• 0

    posted a message on Need help with Pirate Warrior

    Generally the rule of thumb is if they can trade well (i.e. kill one of your minions while losing nothing), then trade if you can trade well, or trade equally if you can protect something of higher value (such as a Frothing Berserker). Otherwise don't bother trading, unless you know the class well enough to know you can get punished (such as with AoE or if they can heal their minions). You'll probably always want to kill minions with your weapons, too.

    The rule that overwrites all this is when you can "see lethal", so if you can kill them over the next 3 or so turns with your weapons plus the damage of your minions, just send everything face. Counting and trying to predict damage output in general is pretty helpful, too.

    Posted in: Warrior
  • 1

    posted a message on No pack from Tavern Brawl?

    Honestly, while people are saying the card back is pretty worthless, it's not like a single classic pack is much worth either. Unless you're a newer player it only means you'll get to use the legendary you craft with the dust something like a day or two sooner. Yes, if you don't like the card back and have no intention using it the odd amount of dust (and slight chance of something worth it) is better, but if you like the back (even if you only use it for a few months) you'll probably get a lot more enjoyment out of that than what equates to a single rare.

    (Both would be great of course too, but I don't really think it's worth worrying about or complaining for the occasional odd event like this. It's just so minor, especially in the long run.)

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 0

    posted a message on Crafting Regrets? Triumphs? What were your best and worst?

    Rhonin's probably the "worst" of the legendaries I've crafted... thought he would be incredible in tempo mage but it takes so much effort to actually get him to win you games. There also a few others such as Grommash Hellscream and N'Zoth, the Corruptor where I simply didn't end up playing the decks they were in very often.

    I'm not even counting the times I crafted something only to pull it a few packs later... so much wasted dust... I don't really regret those cards though, since it was more bad luck than bad planning, and honestly pulling a legendary I already have is about the same as pulling a bad legendary.

    Triumphs? Probably Yogg-Saron, Hope's End pre-nerf. Loved the randomness to him and I ran so many spell combo heavy decks I could put him in so many. Also Bloodmage Thalnos for pulling his weight even if I probably don't realize it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Very few MSG cards actually being used?
    Quote from ArgentumEmperio >>
    Quote from 17arkOracle >>

    I think you'd really need to compare numbers to previous expansions. I'm fairly certain (though don't know for fact) that less than half the cards are used from in any particular expansion on release, and on top of that MSG is part of the biggest card pool in Hearthstone's history. I wish they'd print a lot less filler cards though, honestly, but it's pretty clear it's the design path they're going down.

