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K&C Midrange Buffadin

  • Last updated Dec 21, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Handbuff Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 12240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/30/2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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Hello guys

After the release of the new Paladin weapon Val'anyr, Buffadin (aka Handbuff Paladin) could be possible to reach tier 1! 

The main strategy of this deck is to use your buff cards wisely, by buffing as much as possible. So how can u do that? 

Prince Keleseth: This is one of the main reasons why Buffadin was semi-popular again in KotFT. If you get this card on turn 2, you can buff your whole deck with it. Cards like Saronite Chain Gang and Doppelgangster would get a massive buff. Definitely one of the best cards in your deck.

Smuggler's Run: One of the cheapest way to buff your hand. Usually you want to keep this card in your starting hand to gain a boost at turn 4-7. Especially if you have Saronite Chain Gang in your hand, you will most of the time, catch up with the board you've lost on turn 1-3. 

Grimestreet Enforcer: This is one of the expensive buff cards. It's a 5 mana 4/4 with the effect of a Smuggler's Run, but it will be cast at the end of each turn. If this can stay alive atleast 2 turns, this cards real value could shine here. 

Val'anyr:  The new Paladin weapon that buffs this deck ;-).  It's a 4/2 weapon that buffs a random minion with 4/2. After the minion that has been buffed dies, it will reequip this weapon! So this weapon has infinite value!. The only way you could counter this, is by silencing the minion that got the buff. Since this card (and the whole expansion) isn't released yet, we don't know if Doppelgangster and Saronite Chain Gang would both have the deathrattle spread across the copies. And if it does, this card seems pretty broken if you ask me. 

Questionable cards

[replaced by Patches the Pirate] Zola the Gorgon: A weird card at glance, but you have to realise how powerfull this card is because of all the strong battlecries in this deck. I don't think there is even a bad card you can bounce in this deck. Only Stormwatcher is not an exciting card to get in your hand. 

[replaced by Wickerflame Burnbristle] Don Han'Cho: So this card has been forgotten and overshadowed by Bonemare. But I believe he could be playable again in this deck, as long as you don't lose the early game. Getting a 5/5 boost on your Doppelgangster or Saronite Chain Gang is insane. If you don't have him (or don't like him), just put in  a Cobalt Scalebane to replace this 7 drop. 


+2 Corridor Creeper: This card breaks the meta right now, with it being seen in almost every deck. I would recommend to not only put this card in your deck, but in all of your other aggro-tempo-midrange decks. it' so busted that I might receive a nerf next patch. I've chosen to get out the Grimestreet Enforcer's because they are way too weak in this meta. If u struggle to survive against aggro, I would also recommend to put in Tar Creeper's instead of some cards that costs 5+ .

+Pirate Package, Defender of Argus. The meta has been a wild ride and it's now a mix between Highlander Priests, Cubelocks and Aggro Pally's. On tier 2 we have some of the other fast-paced decks like Tempo Rogue, Tempo Mage, Aggro Druid and Zoolock (even some forms of face hunter). To counter aggro, you need other aggresive cards to deal with them. I would recommend putting in Patches the Pirate together with 2 Bloodsail Corsair to counter the early game a little bit (Righteous Protector won't stand a chance alone). So what got out? The Corpsetaker-package got removed. the package wasn't bad, but it couldn't hold up against super aggresive decks. 

If you have questions about this deck, or if you don't have all the cards, leave a comment and tell me what question you have or what minion you're missing and I'll try to find an answer for that!