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    posted a message on jade ele hybrid

    thanks man.   i mean, his list probably beats this list since in my experience the greedier shaman generally wins in a head to head, but I cant imagine a slow enough meta where that list is overall better.  anyways onto the cards, 

    igneous elemental- youre probably right.  I agree its a weak card, if the elemental synergies arent consistent enough without it then full elemental is probably the way to go rather than hybrid jade.  Gonna drop that for a tar creeper.  

    mana tide totem- im really reluctant to cut one of two draw sources in a deck that has so many low value cards like the one drops and flametounges but isnt an aggro deck.  I think I would try to keep one copy but maybe this just curves out well enough to not need to draw half the deck to win most games.  Probably will keep this in the list until/if it seems underwhelming in practice.   

    lightning bolt- definitely a lot weaker without drake or tunnel trogg.  considering this list can run claws and jade lightning which a pure ele deck cant, maybe its ok to drop them.  Honestly when I think about how many pings we have with double fire ele double blazecaller i'll probably start with a 0 bolt list.  

    storm- until the meta proves me otherwise i'm gonna keep the four aoe package.  Perhaps instead of one storm we could try one copy of volcano?  Storms a lot less reliable without drake and that could give the deck at least one big comeback mechanism.  Probably gonna stick with 2 storm 2 portal though.  

    shard- certainly agree its a strong card, running two seems low impact but i'm gonna see if it fits with these changes.  

    tar creeper- I really don't see this card being as meta defining as a lot of people are saying.  having 1 attack on offense might be ok for a control deck but it feels really weak in mid shaman.  However I can see it being extremely powerful in situations where you have a flametounge down and/or youre protecting your weak early drops.  Honestly I just talked myself into it with the flametounge synergy, gonna try to make it fit.  

    so overall the changes are

    -2 bolt, -1 igneous, +1 glacial, +1 tar.  seems really good, thanks for the input. 


    forgot to mention servent.  honestly I just think the card is bad and wont see much play outside of some really greedy list.  Maybe itll prove otherwise since we dont have a 5 drop but i dont really see it.

    Posted in: jade ele hybrid
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    posted a message on Storm, Earth, and Fire (Elemental Shaman deck)

    Interesting greedier take on the lists ive been seeing.  Been legend a few times with shaman (mid and nzoth) and id be really interesting to discuss some of the card choices with you.  Heres my initial take on a pure ele deck and a jade/ele hybrid similar to trumps theorycraft (but with less jades).  Both are noteably more tempo oriented than yours but of course its way too early to say which style will probably be superior.  


    jade ele hybrid
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    pure ele 

    pure ele
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    Posted in: Storm, Earth, and Fire (Elemental Shaman deck)
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    posted a message on Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Elemental Shaman

    My take on a hyrbid and a pure ele list, comments below.  ended up adding one igneous ele for consistency to the hybrid list but not super happy about it.  That and flametounges would be the first cuts if I wasnt happy with them in playtesting.  Flametounge seems strong in the pure ele deck though which probably doesnt need igneous ele for consistency.  

    jade ele hybrid
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    and the pure ele deck 

    pure ele
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    My inital impressions of trumps deck are 

    1- really impressed with how efficiently he squeezed in the jade package without sacrificing much elsewhere, seems strong.  time will tell if its better than pure elemental or not so its hard to say.  

    2- REALLY REALLY dont like tar creeper or igneous elemental in this list, particularly at the expense of not running two steam guardians which stand out to me as one of the best reasons to run ele shaman over other elemental decks.  Id probably cut those to run the 1 mana elemental that adds another to your hand (seems way better than a weak turn 3 deathrattle) and probably the one mana freeze elemental as at least a one of.  

    3-i know hes the mayor of valuetown but jeez, four 7 drops seems like way overkill when youre also running expensive cards like fire ele, aya, and kalimos.  I think the jade package would be sufficiently in tact without any copies of cheiftain, especially since they dont even save you against aggro unless your jades are already 4 or preferably higher.  5 activators is good enough for aggro shaman and seems good enough to add a bit of "umph" to the elemental lists.  And if you want the taunts from cheiftain so badly why not play thing from below instead?

    4- 5 mana discover an elemental seems WAY too slow and inconsistent.  The lack of draw also bothers me so maybe these should just be mana tides?  Probably gonna edit this post with what my take on his list would look like so Id be thrilled if anyone wants to reply and discuss the choices in more depth. 

    Posted in: Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Elemental Shaman
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    bright eyed scout- agree, strong card but wrong deck.  

    direhorn- agree, too weak.  Id rather run something bigger or even alley armorsmith.  

    curator- all the beasts and dragons are at the top of the curve so theyre less likely to have been drawn already than the curator minions in, say, current dragon warrior.  Its also important i think to consider the value drawn and not the number of cards.  Getting a big taunt almost guarenteed (strong synergy with the minion direhorn shuffles into your deck as well) or being a tutor for mosh is hugely impactful.  

