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    posted a message on Troll-themed expansion, 186 cards [Last update : 30/7/2016, New Druid class cards!]

    Brand new cards are currently in preparation. In the meantime, however, I made new balance adjustments to existing cards.


    Functional Changes:

    Apparently we can't do imbricated spoilers anymore so here are all the cards in one go:

    Darkspear rebel:

    Now also gives Taunt to adjacent minions. Rarity decreased to Common.

    Hemet's Trainee:

    Attack decreased by 1. Name changed to "Apprentice".

    Terrible Hexmeister:

    Attack decreased from 3 to 1. I made this card before LoE and a 3/3 for 1 mana would be too OP with Mounted Raptor and Desert Camel being around.

    Vault Guardian:

    Stats changed. It is now a defensive card rather than a offensive one. A 10/1 for 5 is simply not safe with cards like Charge or Shadowflame.

    Hakkari Ritual Dancer:

    Now transforms minions into random beasts. It is a bit like (old) Tinkmaster Overspark except its stats are adjusted for her not being too OP, although it could still be annoying if your opponent gets a free King Krush.

    Zanzil the Outcast:


    Cost decreased by (2), as promised.


    Zuni has been given taunt on top of "spelltaunt", which I reworded to be shorter.

    Orgrimmar Chef:

    Cost decreased by (1).

    Halazzi -> Bloodlord Mandokir:

    Cost decreased by (1). I initially was reluctant to give hunters too powerful cards, but hunters aren't the cancer they used to be anymore. Since the effect is conditional (and requires the hunter to trade! ) I think it is not too OP to make it a 5-mana. Also, name and art changed as you can see.

    Zandalari Dinomancer:

    Cost decreased by (1), Attack and Health reversed. The raptor remains unchanged.


    Jin'do initial effect was too complicated. I replaced it with a stand-alone tempo Hakkar. I initially wanted to make it "deal 15 damage to your Hero" but with Reno Jackson being around that would have been too op. Also Hex, Polymorph, Shadow Word: Death, etc...

    Corrupted Blood:

    Another card whose effect has been replaced. The initial effect was too complicated. Also, the new effect forces your opponent to abstain from playing any other minion, which makes it extremely annoying just like its namesake. I think this may be too OP. What if I replace "When it dies" by "If it dies from it" ? Art changed.

    Frostmane Sorcerer:

    Attack increased by 1. As it was before, Frostmane Sorcerer was an objectively worse Snowchugger.

    Refreshment Table:

    Effect changed. It is now an improved Sorcerer's Apprentice. Powerful, but is has to stick to be viable!

    Hethiss Staff:

    REMOVED! A collectible weapon for mages didn't feel right. Especially one with such an effect. I replaced it with this completely different card instead:


    Flamewanker's evil twin! Murloc Mages might one day be a thing, who knows ?

    Tauren Rogue:

    Cost decreased to 3. Powercreep on Ironfur Grizzly but so is Fierce Monkey so that's okay I guess ? Also, the taunt is conditional since stealth cancels taunt.


    Again, the card has been totally replaced. The first version was just too weird, now it is a big Coldlight Oracle. Stats changed to reflect that. Art changed.

    Sandfury Buccaneer:

    Effect changed. Cost increased by (1).

    Hot Dancer:

    On second thought, the negative overload does not appear viable to me. Especially one that is that huge. I made it into a Dr.4 with a random battlecry akin to fire elementals. You will either get a very defensive card or a very offensive one. Card art zoomed in.

    Earthen Ring Stormancer:

    Effect completely changed again. Now a nice way for shamans to deal with aggro.

    Witherbark Axe:

    Effect nerfed. A perma-counter-attack for 2 is too strong for this cost. Card art changed.

    Sergeant Bly:

    Cost increased by (1). Art has been changed, now the new art represents the real Bly from the TCG.

    Cosmetic/Rarity changes:

    Troll monk -> Deepholm Monk:

    The first one didn't really look like a monk.

    Sandfury Cretin:

    Art changed again. Now the troll on the art really is a Sandfury Cretin.

    High Priest Venoxis:

    Card art reversed to the original one. I don't know why I changed it to begin with.

    Quality increased to Rare.

    Druid and Warrior Legendaries:

    I replaced Daakara with Zul'jin as I prefer the original to the copy. Since Zul'jin was already the warrior legendary, I replaced him with Warmaster Voone (who is less famous, but fits the warrior theme just as well). Their respective effect remain identical.

    Amani Axethrower:

    "New troll here!". Since I reused the original art for Voone, I had to replace it.


    I found better art and names so...

    Rain of Frogs:

     I reused the old art for Murloc Mage so I had to change it, even if the new one sucks.

    Blessing of Har'koa:

    Found a better art.


    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Create a card that either counters or goes well with the previous card!

    If the face plays taunt, me still go face.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Make a CRAZY or FUNNY Card

    Next: A minion that is even more random than that.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Spot the misplays

    You play cancer, here is your misplay.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Make a CRAZY or FUNNY Card
    Quote from bastaunnaun >>


    Summon: "C'mon and Hit me"

    Flavor text: "if you ignore this, i have some bad news for you"

    well if you hit her so hard you'll only get one zoom out, pro tip: hit her gently to get all 9 zoom out or should i say pan to the left


    next: something HOT

     Need the complete card art please.
    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Played against a Murlocadin.

    He just played Anyfin Can Happen and revived 7 murlocs. Next turn I played Cone of Cold... and got Old Murk-Eye out of my Summoning Stone. I laughed for 1 minute at least, by which the paladin had already conceded.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Is casual even worse than ranked?

    What do they get out of it? The satisfaction of beating an opponent? Cause that is the real life satisfaction equivalent of getting a handjob from the old homeless guy with arthritis.

    I disagree, the handjob feels more rewarding.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Naga Sea Witch and Illidan Stormrage preventing future expanding of the game.

    Illidan is not the only demon hunter in WoW (and more of them are likely to be introduced in the upcoming expansion), besides this is not because there is ONE neutral card that in one way or another would fit a particular class that it means said class will never see the light of day. Would you say that hunters shouldn't exist because there are neutral beasts ? (well, hunters shouldn't exist, but for an unrelated reason haha). WoW is huge, there are still big chunks of lore to be exploited by HS developers.

    For me, the problem is elsewhere. When making class-specific cards, Blizzard prioritizes the general theme of their adventure/expansion to the theme of their class. Like how the fuck is Mounted Raptor related to the druid class lore-wise ?

    I must also admit that I am disappointed when I see characters that would make awesome alternate heroes being released as legendaries like Varian Wrynn for warriors or Wilfred Fizzlebang for warlocks. These were bad design choices imo.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Make a CRAZY or FUNNY Card

    Next : A card that replaces all the cards in your deck (like Golden Monkey)

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on THE WINTER UNVEILING - A Card Design Competition [RESULTS!]

    Wait, so the winner is basically an Earth Shock for priest ? What's so cool about that ?

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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