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    posted a message on Reroll normal card?

    I bought the path of arthas set , and recently i got Lady Deathwhisper from reward track , i was asked if i wanted to reroll the normal version to another legendary (am missing like half from current expansion) i did and it gave me a duplicate Frostmourne https://ibb.co/R67B9T8 . IS this normal.. i mean even miniset cards are part of an expension , i feel so tricked , since now if they do nerf Lady Deathwhisper im missing out on dust ,but hey atleast i got 2 froustmourn to bad were not in 2017 were the cards power level would be decent

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    Evolve Shaman dead ?? , come play on EU dia 5-1 , you will see ton of evolve shaman there ... HSreplay places it as a tier 1 deck

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    I don't agree with your statement,the card can be placed in any class and any deck , be that as aggro/midrange/control , the card itself does not limit the card pool or deck archtypes it actually increases it giving the game more diversity ,unlike baku and gen  which had start of game effects , but killed  non baku/gen decks , and limited you putting even and odd cards only , limiting your pick also to each mana slot (ex i already got to many 5 drops , need 3). Just cause a card has a unique effect and people run it dosn't make it broken needing a nerf, hence why many renethal decks still got low winrates. Back when reno was released he was also in half the decks same with ,Loatheb,Thaurisan,Justicar,Zephyrys,zilliax (this may well have deserved a nerf actually)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    :)) They were like , hmm no warrior in the last 6 months , we like it like that , no buffs for ya

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    I totally agree with you guys making him a 7 mana or 6 mana with bad stats like 4/4 would have been a decent nerf  or make it 45 card deck,this just makes the card terrible, and the deck variety that this card made in hearthstone was grate.

    Imagine if back in the day when Reno came out they decided to nerf it just cause 40% of the deck were running it.

    Don't understand why this card is getting same hate and treatmeant as Baku/Gen back in the day,cause those cards actually limited card play and deck construction , this does not ,meta deck winrates also confirm this.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

     Im still wining with my Deathrattle rouge, awesome job blizzard leaving Scourge Illusionist Unerfed

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.0.4 Patch Notes - Many Balance Changes - Arena and BG Changes Too & More

    I Don't get why you got downvoted so hard...i totally agree making him a 7 mana or 6 mana with bad stats like 4/4 would have been a decent nerf ,this just makes the card terrible , and for what? so we can have more aggro decks??

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Death Knight - Hearthstone's 11th Class - with Card List!

    Quickly edit that rule 3 out , since its BS and you will be downvoted to oblivion :))

    Even worse if  Hungry Blizzard saw it and discontinued Duplicate Protection ,since they be milking HS players lately alot 

    Posted in: Guides
  • 3

    posted a message on New Death Knight Legendary Card Revealed - Deathbringer Saurfang

    Think a little how many timed did you use Sen'jin Shieldmasta in the last 5+ years , or saw it played by an enemy. The 5 mana doing nothing just a 3/5 is a HUGE tempo killer... .Meanwhile if your opponent is an aggro deck  at 5/6 mana his playing finisher cards already [card]Imp King Rafaam[/card][card]Shady Bartender[/card] [card]Arbor Up[/card][card]Savage Roar[/card]Pride's FuryBloodlust and will just annihilate you

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Murder at Castle Nathria Launch Day - Everything You Need To Know!

    i mean they can make a quick solo adventure about it

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    posted a message on Fireside Gatherings Now Live - Enjoy Your Early Pack Openings!

    Is the pity timer of 1 leg in first 10 pack not working...Cause i got 4 epics but no leg...rly wierd ?? anybody else has this

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Is the last fight before legend rigged?
    Quote from Dinosaur69X >>

    is always same i go 5-0 6-0 and last fight is imposible to win first time

     This is because players who are rank 1 can be put vs other legend players , Now im not saying that all, but some players after reaching legend will stop playing ther deck that they climbed with (10-12 hours) and will play more enjoyable or experiment with new decks. This is what happens to me ... during D10-D2 i am playing matchups and i see the same 5-6-7 decks in repeat all over because those are the tier 1/2 deck that have a good winrate and can climb faster, but at rank 1 i see shit that i never encountered before (the unexpected) and sometimes even a T3/T4 deck can win against  me because I am thinking his pirate rouge can't be anything else , so I muligan for cards and play to counter that deck ,and bum facepalm his control dragon rouge