    Deathwing- oh boy, here we go.  Im thinking this will be the biggest point of contention in our two lists XD.  I first want to say that I agree with you about not needing or wanting a ton of big value drops.  that being said, i still think deathwing serves a strong purpose in the list.  Everything I say below this paragraph applies even without having already completed your quest.  With the quest already completed and activated deathwing becomes INSANE (like i said in another reply deathwing is a lot stronger when you topdeck an almost free rag every turn).  One of the biggest weaknesses of the warrior quest will be boards of medium to large minions that arent easily cleared by other means and deathwing resets their board completely and increases the chances of hero powering what you want to hit in the following turns.  I almost see this quest as a deathwing ENABLER because the hero power dramatically mitigates the risk of deathwing simply being hard removed.  you mention that if someones at 20 hp they have two turns or more to react to deathwing.  Thats suddenly not the case anymore when you threaten 8 damage from hand every turn for 2 mana.  Dropping deathwing with the quest active is a tremendous amount of pressure to apply when your oponents removal is likely nearly exhasted from your parade of taunt minions.  

    you mention that theres no way we'd have an empty hand when we play deathwing.  On turn 10, I agree, but during the late game when youve had most of your removal drained discarding cards is not so heavy a cost.  Additonally, knowing that you have deathwing in hand or in deck allows you to take more aggresive (or more liberal useage of removal) lines of play that culminate in a deathwing turn youve been steering the game towards.  And in a situation where you need to play deathwing, what use are the 8 cards in your hand if none of them prevent lethal next turn?  Sure its a steep price to discard your hand but its a steeper price to lose the game that turn.  

    now lets evaluate king mosh for a second since we seem to agree that he is an extremely powerful card.  When coupled with whirlwind he is a two card deathwing without the downside in exchange for a smaller body and being less effective in niche cases where there are one or more divine shield minions.  In terms of the kind of effect we gain from mosh, he acts like a third (much more powerful brawl) in the sense that they are both nearly unconditional board clears.  So essentially we are saying that we are happy to run a third, more powerful brawl.  This effect is very similar to deathwing so the real question becomes do we want to run a second copy of mosh (and essentially a fourth brawl effect).  I think that this decklist would absolutely run 2x king mosh if he werent legendary so that alone makes deathwing worth consideration.  Even though he's arguably weaker than king mosh in many situations, effect redundancy is important and turning a large enemy board into a clean one is probably the single biggest goal this deck needs to be able to accomplish to make effective use of the quest reward.  

    All that being said.... I will easily concede that while deathwing's effect is powerful, it may simply be overkill.  Three massive clears is enough in a lot of matchups if not the majority and if the meta doesnt involve a lot of druid, and/or midrange decks that can easily go wide on the board like shaman or zoo lists he may be unnecesary.  My feeling is that this wont be the case and exactly those types of decks will be very common on ladder.  Additionally, those matchups are exactly where control warrior has struggled the most and my definition of a good tech card is one that brings up % in your weak matchups without being useless in your others.  Even if those sorts of decks are uncommon im not convinced hes an incorrect inclusion because the warrior quest allows DW to be useful in the kinds of matchups that deathwing traditionally has been WORST in.  Obviously the usefulness of this example is limited because the deck in question is rotating out but lets look at reno mage.  Against renomage deathwing is a dead card 90% of the time because the mage has ample tools to remove deathwing or stall it long enough with freezes and such to render him ineffective.  sometimes you steal a game vs renomage with deathwing but its not common.  This sort of analysis applies more broadly to deathwing's usefulness in most control matchups where he puts you too far behind on card advantage to recover if he is removed.  Assume that you have a rag hero power vs renomage and you use deathwing to clear, lets say, an hp buffed kazakus board.  Now as long as you arent in burn range,(and even if you are you could have saved your shield blocks which you usually dont play if you dont need to against control anyways) sure youre behind on cards, but control decks dont do a good job of flooding the board and suddenly your hero power has a 50/50 shot at removing whatever they play each turn.  and even if you dont hit their minions you are doing 8 damage to the face which adds up very rapidly.  Or suppose youre against a control warlock (probably wont exist in the coming meta but you never know) who slammed jaraxus on turn 9.  youre racing to finish your quest but by the time you do you are out of removal and facing down a huge board of 6/6s.  you slam deathwing down and suddenly the best your opponent can hope for is remove DW+play a 6/6.  Now instead of not saving you from a board of four minions your hero power trades 1 for 1 with his (or just straight up kills them in 2 turns).  

