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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue
    Quote from OtB_RedBaron >>

    Lol behave yourself you self important fool

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue
    Quote from KKeegan >>
     You're such out of place, you don't even deserve the time I spent typing this.
     Yet, here you are, still looking for something to complain about, while offering nothing of constructive or critical value.
    Thank you for perfectly objectifying and exemplifying my point.
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue
    Quote from KKeegan >>
     I'd rather have another Miracle or Patron era than the aggro-fest we have had with Face Hunter, Secret Paladin and Aggro Shaman. And I don't know what you are smoking, but the meta has rarely been as toxic as it is now. Even Control Warrior is out now. Where are the control decks ?
    And I want to hear the argument "Combo decks are not interactive". Now watch Kripp's video and tell me how Aggro Shaman is interactive.
     First of all, I'll form my own opinion about the meta, thanks.  I don't need to be browbeat with yours, or force-fed the opinions of some self-important "twitch-pro".  To be fair, I respect Kripparian, but I don't like how often and how quick he hops on the misery train, purely for the edification of his viewers.  If you want to be spoon-fed your opinion by someone else, please don't run around smacking everyone else with it while you are busy flailing about.
    I remember post beta when you couldn't seriously play ladder without playing either A:) Miracle Rogue or B:) Face Hunter. You could goof around with other decks, but is you wanted to rank "seriously" That was it.  Two decks. Period.
    We're not talking about about a narrow meta either. It just took time foe people to figure out that all the creativity in the world couldn't save you from how fast each of those decks were.  as time went on, people got louder, whinier, angrier, because they got bored of only playing the same matches. Over, and Over, and Over.  Shaman may be bad, but it is nowhere near as bad as those 2 decks were.  It simply hasn't taken as long for people to realize what the "better" decks are.
    Meanwhile, there are MORE viable decks in the current meta than there were in that one.  The best decks are the best decks for a reason, but there ARE decks that stand a chance vs the best decks, if you can wipe the salt from your eyes long enough to find them.  The meta isn't more toxic because of the decks --- the meta sucks right now because there are more players in the game than before, which means the complain train just runs faster than it used to.
    Combo decks got nerfed to being fair, which is a good thing.  "Control" decks eventually got (and figured out) how good Zombie Chow, Deathlord, and Loatheb were.  Things improved and people still complained.  The complain train just wails on ... CHOO CHOO!
    The fallacy of your argument is that you acknowledge there will always be a meta with a "best deck." but since its not currently a deck you want to play, you're just going to complain about it.
    Do everyone a favor. Get of the complain train, and just play the ******* game.
    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Trade Prince Gallywix

    With the proliferation of Burglar decks all over Rogue, I couldn't help but wonder, if Trade Prince Gallywix should have been been moved to classic packs.  Goofing around with him in Wild is pretty entertaining, especially with peddler -- but it feels like a standard meta combo -- not powerful enough for wild.

    Anyone want to start a petition with me to get the prince of thieves back?

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue

    Give me basic/classic miracle rogue + flame walker, and I'll show you a Legend 1 list...  GGez

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue

    As a Rogue Player, I feel your pain.  However -- Miracle Rogue was at one point (IMO), the worst offender of all time for "unbeatable" ladder decks.  Even after numerous nerfs, the deck is still playable.  Trying to add substantial cards that without pushing rogue into its own class again has to be difficult (look what they did to Shaman).

    Meanwhile, cards like Deadly Fork, and Southsea Squidface are vastly underrated right now.  I would argue that Rogue actually has some room to be a fair and innovative deck right now.  The problem is that certain other decks are "too" dominant, and stifling other classes that have to "play fair".


    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.10 [SUBMISSION]

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 - Discussion Topic
    Quote from binza >>

    Here's my submission for this week, what do you guys think? :)


    This is a pretty slick concept.  The hero power would probably need a different name since Burgle is actually a card.  It also might need to cost more since:  it can get you more than +1 card advantage over the course of the game, Peddler interacts with Opp class cards, and rogue has access to other weapons besides hero power (minimizing the drawback of removing your hero power).

    Still, I think it is elegantly simple and could easily be something we see in the actual game.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.09 [SUBMISSION]

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    posted a message on New Rogue archtype? The Thief!
    Quote from jacklum1 >>

    I haven't seen anyone running Shadowcaster in any of the Burgle Rogue lists I've seen, but I'd recommend people give it a shot...

    I love me some Shadowcaster.  The problem is that he is completely off tempo for Rogue. If you have enough temp that you are keeping valuable minions on the field, you generally don't need another 4/4 in play and 1/1 in hand.  If you are behind... he doesn't really help you gain tempo.  This ultimately relegates him to late game, when you can cast a target AND Shadowcaster in the same turn which really doesn't have a huge impact other than giving you a cheeky 1/1 body in hand.

    Even assuming you can use him early and get a copy of Swashburglar or Undercity Huckster on turn 4.  Are you going to hold your 5 drop to try and get an extra burgle?  Just mapping it out, I almost feel as though Shadowcaster was originally an ONIK card that could target ANY minion and he got shuffled around due to design needs, and then got (adjusted) because OG wasn't conceptually designed to handle that kind of effect.

    I don't think Rogue is ready for Shadowcaster yet (in any version) and that we need more creatures like Ethereal Peddler (that can survive a turn in play), before he will really shine.  Alternately, if they made him smaller and cost him less -- or let us target enemy minions he might have a better chance.

    Posted in: Rogue
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