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Potentially coming back, how's the game doing?
    Quote from Carfusso >>

    Ok so, hi, it's been a while
    I had dropped Hearthstone for a couple of months for several reasons like:
    1) The critical mass of offensively toxic cards/decks being played, printed and even supported lately, with the announcement of the "corrupt and later discard opponent hand" card being the straw that broke the camel's back (even though I don't know how good it turned out to be, it's mere existence is an inexcusable, objective flaw of the game)
    2)University stuff
    3)Me creating the most deliciously infuriating (for the opponent) Pokémon showdown team in history
    4)Smash ultimate
    5)My computer overheating just by playing HS, forcing me to play on the phone (which I don't really like)
    6)Other random BS

    After the new expansion announcement however, I got some hype back in me (mainly thanks to the "40 health/40 cards guy" , even though adding this many cards can make games WAY longer, the fact that both players can run it in any class seems to make him ok, for now at least) but I wanted to be reassured that coming back would be a good idea so I'm asking:
    How's the meta looking? (Mainly in wild as I almost only play there, but I'm also interested in standard)
    How are we doing in terms of toxic decks/cards? A.K.A. Are there any new (or old) OTK/mill/infinite BS decks and cards that are even semi-relevant in the meta?
    One last thing: this is a question regarding ALL ranks from bronze upwards since I "paused" for more than a month I'm going to have to play my way back up so literally ANY input can be valuable as long as it's...you know...true.

    Ty to everyone that took time to respond and even to those who didn't but still read the whole thing.

     Ohoy me mate, i been absent from the game for 2 years ,just bef demon hunter launch and got back into HS this february ,just before yearly rotation so ill tell you my story it may help.

    Dunno how long you been away,for me it was a no brainer to start climbing wild since i had no standard cards except for the core set.I started of with a decent Token deck Druid, and quickly saw the imense power up that happened over the years.So after i played an opponent with Quest Hunter ,the whole card seemes busted to me so i crafed it and kept altering the deck as i climbed the ladder ending in D2. Back then at higher ranks Quest Pirate warrior/Quest Rouge/Quest Mage/Armor Druid/Mecha Druid/Mecha Lock/Quest Hunter/Combo Priest were very freqent decks, the rotation only happened mid of April so i had time to climb to legend in March/April with my Quest Hunter with bonus stars(way way WAY easyer then old ranked system) even though i don't play much like 10 hours/week.It took me 12 hours to legend, fast pace 5 min games

    After the rotation i didn't think much would change in wild so i started focusing on standard to get back into it,bought the preorder and used all my acumulated gold to buy old packs from the other 3 sets that would stay in standard.To my surprise Quest Hunter/Quest Rouge/Quest Warrior all fell out of there top position and Mech Paladin/Mech Mage/Pirate Rouge/Big Priest/Switcharo Priest/Holy control Paladin emerged .In conclusion i can say the meta is healthy,even though You have OP cards in wild, new cards  shift the meta and i can say the chance of encountering OTK decks is small but there usualy mechathun or quest mage , not the OTK/mill/infinite BS decks. In the end i settled with a Mech mage that i started altering abit to late so i didnt get to Legend in May but, was still In the D1/3 zone, then after the mini expension launched in June again there was a shift in meta,people trying new decks it was easy to get to Legend with my Mech Mage. Also started playing Standard with demon Hunter in may Getting to P2 and then in June with Murloc Shaman to D8. I can say that Standard has more variety and is more competitive so harder to rank up

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Theotar, the Mad Duke

    See another card  Steamcleaner designed against infinite/mill decks since like you mentioned lossing to gang-up infinite oracles ,or mage suffle firebal, or jade lotuses, or the warrior card that copys your hand is frustrating  (btw all of these decks have a terrible inconsistency and low winrate except for mage) ,this also targets kazakusan/prestor/togwaggle 

    Posted in: Theotar, the Mad Duke
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    posted a message on The Countess

    So if you hold onto this long enough it can activate in any deck, right ?? Decent card then

    Posted in: The Countess
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