    I really hope you hung in there for all this text and i look forward to hearing back

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    really good points.  Id appreciate it if you take a look at the comment I made about 20 min ago and see what you think about my list/my thoughts on the card choices.  Bright eyed scout actually does seem like a strong card in the right deck and I hadnt considered it until now, although my gut tells me its not quite good enough in control warrior- definitely deserves playtesting though.  Also really not sold on direhorn.  although I hate not having any 6 drops at all it just feels weak compared to your other taunt options.  theres lots of 7+ taunts that are stronger in the lategame and if youre worried about getting it out earlier id probably just play alley armorsmith in that spot.  Glad to see someone else repping the deathwing tech.  I always feel like its a card that doesnt receive enough serious consideration from the playerbase in control warrior and in general.  

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    hmm, thats actually a super good point about the druid quest I hadnt considered that.  If that becomes a large enough part of the meta I could maybe see cutting rat.  However, I think that 1- quest ramp druid probably shits on this deck anyways, and 2- youre going to give them enough time to get their quest done anyways so I dont think giving them one minion towards it in exchange for a better brawl or removing a value minion before they can use it is a bad trade.  

    Really agree about deathrattles.  I was making a mock up list for DR priest and was honestly shocked at how hard it was to add in enough playable deathrattles.  I ended up throwing in bloodmage just to run a third loot hoarder lol.  I wouldnt be surprised to see little to no deathrattle decks in the expansion and think non quest control priest may be superior with all the new toys they got.  but thats a discussion for another post haha.  

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    Agree 200%, mosh is like a better, class specific deathwing when paired with whirlwind.  

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    lol sorry to be commenting all over your post skillet, but im on a ton of adderal studying and really am ejoying the discussion/procrastination.  

    to answer that specifically I agree that its not worth building the deck just for some hypothetical exodia mage that most likely wont exist because the arcane giant version will be much better against anything thats not taunt warrior probably.  Freeze mage has always accepted the loss vs warrior instead of trying to go infinite against it at the expense of their other matchups so I expect time warp mage will be the same.  

    I really dont agree that dirty rat is worse vs priest and druid.  I think this deck will massacre deathrattle priest because of the inevitability of your rag hero power.  pulling priests new legendary or their sorceror's apprentice 2.0 into a brawl seems really strong and if you saved both rats youd have a good shot at pulling their quest reward too.  Against jade druid theres no shortage of good pulls including any jade minion and especially auctioneer or fandral.  I think making the druids hand run out of steam during the mid game with rat will be an important part of stalling their tempo long enough to get your hero power online.  and no auctioneer severely limits their ability to slam threats rapidly in the lategame.  Overall i think you dont give dirty rat nearly enough credit.  Id even argue that against aggro the expected pull off of a rat is better than giving them 3 token minions that they can leverage with things like flametounge totem or buffs.  Pirate warrior will likely still be present as well and rat is an MVP in that matchup especially in the lategame when they may not even have minions in hand, and pulling out synergy cards like corsair is important as well.  

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    I agree with your assesment about the curator and the lack of a big threat to drop lategame (especially vs druid, whether its beast, quest, or jade).  However, I find myself agreeing with the OP about SWTF and doomsayers.  Two card combos are inherantly unreliable and you already are trying to save a whirlwind for king mosh.  Doomsayer to me feels like overkill because a taunt control warrior is already going to be heavily favored vs aggro.  I posted my list and a pretty lengthy card discussion above if you want to check it out, id be interest to hear your opinions.  

    edit: as far as silence is concerned, I dont think it will be present enough to worry about when deckbuilding.  And if someone is running a silence they are going to find a valuable target somewhere in your deck  anways so I wouldnt be too worried about tar lord in particular.  I do however share your concern about it not doubling as a lategame threat and think it may be correct to only run one to smooth out your 7 drop slot alongside curator.  

    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
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    posted a message on Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War

    warrior theorycraft
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    Heres my list and some thoughts on the differences in card choices.  Last expasion i got on the first VS meta report of the xpac with a reno dragon mage that i went on to finish top 200 legend with in feb and 230 in march (not trying to brag, but hearthpwn is a mixed pot of players and I want to emphasize that I have a pretty deep understanding of the game just so you dont write me off lol).  I'm very interested in theorycrafting my "meta breaker" deck in the fresh meta so I sincerely hope this reply sparks some discussion with you because you seem very knowledgeable about control warrior (a deck I have probably over 1k wins with) as well.  I've really got my eye on rag warrior as the deck to beat this month, i expect it will be tier 1.  