     If they didn't do that then Arena would be absolutely horrendous and get worse and worse after each expansion.
    Folks berate cards like Pompeous Thespian for a complete lack of design and understanding of their own game. Yet this card has become an exceptional 3/2 for 2 mana in Arena just because of the keyword "Taunt".
    More 'simpler' cards like Hired Gun are there to fill out curves in arena more so than it is a constructed cards. And ALL classes as well as the neautral pool of cards need these cards for every expansion. If they didn't... I don't really want to play arena when a godlike card could be something as silly as a 2/2 for 2 mana that doesn't do anything. Just because the rarity of getting a 3/2 or god forbid a 2/3 with no effect or something as godlike of a card like Flame Juggler would become at that point!
    There are constructed cards and then there's arena cards. Some cards wander the line in-between and become good or bad in both. A good example of this is Grook Fu Master; folks hate on the card but any card with Windfury provides an interesting deck construction challenge and this goes for all the Windfury cards. In addition to this in arena the card is not as horrendous as folks have made it out to be, not to say its good but it doesn't deserve the unpresidented hate it recieved making it basically rival Purify and Gadgetzan Ferryman.
    Point is this: there is no such thing as a 'filler card', they are designed with very specific intentions that exist for roughly five billion different reasons. And MSG has done mighty fine in terms of the quality of the cards printed both in constructed and arena (please note I am not saying that they printed op cards, I am saying 'quality' cards... I thought I needed to point that out since after all I am writing a comment on a Hearthpwn thread discussing what cards see play or not).
    I do agree that there are cards made for arena, and admittedly as someone who plays constructed I'm sure I've overlooked some of them. I really don't have that much of a problem with Pompous Thespian or Hired Gun, or some of the other commons and rares that give consistency to arena (such as Toxic Sewer Ooze).
    But the problem is there are just so many of them, including many which are terrible arena picks. You mentioned Grook Fu Master, but I have a really hard time seeing how it provides any interesting deck construction. You can learn pretty much how bad windfury is with Windfury Harpy alone, and the few windfury cards in the base set can teach you the weaknesses of a windfury deck as a whole. There's something to be said for throwing cards out and seeing what sticks, but Blizzard should know that Grook Fu Master isn't going to introduce windfury decks; I mean, maybe if it's stats weren't trash, but a little testing proves that they are. And even then it's not terribly interesting. It's not like it gives windfury minions health or gains stats for windfury minions or draws you a card if a minions attacks more than once a turn or anything.
    And then you have epics, which are barely even seen in arena. Cards like Magnataur Alpha, Darkspeaker, or Recruiter. Sure you might be able to say they can teach players things (although they're epics) or enable some obscure combo, but they should be at least be able to brush up against viability. Or at least do things that you can't accomplish just as easily with other cards (e.g. compare Shattered Sun Cleric and Darkspeaker). And you have some epics like Master of Ceremonies which seem like they might promote some kind of new strategy or deck type, but are just insulting with how bad they are. Like even if spell damage decks were a thing you would stay far far away from MoC.
    Really I think a huge part of it to is they just don't give so many of the cards competitive stats. Backstreet Leper might be able to see some kind of play if it had 1 more health, or maybe did a bit more damage with its effect. Shadow Rager might be better if it had a couple more attack, but as it is it's just another Jungle Panther (another example of redundancy that doesn't really add anything like Grook Fu above). Lower Mogor's Champion cost.
    I've read the article Magic: The Gathering put out awhile ago put out on bad cards, and while I can sort of understand why they (and Blizzard) do it, it still bothers me. I just have a hard time believing there need to be this many truly uninteresting and mostly nonviable cards in the game.
    (Side note: I think Purify is actually a well-designed card, it just came at a bad time. Gadgetzan Ferryman also came at a bad time, and suffers from just being Youthful Brewmaster when class cards should probably be a step up.)
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Very few MSG cards actually being used?

    I think you'd really need to compare numbers to previous expansions. I'm fairly certain (though don't know for fact) that less than half the cards are used from in any particular expansion on release, and on top of that MSG is part of the biggest card pool in Hearthstone's history. I wish they'd print a lot less filler cards though, honestly, but it's pretty clear it's the design path they're going down.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Anyone has tested Mana Geode?
    Quote from edza1800 >>
    Quote from Antiwipe >>

    Weeeeell tell that to Trump

     Stopped reading here. Rest is just nonsense. 
     There's a big Hearthstone streamer named Trump. Over the past weeks he's been showing the climb (and recently posting the videos) that he's been making with Reno Priest, and it has been doing quite well. Though he actually said in the beginning it's in part due to the sheer amount of aggro currently in legend, which Reno Priest does better with then the other Reno decks.
    Posted in: Priest
  • 2

    posted a message on Does anyone think that the new set is a bit underwhelming?

    Reno decks being controlling is honestly a good thing, different decks should play differently after all.

    I do otherwise agree with you though. I don't feel like any cool deck or archetypes really came from the expansion, and not even any like gimmicky decks I could have fun with. Jade Druid (and maybe Reno Priest?) is like, the only new deck. Even Jade Shaman is really just Mid-Range Shaman with a few different cards. Just disappointing all around.

    Tri-Class might at least have just be a test. I think it's just lacking because there are only a few Tri-Class cards anyway, and given how woven into the gang's theme they are it feels like they're kinda impossible to do experimentation with.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on General Advice Request: Classic Packs or MSoG?
    Quote from TomInKorea >>
    Quote from 17arkOracle >>

    It depends on how big your collection is. If you've just started playing (or even if you just don't have some of the core classic legendaries and epics) buy Classic, easily. If you have "most" of Classic (either core epics/legendaries, or maybe like all commons and most rares) buy MSoG. Honestly most cards in MSoG are pretty unnecessary, but of course new cards are always better than dust, so even switching back and forth may be worth it.

