General Discussion

Talk about anything and everything hearthstone!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2 >>
by Fluxflashor
21,850 1,579,502
The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes! >>
by craptasm
7,511 667,636
The Official Hearthstone Meme Thread >>
by Scorpyon
42 37,713
XP Achievement Guide - Forged in the Barrens >>
by JustACheetah
69 67,035
Golden Kil'jaeden ? >>
by Dussco
1 175
Discussing Quasar Rogue >>
by SpaceTimeDream
9 484
How do you like the new expansion so far? >>
by Xssx
35 2,848
Why do players blame the devs when they print broken cards? >>
by kawhi1weefc
5 386
The Great Dark Beyond >>
by Avol1tion
7 928
How is that every expansion... >>
by HeilKise
28 3,606
Investment Advice (7000 Gold) >>
by yeah2see
6 904
Returning players, where to start again? >>
by xWonderkiid
16 4,620
Where is the new rewards track? >>
by Tikku82
3 658
When is Zilliax leaving? >>
by Cr1mson_Sky
21 2,915
Bots on Hearthpwn? >>
by user-22013924
14 1,842
Deck building is going to be insane this expansion >>
by StayDaffy
16 2,663
WTF just happen? >>
by TicTacTimeHS
3 1,290
Event quest error??? >>
by Moop547
4 510
Control Priest is not okay >>
by StayDaffy
23 2,334
Draenei on old cards >>
by Cybornn
4 799
Ragnaros skin stops special board interactions on your side >>
by crazyt4c0
13 1,795
Are they trying to get people to play rogue with the new rogue skin reward? >>
by Ghostwaker
6 1,004
Will most Dark Beyond decks have to run a Kil'jaedon so it doesn't get countered by other kiljaedons or 8 hands decks? >>
by StayDaffy
2 722
test >>
by user-22013924
0 84
Which Starship version looks the best? >>
by MintMurderMedia
3 607