• 1

    posted a message on Open the way Gate is now too powerful and heres why

    I won't say Mage isn't a problem but the problem with Open the Waygate isn't Archmage Vargoth or Luna's Pocket Galaxy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Legends of Runeterra - discussion, analysis and first impressions
    Quote from Lulchina >>
    Quote from jainaishot >>
    Quote from Lulchina >>
    Quote from jainaishot >>

    -A wild thread talking about a ccg other than hs appears

    Blizzard: FANBOY i choose you!

    -Fanboy uses "AnOtHeR CoMpeTitOr LiKe Artifact LuLz"

    It's not very effective

    -Wild thread uses "ignore"

    It's not very effective

    -Fanboy uses "ThIs GaMe is P2W"

    It's not very effective

    -Wild thread uses "ignore"

    It's not very effective

    -Fanboy uses "Hs HaS BeTtEr ArT"

    It's not very effective

    -Wild thread uses "ignore"

    It's not very effective

    -Fanboy uses ******** screaming!

    It's super effective!

    Success!The thread got locked!


    Seriously though, i liked legend of runettera  quite a lot and it would be my main game if mtga didn't exist. As it is now, it's just feels a waterdown magic with some admittedly super interesting twists. The game is still in beta though so there is a vast room for improvement. 


    I understand that ****** comes naturally to you but if you don't think that a game where you can literally buy advantage over other players by buying specific cards for money isn't pay2win then I'd love to hear your reasoning.

     Oh, the butthurted fella again and tell me kind sir how isn't hs or any other card game not p2w then? P2w as argument is irrelevant when talking about card games. In fact allowing players to buy specific cards makes the game less of cash crab than forcing them to buy dosens of packs for one card.

    But go on, insult me and the others more, you have to be about the second user whose name i recall for negative reasons in the 4 years i roamed here. Your not so indirect insults are entertaining at least.

     In other card games both you and I can spend an ingame resource, gold in HS, to buy packs which give us a chance to get the cards that we need. If you spend money on them I will fall behind in the amount of cards when compared to you but at the end of the day you have as much chance of getting that Boom in your pack than I have in mine.

    Here the difference is that you can literally pay at any point for that Boom while I can't. You're getting a straight advantage over me. In old system we're more less equal, at least we have an equal chance of getting something. Here you can literally buy yourself the top deck from the moment that you get into the game and stomp the competition.

     But you absolutely can do that in Hearthstone.

    I could spend hundreds of dollars on packs, and even if I somehow don't get the one card I need I'd have more than enough dust to make it. Spend enough money and eventually my collection would be complete. And I'd still be getting all the free resources a free player gets.

    A free player would have far fewer chances to get that one card they need, and at the end of the day, not enough dust to make it.

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 3

    posted a message on Legends of Runeterra - discussion, analysis and first impressions
    Quote from Lulchina >>
    Quote from BlueberryQ >>
    Quote from Lulchina >>
    Quote from BlueberryQ >>

    My thoughts after playing for a couple of days: LoR is easy to pick up, has some interesting mechanics, and has a huge potential market in LoL.

    The game is fast, quite aggro, and ideal for quick play (on mobile, which is coming).

    The art is some of the best I have seen in DCGs (if you like that style). Each card has a "widescreen" format art, you can see the whole scene when you right click on it. 

    The split attack/defend phase is interesting. I also like the way champions level up, and some of the champion abilities are novel, such as Yasuo and Katarina. They play very differently. Even with the current small champion pool, there is a lot of deckbuilding variety. 

    Riot plans to add all the champions eventually (145), which could add incredible depth to the game (if they can balance it).

    The progression system is also fun and addictive. The devs have stated that they want it to be F2P friendly. I like the weekly rewards system, which scales depending on how much you play.

    TLDR: I would be amazed if it didn't steal some market share from HS, if it delivers on its promises (particularly the F2P economy). LoL is already a huge market, HS is nearly 5 years old, and this is the new hotness. 

     Except it is literally p2w

    How is it "pay to win"? LUL  If you think that, I doubt you are even in the beta.

    If you mean that you have the choice of grinding cards F2P, or buying cards, like every other digital CG out there, then yes. Dummy.  

     No, in LoR you can buy specific cards for real money which you can't do in every other digital CG out there. I can throw my money at the screen and buy, for example, Dr. Boom and Ragnaros that I need for my deck. In HS I can't do that. In HS I can only buy packs and hope to get those cards. In every other CG I can only buy packs and hope to get those cards.

    I can literally pay money to get specific cards that I want/need while you, a f2p player, can't do that. I can buy the best cards and the best deck with money while you, as a f2p player, can't. That is literally pay 2 win.

     Are you seriously saying it’s better to spend money on a CHANCE to get a card you want/need, versus spending money on what you want/need directly?

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Pogo Rogue

    Youthful Brewmaster is (relatively) slow and has an awful body.

    Magic Carpet might just be because there's not enough room in the deck. It's also only really good on later turns where it might not be necessary. Though also keep in mind I doubt any of the Pogo decks are perfect right now.

