Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Elemental Shaman
- Last updated Apr 3, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 7040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/3/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
- Trump
- Pro Player
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Trump theorycrafted this deck on stream - VOD here
Trump streams regularly on Twitch - Watch here
How the fuck do we defeat Mission Rogue with this deck??
super easy i beat it every time. if you can a good opening hand just stick to board control and try stacking up jades... boom they quit.
Here is my version. i think with the ability to flood with either jades, totems, or tiny elementals from Igneous Elemental, Fire Fly it just makes sense to drop in Flametongue Totem, and Bloodlust. Trump's version might be a little to greedy, I wanted to put in Tar Creeper, but the 3 slot is just too packed and didn't help when you wanted to trade and make sure the opponent didn't have a board. This deck seems super strong and I never really had to worry about triggering my elementals. Servant of Kalimos is probably the strongest card in this deck, I never got anything that didn't help. It seems like Blazecaller is more of a win more card and is to slow. I would rather put in another Fire Fly, or Maelstrom Portal.
Here is my comment. Post your crap somewhere else
Great deck, now on a 8 winstreak at rank 6.
I have no Karazhan. Can I do anything to replace "Mealstorm Portal?"
no one cares
Trying to force Jade in is just too much. There are enough cards for a 35-card Elemental Shaman already.
It's not too much, it's stronger. You don't need 30 elementals to enable your plays and the jade cards (the weapon, the lighting and the panda in particular) are just insanely strong. It's way stronger than forcing some subpar elemental cards in there.
Tried my own version of this, might be shit
Hammer doesn't activate Elemental-Triggers... because you have to PLAY them... Just Sayin'
Still really good when your opponent can't get on the board because you keep taking down his minions with the Hammer and elemental tokens, while you play whatever you want. I believe it helps in the mirror, but I could be wrong.
Only 1 draw card? It seems ok except for no draw besides thalnos, and the discover elementals. Both of these archetypes are heavily draw dependent, and when you run out of cards your top decks will probably be atrocious.
I love how everybody who dislikes this deck gets downvoted because of the Trump lovers. Great job guys
1 mana 2/1 can't be targeted. How is that "insane"? Only mage can't target it. LOL
Because it gives you 2 elementals to combo?
My response in Air Elemental post:
"Very good card"?? What??
For Elemental synergies, you have Fire Fly (two elementals in one card, one to play when you want) & Glacial Shard (useful even in late-game!).
Cannot be target? Useful only against mage for Hero Power. For spells, it doesn't matter because it will die to EVERY weapons and aoe in the game.
You want make pressure with a one drop? Play something else, because he don't have any effect when he come to play, and when he die.
Dust it!
maelstrom and storm??? have you even played a non pirate based meta?
actually yes lol... 24k total wins including arena which atleast 8 k are shaman(never played 200 wins or losses with aggro hint, hint) thats french for don't assume every player is a aggro noob pleb... Just trying to say that yes volcano is GREAT against aggro flood decks and probably tempo variants... but with taunt warrior and hunter, maelstrom and storm is really all you need right now seeing pirate warrior will die and zoo will be hard to keep up with the new warrior... when your opponent is coining stolen goods into a turn 2 3/10 public defender 15 potential damage isn't gonna kill multiple high health minions... let alone at 5 mana... Personally from a experienced player(been here before first season Ever) I believe tempo clear and low cost value aoe are gonna easily surpass volcano... just saying considering that it will probably to say the least( it will be a slower meta than right now)...
oh and fyi... not to be mean but tbh... Jade control shaman will be good but if it isn't a control meta... or a all in aggressive meta... tempo lists and midrange lists will rule. Because yeah you could make some jades but by the time you have a 6/6 jade in jade ctrl shaman... (educated guess) your opponent will either already have a board that cannot be dealt with at that point. key word TEMPO, 2 mana 3/10 turn two BEATS your 2/3 tunnel trogg followed into your jade claws... even if you topdeck hex the amount of low mana stopping power we will see will throw jade shaman in the trash...(<-- just guessing based on what I've seen)
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