The Countess

Card Text
Battlecry: If your deck
has no Neutral cards, add
3 Legendary Invitations
to your hand.
Flavor Text
3 Legendary Invitations, AH AH AH!
Battlecry: If your deck
has no Neutral cards, add
3 Legendary Invitations
to your hand.
3 Legendary Invitations, AH AH AH!
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Is this a gender swapped Shinnok from Mortal Kombat?
legendary invokashons are 2 cost cards that discover a legendary card form another class and chang its cost to 0.
I'm glad they buffed this to make the Legendary Invitations 1 mana cheaper because The Countess previously needed 10 mana to be played and play an invitation the same turn.
Ahh, 'racist' Paladin returns. Nice.
So if you hold onto this long enough it can activate in any deck, right ?? Decent card then