    (Also saving for the next expansion is a terrible idea for a newer player.)

     I have 410/723 of the Classic set, but only 7 of 74 Epics and 0 Legendaries.   I'm not planning on saving anything beyond this, I just wanted to purchase 100 cards at one time of a specific set as a self-Christmas gift.
     Yeah, definitely go with Classic then.
    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 1

    posted a message on General Advice Request: Classic Packs or MSoG?

    It depends on how big your collection is. If you've just started playing (or even if you just don't have some of the core classic legendaries and epics) buy Classic, easily. If you have "most" of Classic (either core epics/legendaries, or maybe like all commons and most rares) buy MSoG. Honestly most cards in MSoG are pretty unnecessary, but of course new cards are always better than dust, so even switching back and forth may be worth it.

    (Also saving for the next expansion is a terrible idea for a newer player.)

    Posted in: General Deck Building
  • 0

    posted a message on Please share your thoughts on this!

    It could stand to be a little more powerful.

    Keep in mind The Beast has a similar stat line, but only summons a 3/3 on death (and still never sees play).

    EDIT: And even with synergy, it just turns into an 8/8 on turn 8. Might as well run something like War Golem at that point and save yourself the combo.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on What's the most P2W CCG or TCG you've played?

    Of the digital ones:

    SolForge, easily. Every good deck required nothing but Legendaries and Epics, with multiple copies of each, and since the game was/is mostly played by veterans you WILL be matched against the people who have decks with nothing but these cards. The drop rates and crafting costs were also pretty atrocious on release. Shame too, since the game was really fun.

    Of the physical ones?

    Probably YGO (I never really played Magic). At least in the WoWTCG it was pretty cheap to buy almost any single. That said physical TCGs are kinda pay to win from the outset, since it's (more or less) impossible to play for free.

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone else feel like MSoG isn't living up to it's expectations?

    Yeah, I completely agree too.

    I feel like the only new decks are Jade Druid, and, um, Grimy Goons Paladin?

    Pirate Warrior already existed, Renolock already existed, Reno Mage kinda already existed. And the other than the gang-related decks (and like, Stealth Rogue) it feels like there just aren't any other archetypes they tried to add. I don't know if I just cared less when TGT was released, but this genuinely feels like the weakest expansion release to me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How to join Kabal?

    You end up joining all of them as you progress through the quests (3 different quests in total, with each requiring 3 wins), and afterwards while they ask which one you're going to join it just means you can go and make decks with their cards.

    (That said Jade Lotus is my favorite.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card - Raza the Chained
    Quote from knighterrant81 >>

    I think this card is a bit overhyped, and I think part of that is because Reno is being overhyped.

    Reno is only really meta-defining in one class: Warlock.  That is because Warlock has the consistent card draw to negate Reno's drawback - the massive inconsistency from a no-duplicate deck.  Reno also eliminates LIfetap's drawback.  Its a match made in heaven (hell?) really.

    Sure, you see Reno pop up in other classes, like Mage, but I wouldn't call it a core strategy for that class (like Freeze or Tempo Mage).

    And of course, Reno never sees any play in Priest because it is anti-synergy with the Hero Power and the last thing Priest needs is a reason to make their deck even MORE inconsistent and MORE dependent on iffy card draw mechanisms.

    Maybe I'm wrong.  This card has the potential to help some of the hero power and inspire cards in Priest, but I feel that Priest just doesn't have the tools to support a non-duplicate Reno strategy. I feel this card will be tried out but eventually will take its place next to Confessor and Volazhj in my collection window, looking pretty and doing nothing.

     I think Mage does so well with Reno because they have so many redundant cards. Priest though yeah struggles to get enough good cards together for one deck, much less what equates to two...
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 14

    posted a message on FAKE New Card - Thatia Truthbringer

    Guys, it's a fake.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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