    i'll start with the biggest differences and work down to tech choices 

    Big drops: No grom vs grom (and the inclusion of deathwing).  Grom seems really weak in this list.  you arent really going for a burst finish and i feel as though he'll end up being a 4 dmg removal most of the time.  You discussed running gorehowl and in your list i think gorehowl would be stronger than grom.  In fact, im considering adding it to my list but im not sure where the cut would be for it.  While 2x slam does provide consistent acivators you almost always want to use slams for removal or tempo earlier in the game and at least one whirlwind is usually going to be saved for mosh.  I've also always been a huge fan of deathwing in control warrior and i think that he is even more powerful with a ragnaros hero power to back him up.  imagine being able to play deathwing and then topdecking a 2 mana ragnaros in addition to your normal draw every turn the rest of the game.  I expect jade druid to remain part of the meta and with the hero power, two brawls, mosh, and deathwing I would go as far as to say the matchup will become even or possibly favored (favored is probably optimistic).  He also is very strong against midrange decks that aim to control the board such as jade shaman, not to mention the zoo lists and elemental lists that will be all over the ladder.  If he doesnt end up being necesary in the meta id probably drop him for primordial drake to preserve curator consistency.  

    Primordial drake: you talked about this card and arrived at the conclusion that it is not worth running but I don't think I agree.  Four attack is low for an 8 drop of course but in terms of trading it effectively has 6 attack because of the battlecry.  Not to mention that four attack is an important damage breakpoint against midrange minions and warrior does not lack for ways to deal an extra 1 or 2 dmg from hand.  I think this will be a really strong card and be a "nail in the coffin" sort of card against aggro.  

    Curator package vs no curator package.  Its definitely going to require testing but curator feels EXTREMELY strong in this deck.  I think cycle is very important in accomplishing the quest in a reasonable amount of turns and curator tutors at least one and maybe two taunts from your deck.  It can pull direhorn hatchling (or the 6/9), primordial drake, king mosh and deathwing.  The high chance to tutor one or both of your  (almost) unconditional board clears (assuming you have a whirlwing for mosh) seems very powerful as well.  

    dirty rat vs sentry.  Realistically you dont want to be playing either of these on t2 and i think that there are more ways in which dirty rat can be good.  we only run four whirlwing effects and i dont think we generally want to be playing one of them just to mop up 3 1/1s.  dirty rat strengthens brawl more IMO because you deny them more resources even when they werent necesarily overextending into brawl.  You treat pulling quest rewards and combo pieces as negligible but I dont agree.  pulling a quest reward into a brawl is gamewinning and to use your hunter example, they will realistically be topdecking by the time they complete the quest and you have a good shot at pulling it.

    one ancient of warrior vs two.  Not sure about this one, running two could absolutely be correct but it feels weak having two 7 drops that dont also pose as threats.  I dont expect aggro to be completely rampant (where this card shines the most) and control warrior has usually won or lost vs aggro by t7.  Its important to note that a huge part of AOW's strength in druid is druid's ability to cheat it out early which warrior cannot.    

    overall these critisisms may seem pretty nit-picky but I'm really determined to create as refined of a list as possible going into the expansion.  I think your list is extremely strong and your card choices are well considered as well, so hopefully you hit me back with some counterpoints and one of us can sway the other haha.  Have a good one

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    Posted in: Ungoro Theory craft CTRL War
  • 3

    posted a message on Netherspite Historian

    This is the two drop my dragon mage has always wanted.   Maybe i'll finally be able to take it past rank 4.  

    Posted in: Netherspite Historian
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    posted a message on Reno Jackson must be in top 10 cards of deck constantly

    It's just all about matchups.  You can't build a deck to counter everything.  Although the dragon control warrior I hit legend for the first time with this season came close :P.   For instance,  my homebrew dragon Mage has over a 75% wr against zoo while messing around with it in legend.   Does that mean the decks Op? Hell no, I'd never get it to legend starting from 16.  It just means I added double cult apothecary plus chillmaw plus two doomsayers plus frost nova flame strike and deathwing and have too many wipes for them to come back from.   It gets roflstomped by miracle or midrange Shammy.  Reno has back and good matchups too.  When I play tempo Mage I seldom lose to renolock, when I play control warrior of any kind I'm very excited to get a win vs one.  If you're really seeing all control, try priest with shifting shades, that card is broken vs control warrior.  

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ramp Druid [RANK 1 LEGEND EU]

    didnt have fandral and figured his effect was irreplaceable so i put deathwing in instead for another comback/win condition.  thoughts?

    Posted in: Ramp Druid [RANK 1 LEGEND EU]
  • 2

    posted a message on [Top100][GUIDE]Hybrid Dragon Warrior

    np man.  I did actualy end up putting elise back in instead of one azure drake and kept nefarian.  managed to hit legend for the first time this month!  

    Posted in: [Top100][GUIDE]Hybrid Dragon Warrior
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    posted a message on [Top100][GUIDE]Hybrid Dragon Warrior

    Amazing deck.  I changed out Elise for Nefarian and still able to win more than 50% vs control warrior.  climbed from rank 8 to rank 4 last two days.  

    Posted in: [Top100][GUIDE]Hybrid Dragon Warrior
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