Dragon Paladin - 82% winrate to rank 5 from 15
- Last updated Apr 9, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 8660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/10/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- Mobisx
- Registered User
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Absolute sleeper deck. Dragons get absolutely massive. Spell generation with witchdoctors are great, lots of anti aggro tools. Tons of Thekal synergy. Drawing thekal is basically an auto win. Most aggro decks in standard atm are using 2 health so consecration knocks them out. No 1-drops but the deck heavily makes up with it with rush and tons of life regen. CAll to adventure for Kangor is always huge, especially if paired with Lightforged Blessing. Will make full guide at 25 upvotes.
I like this Deck. Ok, the winrate could be better, but it feels solid to play it and it is fun to play.
Only thing I changed: I replaced Nozari with Alexstrasza. I don't really like Nozari. To play it effective you need to play a good High Priest Thekal in a situation, where your opponent did not take to much damage till round 10 (otherwise you will heel him to full health as well). It is to unlikely to play a really good Nozari.
And, as we all know, it is a general ruel in Hearthstone, that every Dragon Deck comes along with Alexstrasza. You know, each hero starts with 30 live, your deck has 30 cards and a Dragon Deck will always have Alexstrasza. Also, for every new player, who is considering which Legendary card he should craft first: Alexstrasza! Alex is able to heal you up with a maximum of 14 or to deal a maximum of 15 damage to your oponenent. And you will get a 8/8 body for 9 mana, which is it worth as well.
Very interesting deck, lots of big bodies and late game power. Played a few games with the list and gave my thoughts on some possible changes, check it out;
(Games start at 4:49)
If you are struggling against aggressive opponents, I'd recommend cutting some of the clunkier cards (Call to Adventure, Blessing of Kings, Arena Fanatic) for Wild Pyromancer/Equality, Truesilver Champion or anything else that might help the matchup!
Cheers and thanks for sharing the deck!
Loss like 8 matches and won 1 of them, who upvoted this garbage?
Look when he posted the deck!
In the first day of RoS the meta was full of bomb Warrior and other unrefined decks. Personally i have no doubt he climbed from 15 to 5 , but now Rouges are way to fast , and there is certainly not enough pressure to outtempo Control Warrior or Shaman with Elisiana.
My guess is that it’s still favored against pure bomb Warrior, and decent vs Tokendruid.
I am continuing to build on top of this deck, have made several revisions and seeing some progress. Let me know what you think!
You don't need that many buffs imo, if you like a more control dragon paladin archtype checkout my list:
less dragons than the original. hm
how does a terrible deck with no proof of WR get this many upvotes? lol
I feel bad for the author because the idea / setup of the deck is nice, it just doesnt handle aggro very well and mostly only competes well VS bomb warrior.
I've made a different version which is more versatile VS aggro and both control because the deck is really fun and easy to play.
People want to know stats/ I went 20 to 11 with this deck fairly easy.
PS: You don't need the gargoyles, I just happened to have them still. They are really good but not mandatory.
Vs any aggro deck, you will be praying for one of those 2 taunts.
Spent 6k dust to craft this, and 0-12. Don't craft this.
sry, but this deck is for kids who like big things
It's literally all that needs to be said about this deck and he's right. Looks like you're the douchebag here.
Ignore this quoted instead of replied.
This deck is literal trash, zero early game zero hard removal
Wow what a great constructive comment. Or it would have been maybe if you didn't decide to be a douchebag and just say its "literal trash". I guess we can be all be so thankful you just made your account to say this. Now kindly go back to never posting.
You're fully aware he's never gonna post again yet you waste time with that comment? I'm not sure if you're stupid or bored.
Wouldn't it be figurative trash?
Classic Smoshby