    (You can also edit your post if you want to edit in the card links.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Whizbang decks so bad

    Having build around legendaries is a bad idea for deck recipes. You end up with people running quest rogue without the quest.

    (It kind of sucks because Whizbang is bound to those deck recipes but doesn't really about those limitations of course, but that's what Zayle is for.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the goal for the League of EVIL?

    I've heard the theory their goal is free all the prisoners in Violet Hold and recruit them for EVIL. Makes sense, at least given that we don't know of anything else currently they'd really want in Dalaran. (Maybe the Artifacts from Legion? Are they still there?)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on First expansion that is actually releasin interesting cards?

    I think it's a hindsight thing. Tons of sets have released interesting cards that seemed balanced to people, but after a month of the set being out everyone realizes most of the cards are awful in practice.

    People hyped up Chameleos and Troggzor the Earthinator after all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Valve Admits Defeat with Artifact

    I think the guy who made this video really underestimates just how awful the gameplay of Artifact was.

    Also given how many people are F2P with Hearthstone, having a buy-in and paying for cards is a huge barrier of entry.

    Posted in: Other Games
  • 0

    posted a message on Charge is dead. Long live Rush.

    I didn't notice they had changed the text on Fluffy Boarloc, and was very confused for a moment.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Fel Reaver in Mech hunter?
    Quote from MProdigy >>
    Quote from 17arkOracle >>

    The negatives from milling yourself are irrelevant. It only matters if the game’s lasts until fatigue, which is unlikely for Mech Hunter.

    The problem with Fel Reaver is it’s slow. I think Zilliax would be better at a minimum, Enhance-O depends on how often you can hit a couple minions.

     Thanks for your opinion.  I think the idea is to play a big mionion thatvif keft unanswered will be the end of the game.  But I imagine milking yourself blows chunks.  I like the idea simply because you need brass to play this card lol.  But maybe I’ll save my dust and craft one for now and see how it performs.  

    I mean it’s not awful if you wanna try, the problem is cards rarely go unanswered in constructed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Fel Reaver in Mech hunter?

    The negatives from milling yourself are irrelevant. It only matters if the game’s lasts until fatigue, which is unlikely for Mech Hunter.

    The problem with Fel Reaver is it’s slow. I think Zilliax would be better at a minimum, Enhance-O depends on how often you can hit a couple minions.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Is it plausible to have a new minion type ?

    Stuff like Naga, Ogre, Human, Giant, etc. I think are too minor add. That said I do expect Undead at some point, and honestly I'm kind of surprised they haven't added them by now.

    Of course, "Pirate" is also a type, so I can see them possibly adding something new and different in the future, something thematically strong and standalone. I still wouldn't expect say Tauren though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What’s Whizbang’s Lore?

    Subject 9 is actually in World of Warcraft, so her Boom Labs lore is presumably pretty close to that.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Shudderwock - pupils or nah?

    This isn't a Jabberwock, it's a Shudderwock.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pessimist's Tier Guide to The Witchwood


    Quote from RevonB >>

    I think you focus too much about which cards will make it into current decks. I think it's the biggest mistake people make when evaluating new cards. If you are looking for 1 for 1 replacements then of course you will not find many.

    However, what I see is that most cards fit just right on the power curve, unlike TGT for example. Yes some cards are not "amazing" but they are not bad either. They are just right for their mana cost. And that's what the game needs to avoid powercreep.

    Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I predict that many of the "bad" cards you listed will make it into some decks.

     Yeah, honestly I think it's just really hard to predict what will and what will not make it into the meta. Existing decks you have at least some idea, but there decks like Beast Druid that just never saw the light of day.
    Tier 2 is intended mostly to be cards that don't have a deck to go into but are good (and admittedly, at this point so is Tier 2.5). I think it can be easy though to overvalue some synergies or "best of" situations. Solid cards might be good for the health of the game, but when you have things like Cubelock, Spiteful Summoner, and Call to Arms, "balanced" cards still might not see play.
    Quote from massakre >>

    The other 1-cost discover cards have never seen play because they don't kill lakey or update spellstone, just the sinergy worth it.

    Countess Ashmore is a good card by itself, but it's expensive and doesn't impact the board. If the meta goes agro as usual it won't see play.

    I see, you think that shaman will be the new razakus but I highly doubt that Blizzard would repeat the same mistake twice in a row.

    The problem with night prowler is that if you play agro you'll have a dead card in hand until you opponent resets the board and when that happens a 7/7 may not be good enough. If you play control the benefit is not good enough.

    True, but I don't know if Cubelock needs more activators (there's always Ratcatcher too). And you can tap for spellstone. I have hemmed-and-hawed making it Tier 2.
    Cubelock sort of has aggro issues, but by the time you have your taunts up Countess Ashmore can be a safe play, and it can be good against control. People have compared it to Ancient of Lore (which was almost always used to draw cards) and I don't think that's unfair. (Despite it being in Tier 1, I'm not sure I disagree with it being overrated, though.)
    Personally, I think Shudderwock is more the new (weaker) Yogg.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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