get 11/12 stats which isnt bad!  If we want to substitute them for anything I was very close to including Illidari Studies since that can get us more fel removal or card draw so you can try that if you like! I would maybe go -1 Skull -1 Felgorger +2 studies to start. 1 Felgorger should be good enough for the draw and tempo if you keep it in the mulligan but not likely to be in deck late game for pit commander.

    As far as Tuskpiercer, it is a very good card! equipping it on 1 into Chaos Strike/fury on 2 means we can kill a lot of must kill minions with 3-4 hp breaking points like Razormane Battleguard and the redundancy of having 2 means we always get our Fel Summoners which are crucial for cheating out our big demons. 

    Hope this helps! cheers!

    Posted in: [9-1] BIG Demon Hunter!
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