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Came from Kripp's video on this card, I wonder how this would play out with new stealth synergy cards like Ashtongue Slayer, Greyheart Sage and etc. People probably don't have space for Shadow Rager though.
trophy card
Sneaky for achievments :>
The king of the ragers
Blind Rage
Bye bye, Dr 3
Not Elemental because it's a Shade, which is undead.
not elemental like magma and ice 0/10
Raging Rager
Just realized that it bears a strong resemblance to Shifting Shade.
The funniest thing is that he is good against Quest Rogue lol
When you don't have enough dust for Patient Assassin.
That's a lot of Shadow Rage, but perhaps they're useful: You play two in your deck, and the third one just lurks in the shadows, full of rage. :-)
I just got a sixth one from an arena pack today. I keep disenchanting them, but they keep coming back!
best of the rager so far
The newest ragers are:
Rogue Player Ragers
Battlecry: Destroy your keyboard
I got four, and three were in two consecutive packs.
No idea why people think this card is so bad. It's actually a REALLY good arena card because it makes your opponent's turn 4 and 5 ridiculously awkward and can force inefficient use from a board clear to remove. It's very similar to Patient Assassin, however the difference is that this can go face.
(people use Worgen Infiltrators in normal face rogue. I would run this card in face rogue. It's arguably 3 mana deal 5 face damage and force a reaction.
There's also some synergy here with the new give stealth +2 +2 guy, which you can play on curve to make him a whopping 7 3 stealth for 3 mana. Ravenhold Assassin is a 7 5 with stealth for SEVEN mana. And to the people that think that swipe is good vs shadow rager, if my opponent spent his turn 4 solely killing my 3 drop, and used a very important removal card doing so, I would be happy. That goes for all of the other board clears that kill it too.
Tl;dr: This card isn't the BEST or OP OP, but this is a pretty decent card, and a great arena card.