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Astral druid

  • Last updated Mar 2, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Astral Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 23920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/2/2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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A fun Astral Communion deck I play in low-ranked wild sometimes. You either get astral communion early (ideally with coin + Innervate on turn 1) or, if you can't find it, ramp through other means, you should have enough tools.

Playing your big threats one after another will generally makes your opponent panic and either he starts trading in (you have an advantage there cause they rarely pack enough removal) or go all in on face in which case you play your big heals like Kun or Alex or even bash your beefy minions against their small ones then heal yourself AND your board with tree of life.

Noggenfogger is mostly there for lulz, but it can sometimes tank some otherwise unavoidable face damage.

Although Swipe is an amazing card by itself, I chose Feral Rage because gives you a turn 3 play before you would discard it with turn 4 astral communion. Also, versatily is great.

 If you dont have those late game legendaries, you can try almost any other ones, but generally I advice taunt, end-of-turn-effects, ongoing and deathrattle effects because of Barnes and Y'Shaarj. For Example, Dark ArakkoaGruulSoggoth the Slitherer but not Nefarian and Cenarius. You may even dare try The Boogeymonster! (Spoiler: nah, it still sucks). Also no Jade Idol or Prince Malchezaar because they dilute your chances of drawing the right stuff. With the amount of one-ofs you may consider Reno Jackson, but you'll have to throw away half of your ramp. I couldn't force myself to do it.

Overall pros of the deck:

Fun deck for casual wild matches;

Uses lots of cards that rarely see light of day otherwise;

If you are going to lose, you will generally know in the first 3 turns, so no time wasted, jsut concede and queue again

You dont just win, you stomp your opponent into the ground;

 Element of surprise. Noone ever expects the spanish inquisition astral communion druid


Consistency - Although you have lots of ramp tools, sometimes you cant draw them fast enough, then its GG;

Hard time against very popular jade druid if you can't find your AC on turn 1 or turn 2. Same against hyperaggro decks, although for different reasons. But then again I must say, I still won more matches against jade druid or pirate warrior then I would have expected.